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    • 1、北京语言大学21秋高级写作在线作业一答案参考1. AweaponBwholeCwaterDwonderAweaponBwholeCwaterDwonder正确答案:B解析:辅音字母W在A、C、D三个单词中读/w/;而在B项中读/h/。2. His suggestion was approved by a(n) ( ) majority in the company.A.overwhelmingB.countlessC.manyD.unlimited参考答案:A3. I should very much like to have gone to the party, but I _.A.am not invitedB.shall not be invitedC.am not being invitedD.was not invited参考答案:D4. offend 选择能代替的选项( )A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite参考答案:B5. Today _ cold.A.it makesB.it isC.it doesD.is it参考答案:B6. A: Would

      2、you like me ( ) the radio a bit? B: No, its all right. Im used to ( ) with the radio on.A.to turn up; workB.to turn down; workC.turning up; workingD.to turn down; working参考答案:D7. I can&39;t imagine _ in that remote mountain area.A.him to liveB.his livingC.he livesD.him of living参考答案:B8. This is the young man from our group, ( ) to help you with your experimentsA.whose jobB.whose job it isC.it is whose jobD.whose is the job参考答案:B9. How did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“

      3、talking leaf”?A.They arrHow did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arranged for his hunting accidentB.They thought he was crazyC.They decided to help himD.They asked him to teach them to read and write正确答案:B10. She is filial daughter and ( ) over all of her money to her parents every month.A.makesB.putsC.turnsD.gives参考答案:C11. Without your timely help, we ( ).A.would not succeedB.would succeedC.would have succeedD.would not have succeed参考答案:D12. AtimesBs

      4、killsCnewsDsuccessesAtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccesses正确答案:A解析:本题为词义选择题。A时刻、场合,B技巧,C新闻,D成功。13. Ann will leave for Spain ( ).A.next Friday in the afternoon at 5B.at 5 in the afternoon next FridayC.next Friday afternoon at 5D.at 5 next Friday afternoon参考答案:D14. I object to _ like this.A.treatingB.being treatedC.be treatedD.have been treared参考答案:B15. I have decided to visit Beijing; ( ),my wife doesnt allow me to leave the family.A.moreoverB.howeverC.thereforeD.thus参考答案:B16. He has been a valued ( ) of o

      5、ur company for many years.A.customerB.professorC.buinessmanD.client参考答案:D17. He bought four ( ) of wine.A.dozen bottlesB.dozen bottleC.dozens bottlesD.dozen of bottles参考答案:A18. This university has _ a great deal since our last visit.A.appearedB.alteredC.approachedD.admired参考答案:B19. She misinterpreted the _ of his letter and thus misunderstood his intentions.A.implicationB.feelingC.significanceD.sense参考答案:A20. Im sorry Im late. I got _ by a friend on the way here.A.put upB.hung upC.slowed downD.h

      6、eld on参考答案:B21. Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.A.no such aB.not suchC.aD.no such参考答案:D22. Which do you like _, football or ping pong?A.bestB.wellC.betterD.more参考答案:C23. Modern statesmen are often faced with _ problems _ defeated the ancient Romans.A.the same . asB.such many . asC.as . as suchD.such . as they参考答案:A24. He close a tie which would ( ) his suit.A.suitB.go withC.fitD.agree参考答案:B25. As a commander, you should not _ the soldiers to unnecessary da

      7、nger.A.expressB.explodeC.ecploitD.expose参考答案:D26. I didnt know where to send this _ letter.A.registeredB.maidC.mailD.male参考答案:A27. Children live, ( ), in a different world from adults.A.to speak soB.so to speakC.to speak nothingD.to speak of参考答案:B28. The slogan _ to remind the candidate and the staff _ the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy.A.meant . of keepingB.was meaning . to keepC.was meant . to keepD.had meant . with keeping参考答案:C29. if he is careful and serious enoughA.The

      8、reforeB.ButC.AndD.Asif he is careful and serious enoughA.ThereforeB.ButC.AndD.As正确答案:B本题考查连词的用法。该句要表达的意思是:但如果他足够小心,足够认真的话。此处与前文形成转折关系。从正反两方面说明人们怎样才能生活得好,因此只能用转折连词but。故此题选择B。30. I would like a cup of tea. -_.A.I, tooB.I did soC.Me, tooD.Me, either参考答案:C31. She felt very _ when her mother forgot her birthday. (disappoint)She felt very _ when her mother forgot her birthday. (disappoint)disappointed32. Which statement is NOT true?AMost callers are girl studentsBThere are only a fWhich statement is NOT true?AMost callers are girl studentsBThere are only a few callers every timeCThe students phones show that many parents failed in properly handling their children s problemsDThis special phone line has been in service for more than a year正确答案:BA项文章中提到有And three-q


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