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    • 1、期末易错专项01:单选题-英语六年级上册译林版(三起)1We can _ to keep our school clean. ()Athrow rubbishBsweep the floorCwalk to school2_ is a very important holiday in the US. ()AThanksgivingBChristmasCThe Spring Festival3_ our classroom tidy, we always put our school things in order. ()AKeepingBKeepCTo keep4Trees can help people _ the air clean. ()A keepsBkeepingCkeep5There isnt _ coal on Earth. We shouldnt waste energy. ()Atoo manyBtoo muchCsome6“No parking” means we shouldnt _. ()Aride in the parkBtake a busCstop ou

      2、r cars here7When you see “_” on the wall, you should keep away from the building. ()ANo litteringBNo parkingCDanger8You cant swim here. Heres a sign “No _”. ()AswimBswimingCswimming9The British invented the _. ()AtrainBcompassCaeroplane10There arent any _ or _ in my school. ()Adrinks; breadBhoney; breadCbread; drinks11Lily _ in New York last year. She _ in Beijing now. ()Awas; isBwere; areCwere; was12The children _ their lunch to the park and ate it under a tree. ()AbringBbroughtCbrings13George

      3、often _ apples on the farm when he was a little boy. ()ApickBpickedCpicks14The king walked through the city _ his new clothes. ()AwearBworeCin15_ is not a main school holiday in the UK. ()AThe summer holidayBThe Christmas holidayCThe National Day holiday16In _, sometimes men wear kilts. ()Athe USBScotlandCChina17Do you know _? ()Yes. It was the kings home.Athe Great WallBTiananmen SquareCthe Palace Museum18I can make many sentences _ “eat”. ()AonBwithCto19Im writing a letter _ my friends. ()Afor

      4、BtoCat20It is an English lesson. But Sam is _ of the window. ()Alooking forBlooking outClooking at21Where _ you just now? ()I _ in the classroom.Adid, wasBwere, wasCare, am22_ did you go to the Shanghai Museum, Tim? ()I _ there by bike.AHow; wentBHow; goCWhat; went23_ beautiful clothes! ()AWhat aBWhatCWhats24Last night, the boy didnt _ his homework. He _ TV. ()A/; watchedBdo; watchedCdo; watch25It was _ last Tuesday and it _ all day. ()Araining; rainBrainy; rainedCrainy; raining26My father often

      5、 _ us some stories when I was four years old. ()AtellsBsaysCtold27Mr. Brown used a _ to call people anywhere. ()Ae-bookBradioCmobile phone28The American cowboys usually wear _. ()AkiltBjeansCdress29My family went to Beijing and visited the _ last summer holiday. ()ABundBShanghai MuseumCSummer Palace30_ your mother use the computer? ()Yes, but she _ 10 years ago.ACould; couldntBCan; cantCCan; couldnt31My e-friend Tom is _ American cowboy. He likes wearing _ very much. ()Aan; kiltsBan; jeansCa; je

      6、ans32Bobby is looking _ the window. Hes looking _ the birds in the tree. ()Aout of; afterBfor; atCout of; at33Wow, what a _ day! Lets go to the park and have a picnic there. ()AsnowyBwindyCsunny34_ did you go to school late?()Because I was ill.AWhyBWhatCWhere35It is an English lesson. The naughty boy Ben is not listening to teacher. Hes _ the window. ()Alooking forBlooking afterClooking out of36The Chinese invented _. The British invented _. ()Athe compass; the trainBthe train; the compassCthe p

      7、lane; the train37What are you doing? ()Im _ my hands, because its time _ have lunch.Awashing; toBwashing; forCto wash; to38My uncle used the telephone only _ home and _ the office. ()Ain; inBat; inCin; at39What are you _? ()I cant _ my storybook.Alooking at; findBlooking for; findCfinding; look for40_ your brother at school yesterday? ()AWasBWereCDid41Liu Tao _ Mike _ his holiday. ()Ais asking; toBasks; forCis asking; about42Where _ you a week ago? ()I _ in Beijing.Awas; wereBwere; wasCwas; was43Now I can read newspapers _ news. ()AwithBtoCfor44Listen, Su Hai _. She _ every morning. She likes _. ()Ais singing; sing; singingBis singing; sings; singingCsing; sings; singing45Peter often _ swimming on Saturdays. But he didnt _ last Saturday. ()Ago; goBgo; wentCgoes; go46The _ invented the train and TV. ()AChineseBBritishCAmericans47_ is NOT one of the three school terms in the UK. ()AThe summer termBThe winter termCThe spring term48Mr. Green


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  • 2024届河北省邯郸市中考一模语文试题【含答案】


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  • 2024年江苏省扬州市宝应县中考一模语文试题【含答案】


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  • 【竞赛真题专区】2015年第十四届春蕾杯全国数学邀请赛试卷(三年级)


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