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    • 1、Working at home ( 2016)The cartoon shows us a typical picture of people working at home.With theInternet and modem communication technologies,working at home has become a reality for some people.They are able to connect themselves with the companies they work for by meansof modemcommunicating devices.Working at homeis becoming increasingly popular among young people.There are many reasons for people to work at home.On one hand,it is very convenient for them to make a plan about their jobs and ca

      2、rry out with the help of Internet.On the other hand,working at home can free them from the sudden changes of weather,and the rush in heavy traffic.However,there are pros and cons for people working at home.For its advantages,the working schedule becomes flexible,and people can manage their own time more efficiently and take more care of their families.The biggest problem is the loss of team spirit,which is indispensable to the success of the company in the competitive society. ( 155字)Noise Pollu

      3、tion (2015)The cartoon shows another kind of pollution for us.Besides the air pollution , noise pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem,whether in cities or countryside.With the development of machines,noise has also increased greatly in the 21th century.We live surrounded by loud planes,trucks and electric tools.TV sets and radios add up to 90 or 100 decibels,a certain unit used to measure the loudness of sound.A normal dialogue reaches 55 decibels ; a plane goes to 100,and an ord

      4、inary train,reaching the station,can be twice as loud as the loudest plane.Disco music reaches about 118.At high decibels the ear stops hearing sound,and pain starts.How terrible if things go on like this!It seems impossible to avoid all noises.But we can take measures to reduce noise.For example,many cities forbid cars pushing horn in the evening or in city centre.Planting more trees is another way to relieve the pollution since trees help absorb sound.I hope the government will take more and m

      5、ore powerful steps to reduce noise , so that people can live a peaceful life!( 174 字)精品资料Getting to Know the Society( 2014)It is necessary for college students to know the society.In school,we only obtain knowledge from books,which,sometimes,is different from real life experience.Only through practice,can we modify our ways in study in order to serve society better after graduation.Whats more,we can gain abilities in organization and management in practice.There are many ways for us to know the

      6、society.For example,we can learn a lot through watching TV,listening to the radio,reading newspapers and so on.Also we can know the society through serving it,such as being a social volunteer to offer help to the disabled.Besides the ways mentioned above,I take an active part in some social activities.For example,1 have been a private teacher in my spare time and taken a part-time job in the holiday.In this way,1 think I can better fit society in future. ( 132 字)Shopping Online ( 2013)Nowadays,w

      7、ith the development of information technology and frequent use of computers,more and more people like shopping online.Shopping online has become increasingly popular with some people,especially the young.Different people have different opinions on it.Some people think shopping online is very convenient and time-saving.They need not go out to buy things and they can pay by e-bank.Moreover,the price are lowerHowever,some other people dislike shopping online because they think it is dangerous to bu

      8、y online.Though the price,may be lower,the quality of the goods may be poorer.Sometimes they may be cheated online.As far as Fm concerned,I think every coin has two sides,and we should make full use of the convenience of shopping online and be careful enough.( 116字)The Safety of Food(2012)In recent years,there are many problems about the safety of food.Food-born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality in the general population.In myopinion,the responsibility goes fo

      9、r the most part to those illegal food producers.In order to sell more products,some food producers may even intentionally use various chemicals such as pesticides,animal drugs etc.during manufacturing and processing.To solve the problem,I think the following measures can be taken.First of all,the supervision of food production should be stepped up.Whats more,it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety regulations.After all,the Food Safety Department should educate consumers about the possible risks presented in food and the safe way of handling food.( 116字)Good Study Habits (2011)Study habits play a decisive role in the effect of learning.It is,therefore,important that we should form a good habit when we study.According to study advisers,there are some basic ways for learning well.Frequent revision,for example,is one of them.It is not a quick way of learning well,of course,however,it d


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