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北师大版 初中英语 九年级

  • 卖家[上传人]:Grow u****27800;
  • 文档编号:367469918
  • 上传时间:2023-11-08
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    • 1、教学课件北师大版 初中英语 九年级Unit 9 Lesson 27Tree Heroes1.What are trees used for?Warm-up2.Why is it important to protect trees?Trees give usOxygen and foodLots of products(paper,wood,etc.)ShelterA home for wildlifeShade and beautyLabel the paragraphs123ReadingLabel the paragraphs45What is the main idea of the text?A.Problems caused by cutting treesB.Need to plant trees in ChinaC.Work of tree heroes in ChinaD.Tree planting around the worldLabel the paragraphs123 hero1承上启下承上启下Who are some of the people behin

      2、d these huge numbers?Lets find out.why what45 hero2learn from heroes What is the main idea of the text?a Problems caused by cutting treesb Need to plant trees in Chinac Work of tree heroes in Chinad Tree planting around the world SummaryHow to determine the main idea of a passage?2.The beginning of the passage3.The ending of the passage4.The first or the last sentence of each passage1.The title of the passage1.What problems does it cause after many forests have been cut down?2.What do we need to

      3、 do to solve the problems?Read the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions1.It affects the climate,cause animals to move or die,and cause deserts to expand.2.We need to plant trees.1.Who are they?Zou Lanying,Wei Guiying and a team of helpers.2.Why do we call them heroes?Because the trees are important and they do a lot to help plant trees.Read the third and the fourth paragraphs and answer the following questions.Tree HeroesRead the third and fourth paragraphsand find out what th

      4、ey did!In Jiangxi Province,_ Zou Lianying has planted trees for almost_ years.At the age of _,she _ her cows and pigs and _ money to _ Her familys forest farm has trees covering about _ with more than_ trees.The trees are worth _RMB.She believes the forest will be _ to future generations.Read the paragraph 3 and complete the text83-year-old2064soldborrowed8,000,00012,000,000a giftopen a forest farm4km2What does she think of the things she did?She believes the forest she is planting will be a gif

      5、t to future generationsRead the paragraph 4 and complete the textNear Beijing,_ and a team of helpers have planted _ trees.They have been working at this for more than_ years._ of hills have turned green.Wei Guiying _ money to pay for seedlings.She says shes not a _ but she has _.Wei Guiyingmillions of2020 kmborrowedmillionairemillions of treesWhat does she say?She says shes not a millionaire but she has millions of trees.5.What does the writer want to tell us?The writer wants more people to tak

      6、e action to protect the environment.Read the paragraph 5 and answer the question.Do you agree that Zou Lanying and Wei Guiying are heroes?Why?Your opinionGreat,hard-working,Selfless1.cover v.覆盖;掩蔽;涉及The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.2.be worth 值得(做)的;价值;等于He thought that it must be worth billions.Its an idea that may be worth revisiting at a later date.Language points3.work at 在工作;从事于,致力于I never did a stroke of work at college.4.seedling n.秧苗,幼苗;树苗;实生苗She cut down the seedl

      7、ing with one chop.Facts are true information.They often have figures,dates or places.Opinions are what the writer thinks.They often have opinion adjectives(e.g.boring),opinion verbs(e.g.think,believe),or modals(e.g.might,may)数字数字Consolidation1.China plants more trees than the rest of the world.2.In Jiangxi Province,83-year-old Zou Lianying has been planting trees on her land for almost 20 years.3.They have also been working at this for more than 20 years.4.It hasnt been easy for her.5.If more of us can be like these tree heroes,it will certainly make life better for everyone.FFFOOAre the sentences facts or opinions?Read the passage aloud.Group workMake a presentation about tree planting in China.Imagine that you will present it at an international meetingAchievementsGood examplesDifficultiesOur beliefs1.Read the text aloud.2.Tell a story about a tree hero to your partner.Homework教学课件北师大版 初中英语 九年级非常感谢收看

      《北师大版 初中英语 九年级》由会员Grow u****27800;分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版 初中英语 九年级》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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