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    • 1、考研英语一札达县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I am very lucky because I enjoy my work very much. Im a fitness instructor at a gym near where I live. I 1 six aerobics (有氧运动) classes a week and also tell my students about 2 and nutrition. As they say, “You are what you 3 .”To be honest, I worry about the 4 that many people have today. So many people are overweight.

      2、 And why? Because they eat the 5 foods and they dont do any exercise. When you work in an office all day, I know it is difficult to find 6 to keep fit, but you 7 need to do 20 minutes a day!Its also very important to have a 8 diet, starting with breakfast in the morning. Its not a good idea to 9 breakfast although many of us just have a cup of tea or coffee. Eat as much 10 food as possible lots of fruit and vegetables and 11 not to eat too much fried food. When you dont have much time, its 12 to

      3、 get a takeaway (外卖), but it certainly isnt very good for you!One 13 that a lot of people feel less than 100% fit is that they dont drink 14 water. You need to drink two liters a day and water 15 water, not tea, coffee or sugary drinks.Keeping fit is fun. However, a lot of people think its 16 to go jogging or cycling. They just want to 17 their food. Well, of course, its fine to have cakes and ice cream, 18 not every day! I would say we like what our bodies 19 and if you eat more healthy food, o

      4、ver time, you might find yourself wanting to eat them more than anything else. Try it, I think youll be 20 !1、Adesign Bchoose Cshare Dteach2、Ataste Bcooking Chealth Dwealth3、Aeat Bwear Cspeak Dthink4、Aidea Bdiet Chabit Dgoal5、Acheap Bproper Cdelicious Dwrong6、Atime Bmoney Cspace Dcourage7、Aonly Beven Cever Dstill8、Aspecial Bpoor Csimple Dbalanced9、Amake Bmiss Cget Dorder10、Afast Bdried Cfresh Dexpensive11、Abeg Btry Cdecide Dpromise12、Asafe Bsmart Chard Deasy13、Areason Bexcuse Cresult Dopinion14、

      5、Asome Bhot Cenough Dclean15、Aincludes Bmeans Cneeds Dproduces16、Aunusual Bnatural Cboring Dinteresting17、Aenjoy Bshow Cprepare Dresearch18、Aso Bbut Cor Dand19、Alook like Brely on Care used to Dare made up of20、Amoved Bworried Ctroubled DsurprisedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A company has designed a water bottle, the Memobottle,

      6、which is ideal for the office workers bag, because its completely flat. With the same shape as a piece of paper, the Memobottle is a reusable water bottle that slides into your bag to lie next to books and laptops. The bottle, which can also be washed in a dishwasher, is designed to help reduce the number of plastic bottles in landfills(填埋).Two creative people Jesse Leeworthy and Jonathan Byrt, both 28,designed the bottle to be convenient to carry and environmentally friendly. It is made from a

      7、durable and dishwasher-friendly“green” plastic.Leeworthy and Byrt,from Australia, say more than 600 billion single-use bottles were sold globally last year. In America alone, studies show that around 1,500 single-use water bottle are consumed every secondonly 20 percent of these are recycled. And the cost of buying more and more plastic bottles adds to the pair say that bottled water costs approximately 1,400 times more than tap water.“Weve always been passionate about the environment,” said Lee

      8、worthy.“For years we have been focused on creative design that provides environmental remedy while improving social convenience. The Memobottle was designed to overcome two problems that we see in our society: our attachment to the outdoors,and our inability to fit water bottles in laptop bags.”The bottle will be available in three different sizes A5 which holds 750 ml,A4 which holds 1.25 litres and letter size which stores 1.25 litres. The product is seeking funding on Kickstarter and has alrea

      9、dy soared(飙升)past its primary goal of raising 8,310 ($13,500),reaching it in just 36 hours. Jonathan Byrt said, “The feedback weve received has been overwhelmingly positive! The emails of support and interest, and social media comments have been amazing!”The product is expected to be on the market by Christmas and will be available for global delivery.1、What is the main character of the newly-designed water bottle?AClean and easy to wash.BPractical and friendly to environment.CFlat and popular w


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