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    • 1、考研英语一福建省福州市晋安区2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I had the privilege to visit the Bridge of Forgiveness in Palawan during the time when I was on the summers team.After the long and exciting week,we had a chance to 21 the place where we were assigned(指定).We 22 the narrow hanging bridge made of two bamboos and a long rope which you can hold 23 for your life as y

      2、ou cross it. I was so afraid of 24 , especially here ,and I think most of us were not 25 to crossing so high a bridge 26 ,our team leader told us that we must cross this bridge in order to see the splendid falls that lie out on the other 27 .“As you cross this bridge,think about 28 difficult,but it is possible”.Many times in our lives we face 29 that we dont expect-broken relationships,betrayal(背叛)of a friend, etc.,and all we can do is 30 . But I noticed that life must go on, and all the burdens

      3、 must be 31 through forgiveness-forgiveness of yourself and others.I didnt understand my cousin 32 she told me I should 33 all those unfriendly guys with 34 . But as I grow older,I realize that lying in the past 35 and guilt will not serve me well.Once I forgave serious 36 ,I noticed that I couldnt forget them but every time I remembered them, I 37 . There aer no more pains brought just by the thought of them.After all,life is good 38 all the hardships pains and difficulties,life teaches me to b

      4、e 39 in facing and adversity(逆境)while at the same time it makes me 40 to those who suffer, If somebody does something terrible to me,I have to think back the bridge of forgiveness-difficult but possible.1、AadmireBrecognizeCexploreDexpose2、Acame uponBset asideCbuilt upDbroke down3、AconvenientlyBdelightedlyCtightlyDrelaxingly4、AdistanceBheightsCdangersDlengths5、AdevotedBlimitedCopposedDaccustomed6、AHoweverBThereforeCOtherwiseDAnyway7、AsideBhandCwayDdirection8、AhappinessBsorrowCforgivenessDentertai

      5、nment9、AstrangersBenvironmentsCceremoniesDsituations10、AhopeBfightCforgetDsigh11、AstoppedBunloadedCaddedDcharged12、AwhenBuntilCunlessDbefore13、AignoreBteaseCtreatDvalue14、ApatienceBkindnessCcourageDviolence15、AmattersBhurtsCcountsDchanges16、AdisadvantagesBbehaviorCfriendsDoffences17、AachedBsufferedCsmiledDregretted18、AApart fromBRather thanCInstead ofDRegardless of19、AstrongBaggressiveCinspiredDaware20、AconsiderateBmercifulCgratefulDsincereSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read th

      6、e following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I remember my childhood summers fondly, as many of us do. Those golden days in which I would leave the house after a still sleepy, leisurely breakfast and come home only for lunch in the middle of a day spent entirely outdoors. We did not live in town and, thus, playmates were limited to siblings (兄弟姐妹) and the cousins who lived down the road.Our backyard

      7、 became the playground in which our imaginations would run wildturning those few acres into magical forests, the creek (小溪) into a violent river and our trusty dog, Rex, into the many roles of horse, monster and any other creature that we children did not want to play. By the end of the three months of summer break we were sunburned from our hours in the sun, full of the memories of a thousand magical moments and bonded to our siblings in a way that winters forced hibernation (冬眠) never seemed t

      8、o connect us.Today, I live on the same acreage that I did as a child. My children have the blessing of having the same grassy patches to scratch their bare feet as they run through it, the same creek to stomp(跺脚)through, and not the same dogbut their very own energetic pup to imagine away the days with.However, this is not the same world as it was twenty, thirty years ago. There are screens everywhere in the house to demand attentiontelevisions with hundreds of channels, computers with access to

      9、 a thousand entertaining sites, tablets stocked with apps. There is also no longer the expectation of a stretch of an unscheduled three months. Their school friends tell competitive stories of carefully planned vacations, spending time traveling to all of the local attractionsvarious parks, the zoo, the science center, all of the festivals which come breezing through town. On the very first day of school they will be asked to list their favorite activities of the summer and no longer are these lists filled with things like finding wood to make a bridge over a creek or a day spent in imaginative play with their siblings. The lists are now full of trips, overscheduled days and “camps” that no longer offer a stay in nature


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