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    • 1、考研英语一永宁县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)More than three decades ago, I was a student at a high school in Southern California. The student body of 3,200 was a melting pot of ethnic groups. The environment was 1 .One day I was walking down the side walk when someone kicked me from behind. Turning 2 , I discovered the local gang. Fists came from every 3 as the

      2、15 gang members surrounded me. 4 I had to have an operation. My doctor told me that if I had been hit in the head 5 , I probably would have died.After I 6 , some friends said, “Lets get these guys!” That was the way 7 were “resolved”. A part of me said, “Yes!” But another part of me 8 and said no. History has proved time and again that revenge only 9 the conflict. We needed to do something different to break the counter-productive(适得其反的) chain of 10 .Working with various ethnic groups, we 11 wha

      3、t we called a “Brotherhood Committee” to work on improving 12 relationships. I was amazed to learn how much 13 fellow students had in building a brighter future.Two years later, I 14 Student Body President. Even though I ran against two friends, one a football hero and the other a popular “big man of the campus”, a significant majority of the 3,200 students joined me in the 15 of doing things differently. We made significant progress in building bridges between 16 , learning how to talk with and

      4、 17 different ethnic groups, resolving differences without 18 and learning how to build trust in the most difficult of circumstances.Being stacked by the gang was clearly one of my toughest life moments. What I learned, 19 , about responding with love rather than returning hate has been a 20 force in my life. Turning up our light in the presence of those whose light is dim(昏暗的)becomes thedifference that makes the difference.1、Aclear Btough Cprotective Ddirty2、Aaround Bon Cinto Dout3、Ameans Bsitu

      5、ation CApproach Ddirection4、AGradually BRegularly CEventually DFrequently5、Aover time Bone more time Cahead of time Din no time6、Atreated Brecovered Csuffered Dcalmed7、Aconditions Batmospheres Cfantasies Dproblems8、Apaused Bagreed Cstarted Dproceeded9、Aremains Bfinishes Ccontinues Dproves10、Aaccidents Bitems Cevents Dscenes11、Aput together Bput aside Cput back Dput down12、Apolitical Bracial Ccivil Dnational13、Asympathy Bknowledge CHonor Dinterest14、Avoted for Bran for Cfought for Dcalled for15、A

      6、need Bdanger Cprocess Dway16、Acultures Bschools Cbanks Dranks17、Abelong to Blead to Crelate to Ddevote to18、Aagreement BDemonstration Cjustice Dviolence19、Ahence Bhowever Cmoreover Dthen20、Apowerful Bpeaceful Ccareful DthoughtfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When I was a boy there were no smartphones, and our television only got

      7、one channel clearly.Still, I was never bored.The fields, hills, and woodlands around my home were the perfect playground.I can remember once hiking to a nearby lake.At the backside of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before.It was full of muddy tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides, but exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure.I walked on and on for hours.I was sure my guardian angel was whispering in my ear “Turn around and head back home”, but I w

      8、as stubborn, so I walked on.There was still neither a car nor a house in sight.I noticed that the sun was starting to go down and I grew scared.I didnt want to end up trapped on this road, and I was worried that it would be dark before I could make my way back to the lake again.I continued to walk on with something growing inside of me.My heart was pounding and my legs were aching.I was almost in tears when I turned one last curve and saw something in the distance.It was a house that I recognize

      9、d.I jumped up and down and laughed out loud.It was still over a mile away but my legs felt like feathers and I hurried back to my house in no time.I walked in with a big smile on my face just in time for dinner.I remembered this recently when I saw a sign that said “All roads lead home”It is true.In life, all roads, no matter how they twist and turn, can lead us home again.What is important, though, is how we travel them.Are we going to go forth in fear or are we going to go forth in faith? Are we going to make this life a terrible trip or are we go


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