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    • 1、考研英语一碌曲县2023年考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)“Its time to wake up, Emily,” my mom sings from the kitchen. I 1 to open my eyes. Why didnt the alarm on my cellphone go off?Soon, I realize today is the day for my 2 : “A day without technology.”I didnt realize what I had gotten myself into until I was driving to school in my car in 3 . No radio broadcasting my favor

      2、ite songs. I had to sing to myself.As soon as I got to school, I went to the library to print out my English project . “Uh-oh,” I thought. “This isnt allowed. ”The school day went on and I finally grew 4 the rule. This wasnt so 5 ! I could do this every day.I drove home after school, and my 6 eventually went into afterschool mode, 7 on what I would eat for supper and who would be voted off American Idol later that night. The 8 thing I knew, I was chatting with my friends on Facebook, checking em

      3、ail and watching a video on YouTube, all at the same time!My mom walked in and her jaw dropped.“What happened to no 9 ?” She asked me. I froze for the second time that day and forced myself to go back to reality. I had 10 .This experiment, which many teenagers would never have the courage to attempt, was actually 11 to me. Even though my attempt at going about my day without technology was a failure, I realized that if I really tried, I would be completely 12 without my addiction to technology.H

      4、ey, we may even find we like talking to our families instead of watching TV. We might 13 a bicycle ride or a walk to the park instead of looking at pages and pages of Facebook pictures.These devices certainly make my life easier, and I definitely wouldnt 14 getting rid of them altogether, but I do believe the lives of todays teenagers would be obviously 15 without our technology dependence. 1、Atry Bpretend Crefuse Ddecide2、Aexpectation Bexploration Cexperience Dexperiment3、Adoubt Bsilence Csurpr

      5、ise Dexcitement4、Ainterested in Bannoyed with Cimpatient with Dused to5、Ahard Beasy Cstrange Dcomfortable6、Arule Bplan Cmind Drole7、Aagreeing Bconcentrating Ccounting Ddepending8、Aone Bfirst Clast Dnext9、Ahomework Bcontrol Cpressure Dtechnology10、Aimproved Bstarted Cfailed Dfinished11、Aavailable Bconvenient Cbeneficial Davoidable12、Afine Bterrible Ccreative Dsuccessful13、Aquit Benjoy Chate Dregret14、Asuggest Bmind Cpractice Dprevent15、Aboring Bcomplicated Cdifficult DdifferentSection II Reading

      6、ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Most of us struggle through the time it takes to get a cup of coffee to our lips once our alarms go off. Luckily, this coffee-brewing alarm clock could make those few struggling minutes practically disappear.An alarm clock that brews a fresh pot of coffee as soon as you wake up actually exists, and you can buy it righ

      7、t now. Thanks to the Barisieur, your morning time will never be the same.Heres how it works: Before you go to bed, fill the glass container with water and pour ground coffee into the filter (过滤器). Not a black coffee drinker?Not to worry - special drawers keep your cream cold and store your sugar, too.Then, just set your alarm and go to sleep. This machine will take care of the rest.A few minutes before your alarm goes off next morning, the Barisieur will begin to brew your coffee. And voila! A h

      8、ot cup of coffee is waiting for you when your alarm rings and you open your eyes. You wont even have to leave your bed.London designer Joshua Renouf designed this invention himself, raising over $500,000 through donations on IndieGoGo. Coffee lovers should act fast and put in a pre-order on the website now, paying just $300. Otherwise, you have to wait until it hits stores and pay $420.Owning one of these clocks will be totally worth it. Nothing says “seize the day” quite like waking up to a pot

      9、 of freshly brewed coffee, after all. Also, the machine isnt limited to making coffee only in the morning. You can go out and return home with a hot cup of coffee waiting for you.1、Why does the author mention the struggle?ATo show making coffee is challenging.BTo show coffee can make us feel better.CTo show the coffee-brewing alarm clock is great.DTo show it is difficult to get up early in the morning.2、What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AThe Barisieur.BThe morning time.CA hot cup of coffee.DThe glass container.3、Whats the benefit of pre-ordering the clock on the


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