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    • 1、考研英语一正安县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A U.S man found 300 letters to God floating in the Atlantic Ocean last week. He said on Friday he would 1 them to a church instead of selling them on eBay following protests from religious people.The letters , sent to a late Baptist clergyman (牧师), were2 put in a sealed plastic shopping bag near a 3 in Atlantic, New J

      2、ersey.Bill Lacovara, an insurance adjuster from Ventnor, New Jersey, said he got the bag while on a fishing trip last week.The letters were 4 to the clergyman, who died in 2004. Someone cleaning his house may have 5 the bag, which Lacovara found about 100 miles (160km) from Coopers house.They include one from a teenage girl asking God to 6 her for her wrongdoing, one from a prisoner who said he was 7 and someone had set a trap for him, and 8 from a man who wanted Gods help winning the lottery, a

      3、ccording to media reports.Lavovara said he could have 9 them on eBay for up to $15,000(7,889 pounds) according to his prediction of the compete price and would have given the money to charity. But he has changed his mind because he said the move caused 10 to some religious people.“They said they were 11 in me, and I didnt want to do something thats going to create 12 results.” he told Reuters.Some 13 him to burn the letters, throw them back in the ocean or give them to a church, Lacovara said.La

      4、covara said about a dozen clergymen have offered to take the letters, and he is evaluating the 14 to make sure the letters dont fall into the 15 hands.1.Adonate Bshow Csell Dowe2.Ahurriedly Bprivately Cmysteriously Doccasionally3.Ariver Blake Chill Dbeach4.Ataken Boffered Caddressed Dgiven5.Acollected Bthrown Copened Ddestroyed6.Aforgive Bpunish Cadjust Dcharge7.Afriendly Bcorrect Cinnocent Denergetic8.Aothers Banother Cthe other Done9.Aauctioned Bbought Cdonated Ddiscounted 10.Adamage Boffence

      5、Cinjury Dworry11.Aabsorbed Binvolved Cinterested Ddisappointed12.Afinal Bdirect Csame Dbad13.Aforced Burged Cquestioned Dpleased14.Arequests Borders Ccommands Dinvitations15.Awrong Bpoor Ctight DfirmSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Gorilla Study Reveals New ConnectionHumans and gorillas (大猩猩) shared evolution for 23 million years. T

      6、heir paths separated only six million years ago. Research on how gorillas communicate can help us understand human language development. Understanding how the brain works helps us see a connection between language development and non-verbal signs. These signs or movements include things like the way we move our hands or bodies or the different expressions our faces have in different social situations. A new study on gorillas revealed that right-handedness- preferring to use the right hand instea

      7、d of the left hand for most physical activities-may have a connection with communication.Two cameras were used to film all of one apes movements. One of the first results was that gorillas use their right hands more when they are doing actions with their heads or mouths at the same time. This shows that there is a connection between how our brains work and the reason we use one side of our body more than the other. In addition, we can use the results of the study and our knowledge about brains t

      8、o help us understand more about how language first developed in humans.Dr Forrester, who did the study, says the results can be useful in other ways, such as understanding language development in children. For example, some children have a serious illness called “autism” which can stop them communicating normally with people. It might be possible to use the same study method to find out which children have this illness when they are very young. Doctors will then be able to start treatment early.1、When did the evolution of gorillas and humans separate?AMore than 5 million years ago. B7 million years ago.C23 million. DIts not known.2、Right-handedness in apes may have a connection with _.Aintelligence BcommunicationCsocial success Dconvenience3、The research team used _ to help to find the result.Avideo recording BphotographsCvoice


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