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    • 1、考研英语一江口县2023年深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The first review I ever got for my writing happened in the middle of the night. I was a young adolescent 1 the pains of being a teenager. I knew too I had been a(n) 2 many times to both my mom and my dad. One day, however, I realized just how much 3 my parents had put on me during this time and in fact for my whole li

      2、fe. I was too 4 to tell them how much I 5 their care, face to face. So earlier that evening I had poured my 6 into a letter and placed it where I knew they would 7 find it. Then I went to bed.Hours later my parents burst into my room, 8 me awake and hugged me. I was in 9 . I didnt know what was going on until I saw the 10 in my moms hand. It was one of the few times I could ever remember seeing 11 in my dads eyes. I didnt know what to say as I saw the love and joy 12 their faces. I just hugged t

      3、hem back and blinked my 13 eyes as they held me. My simple note had 14 them in ways that I couldnt then understand. All I knew was that it had made them 15 and that was enough.I still carry that 16 in a special place in my heart. It 17 me again and again of the 18 of a single act of love. No writing review I have ever gotten has meant as much as that first one did. It put me on a path that I am still 19 today. It showed me that in this life the only thing that truly 20 is love.1、Aresulting in Bg

      4、oing through Crecovering from Dcaring about2、Acredit Bhonor Ccomfort Dpain3、Alove Bexpectation Cvalue Dhope4、Astubborn Bcareless Cshy Dcautious5、Aowed Bappreciated Cimpressed Dentertained6、Aheart Bcomplaint Cargument Didea7、Aluckily Bsecretly Ceventually Dmagically8、Afound Bkept Cleft Dshook9、Asilence Bshock Cdanger Dtrouble10、Aletter Bgifts Cclothes Dmedicine11、Adoubts Bdisappoints Csurprises Dtears12、Aon Babove Camong Dwith13、Acurious Bsleepy Cangry Ddull14、Ainfluenced Bworried Ctouched Dconfu

      5、sed15、Ahappy Bproud Cnervous Dafraid16、Apity Bburden Cregret Dmemory17、Aapproves Bwarns Creminds Dinforms18、Apower Bmeaning Csymbol Dloss19、Aclearing Btraveling Copening Dpainting20、Asurvives Breacts Cexists DmattersSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When you search Google or use Amazon, you might assume the results you see are the sa

      6、me as those viewed by your friends, family and other Internet users. But youd be wrong. Websites and social networks track your location and search history and make assumptions about your age, race, sex and political views. They then show ads they believe to be the most relevant, in order to maximize clicks, but personalize which results you see by eliminating what they think is irrelevant.This is sold to the public as positive, making each web session relevant and interesting, yet it is leading

      7、 researchers to fear this could widen divides between the North and South, rich and poor, and young and old. For example, in terms of wealth, if users are only ever shown particular products and job advertisements based on how much they earn or where they live, these users will never be given the opportunities to increase their wealth, or how much they spend on items.Princeton University has created bots(自动程序), each with their own fake profiles. These bots have different fake ages and sexes, ear

      8、n different levels of money, are virtually(虚拟地) based in various locations around the world and have different interests. By using these bots to scan and research the web, the researchers hope to create a picture of not only what each of them sees, but also what sites they are missing out on.According to lead researcher, Arvind Narayanan, “Our goal is a web privacy census(普查)which will be a comprehensive map of who are collecting what information, what they are inferring from it, and who they ar

      9、e sharing it with. It is an important step in our final goal of figuring out how users are treated based on that information.”Personalization also has its benefits. Shopping sites such as Amazon and eBay can scan a users search and purchase history to offer suggestions. This can help find similar, cheaper items or items that are more suited to their needs at a glance. Its also possible to disable personalized ads and results. Googles search engine lets you switch off personalization, for example.Researchers from the Universitat Po


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