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    • 1、考研英语一江苏省南京市高淳县2023年考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Driving to a store after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing near the store holding a sign that said, “Will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I was going into the store and 36 him something to eat. As I 37 the car park, I saw in my car mirror a lady come out from a hairdressers and 38 the man. I

      2、thought she must be going to give him some 39 or something to help him out. In the store I was 40 to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside. I hurried out to my car and 41 that I was going to be able to hopefully help this man.When I drove out of the car park, I couldnt see the 42 . As I turned the corner I saw the man sitting in a 43 area away from the hairdressers and still 44 up the sign. I immediately 45 over and gave the man the

      3、dinner and soda and said, “ 46 this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said, “Thank you so much!”As I got back into my car, I looked in the 47 and saw the man swallowing the dinner as if he hadnt eaten for days.I was so 48 that I was able to help him and at the same time I was so sad that the woman from the hairdressers, 49 , had asked the man to 50 from her shop. Its sad to say that 51 I live in a small city where homeless is not as 52 as in larger cities, people are uncomfortable

      4、 with these people in 53 . All they need to do is lend a helping hand 54 and it could make a huge 55 in their lives.1、AcookBbuyCpayDserve2、Aturned intoBgot overCcalled atDpointed out3、AinterviewBcomfortCblameDapproach4、AexampleBspaceCmoneyDcomfort5、ApreparingBhurryingChesitatingDplanning6、AexplainedBwonderedCagreedDfelt 7、AmanBfoodCladyDsign8、AdifferentBstrangeCfamousDcomfortable9、AmakingBholding CtakingDbuilding10、AturnedBthoughtCpulledDlooked11、AHopefullyBFinallyCLuckilyDNaturally12、AstoreBmir

      5、rorCsquare Dcrowd13、ApopularBanxiousCpleasedDpatient14、AimmediatelyBobviouslyCcarefullyDnervously15、AstopBsufferCmoveDchange16、AwhetherBbecauseCthoughDunless17、ApoorBvisibleCselfishDhappy18、AdangerBactionCneedDmoment19、Aat timesB at the timeCat one timeDat a time20、AdifferenceBmistakeCdecisionDlivingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1

      6、After nearly half a century behind the wheel, Hisao Matsumoto, 85, is not ready to stop driving. “Im not that old yet,” he says. “I still have 15 more years to go till I reach 100.” Mr. Matsumoto is one of more than 5 million drivers aged 75 or older. A million more will be on the roads by 2021. Worried, the police are trying to persuade many of them out of driving, because over-75s are twice as likely to cause a fatal accident as younger drivers, according to the National Police Agency (NPA).Ne

      7、arly half of older drivers who caused fatal accidents had signs of cognitive impairment (认知障碍). Hundreds of older drivers turn the wrong way into motor ways every year. In January an 85-year-old man steered his vehicle into oncoming traffic on a country road, hitting a car and two schoolgirls. Police believe he mistook the accelerator for the brake. The mans family said he had rejected their requests to hand over his keys many times.Such stubbornness is common, notes Kazunori Iwakoshi, who heads

      8、 an NGO that supports elderly drivers. Many drivers argue that they have never had an accident and it is unfair to do that, so they resent themselves being cast aside.Since last March over-75s renewing their licenses must take cognitive tests to screen for dementia (老年痴呆). The NPA expects these changes to take 15,000 drivers off the road each year. Last year more than 250,000 over-75s gave up their licenses after their families constant stream of persuasion, says Mr. Iwakoshi. His organization p

      9、ublishes a check list for elderly drivers, aimed at getting them to assess their responses themselves.Mr. Matsumoto is lucky. His city gives pensioners unlimited access to public transport. However, thousands of elderly people are stuck in rural communities with no buses.1、Why do the police try to persuade elderly drivers to stop driving?ATo encourage younger drivers to drive safely.BTo reduce the number of deadly accidents.CTo introduce the National Police Agency.DTo stress the significance of safe driving.2、Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “resent” in paragraph 3?


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