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美国纽约(DMV) 共享道路问题驾照考试知识模拟测试真题(英文版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:云***
  • 文档编号:358800985
  • 上传时间:2023-08-28
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1.A bicyclist differs from a motorist in that he is not required toA.Obey the same traffic laws.B.Signal all turns.C.Report accidents resulting in serious injury.D.Insure the bicycle.Explanation:Bicyclists/in-line skaters must Ride in a bicycle lane, if a usable one is available. Signal turn, lane change and stop using hand signals. Any bicycle crash that results in death or serious injury must be reported to DMV within 10 days of the incident.2.A motorist should know that a bicyclist operating

      2、on a roadway mustA.Ride on the right side of the road.B.Ride on the side of the road facing traffic.C.Ride on either side of the road.D.Ride on the side of the road with the least traffic.Explanation:Bicyclists must ride in a bicycle lane, where there is none, the bicyclist must ride near the right curb or edge of the road, or on a usable right shoulder of the road, to avoid undue interference with other traffic.3.At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:A.Stop, li

      3、sten, and proceed cautiously.B.Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming.C.Slowly pass vehicles that seem to be stopped for no reason.4.Motorists should be aware that all bicycles used after dark must haveA.Reflective handlebar grips.B.Front headlight and red taillight.C.White reflectors on the front and rear fenders.D.Brake lights.Explanation:A bicycle used at night must have a headlight visible from at least 500 feet (150 m) ahead and a red taillight visible from at least 300 fee

      4、t (90 m) behind. One of these lights must also be visible from at least 200 feet (60 m) away on each side.5.A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. You should:A.Stop, then proceed when you think all of the children have exited the bus.B.Slow to 25 MPH and pass cautiously.C.Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.6.When you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights, you must:A.Slow down and keep moving in your laneB.Keep driving in your laneC.Pull to th

      5、e curb and stopD.Stop exactly where you are7.If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:A.Sit in your car and wait for helpB.Use your four-way flashers to warn other driversC.Sound your horn at passing motoristsD.Flash your headlights at oncoming traffic8.When driving through a work zone, it is a good safety practice to:A.Drive close to the vehicle in front of you to keep traffic flowing freelyB.Shorten your usual following distance - by about halfC.Turn on your cruise controlD.Lengthen yo

      6、ur usual following distance - by double9.Taking drugs along with alcohol:A.Increases the risk of causing a crashB.Is no more dangerous than alcohol by itselfC.Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to driveD.Has no effect on your general driving ability10.Crashes in work zones are most commonly the result of:A.Tire blow-outsB.Hydroplaning because of water sprayed on the roadwayC.Loss of steering control after driving over wet paintD.Carelessness and speeding11.A blind person legally has t

      7、he right-of-way when crossing the street when he isA.Wearing light-colored clothing.B.Led by a guide dog, or using a white or metallic cane.C.Helped by another person.D.Wearing dark-colored glasses.Explanation:There is a special right-of-way law for blind pedestrians crossing the road with a guide dog or a white or metallic cane. You must always give them the right-of-way, even if the traffic signals or other right-of-way rules are not in their favor.12._ limit(s) your concentration, perception,

      8、 judgment, and memory.A.Only a blood alcohol level greater than the legal limitB.Alcohol does notC.Even the smallest amount of alcoholD.Only a blood alcohol level greater than .0513.When can you drive in a bike lane?A.During rush hour traffic if there are no bicyclists in the bike lane.B.When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right.C.When you want to pass a driver ahead of you who is turning right.14.You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a

      9、large truck. You should drive:A.Closely behind the truck in bad weather because the driver can see farther ahead.B.Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle.C.No more than one car length behind the truck so the driver can see you.15.What does a slow moving vehicle emblem look likeA.A square red sign.B.A round green sign.C.A diamond-shaped yellow sign.D.A triangular orange sign.Explanation:The slow moving vehicle emblem, a fluorescent or reflective orange triangle, must be displayed on the rear of vehicles drawn by animals, and most farm vehicles and construction equipment. Use caution when approaching or passing slow moving vehicle.16.There is no crosswalk and you see

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