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    • 1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读毕业生的烦恼 Schumpeter Angst for the educated 毕业生的苦恼 A university degree no longer confers financialsecurity 高校学位不再供应经济担保 MILLIONS of school-leavers in the rich world areabout to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new life at university. 成千上万的毕业生着即将泪别父母开头高校生活。 Some are inspired by a pure love of learning. 他们中的有些是被纯粹的求知欲驱使。 But most also believe that spending three or four years at universityand accumulating hugedebts in the processwill boost their chances of

      2、landing a well-paid and secure job. 但是更多人认为正确而不怀疑读三四年高校将会有助于他们觅得高收入、稳定的工作。与此同时,求学期间会大量负债。 Their elders have always told them that education is the best way to equip themselves tothrive in a globalised world. 他们的学长总是告知他们:接受训练是使自己在全球化的世界里立于不败之地的最好方法。 Blue-collar workers will see their jobs offshored and automated, the familiar argumentgoes. 蓝领工人将会看到他们的岗位被迁移海外以及被自动化代替,类似的论点层出不穷。 School dropouts will have to cope with a life of cash-strapped insecurity. 辍学者将要过着经济困难的担心定生活。 But the graduate elite will

      3、 have theworld at its feet. 但是毕业生中的佼佼者把握着主动。 There is some evidence to support this view. 一些证据支持着这种看法。 A recent study from Georgetown University s Centre on Education and the Workforce arguesthat obtaining a post-secondary credential is almost always worth it. 乔治敦高校训练和劳动力中心最近的一项讨论表明获得高等训练证明总是物有所值。 Educational qualifications are tightly correlated with earnings: 学历与薪酬紧密的联系在一起: an American with a professional degree can expect to pocket $3.6m over a lifetime; 在美国,获得专业学位的劳工职业生涯总预期薪酬为360万; one with

      4、merely a high-school diploma can expect only $1.3m. 仅获得高中文凭的劳工职业生涯的总预期薪酬为130万。 The gap between more- and less-educated earners may be widening. 这种收入差距还在加大。 A study in 20xx found that someone with a bachelor s degree could expect to earn 75% moreover a lifetime than someone with only a high-school diploma. Today the premium is evenhigher. Schumpeter Angst for the educated 毕业生的苦恼 A university degree no longer confers financialsecurity 高校学位不再供应经济担保 MILLIONS of school-leavers in the rich world areab

      5、out to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new life at university. 成千上万的毕业生着即将泪别父母开头高校生活。 Some are inspired by a pure love of learning. 他们中的有些是被纯粹的求知欲驱使。 But most also believe that spending three or four years at universityand accumulating hugedebts in the processwill boost their chances of landing a well-paid and secure job. 但是更多人认为正确而不怀疑读三四年高校将会有助于他们觅得高收入、稳定的工作。与此同时,求学期间会大量负债。 Their elders have always told them that education is the best way to equip themselves tothrive in a glo

      6、balised world. 他们的学长总是告知他们:接受训练是使自己在全球化的世界里立于不败之地的最好方法。 Blue-collar workers will see their jobs offshored and automated, the familiar argumentgoes. 蓝领工人将会看到他们的岗位被迁移海外以及被自动化代替,类似的论点层出不穷。 20xx年的一项关于劳工职业生涯中获得的总薪酬讨论表明:获得学士学位的将比获得高中学历高出75%。如今,奖金甚至更高。 But is the past a reliable guide to the future? 但是能照搬阅历吗? Or are we at the beginning of a new phase in the relationship between jobs and education? 亦或说我们处于职业与学历关系的新阶段吗? There are good reasons for thinking that old patterns are about to changeand that the

      7、current recession-driven downturn in the demand for Western graduates will morph intosomething structural. 有充分的理由让人们认为正确而不怀疑旧模式即将转变:现今经济不景气导致的对西方毕业生需求的削减将会演化为结构之变。 The gale of creative destruction that has shaken so many blue-collar workers over thepast few decades is beginning to shake the cognitive elite as well. 过去数十年来,缔造性毁灭之潮使得众多蓝领为之苦恼,如今,它开头开头席卷认知精英界。 The supply of university graduates is increasing rapidly. 毕业生数量逐年递增。 The Chronicle of Higher Education calculates that between 1990 and 20xx the number ofstudents going to university increased by 22% in North America, 74% in Europe, 144% inLatin America and 203% in Asia. 5 / 5


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