安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:窝***
  • 文档编号:206748486
  • 上传时间:2021-11-01
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、新题1 主题:ATIS、PREFLIGHT PREPARATION、CHECKLIST1. Could you tell me something about ATIS?ATIS stands for automatic terminal information service. It is updated at least once an hour, and in alphabetic sequence, such as ABC. If the weather changes in airport, it is updated more often.2. What information is included?It includes very useful information, such as visibility, wind, dew point, temperature, runway in use, and so on.3. When and where do you need to copylisten to ATIS?We usually listen to ATIS

      2、 before takeoff and approach.4. Do you think ATIS is useful?Yes, it is very useful, especially for takeoff and landing. For example, if the wind is strong, we need to make some correction(修正) to control the aircraft. And the pilot can copy information changes in time(及时地), such as runway changeinformation and visibility.5. If you fly next day, will you make preparation today?Yes, I will. Good preparation is always necessary. In our company, if I fly next day, I will log in companys FLIGHT PREPAR

      3、ATION NET PAGE. We call it on line preparation.During the preparation, we need to know flight schedule, crew members, NOTAM, weather conditions, alternate airport and so on.Before each flight, each crew member needs to havecomplete a brief test on the net. There are 10 questions about regulations and flight rules. It usually takes me at least 30 minutes to prepare on line. 6. What do you do during pre-flight preparation?The pre-flight preparation includes ground check and cockpit check. Usually

      4、we call ground check as walk around. Walk around starts from the left forward cabin door, and check the aircraft external(外部) in clockwise direction. In cockpit check, we confirm that both normal and emergency equipment are available. Updated flight documents are ready. Then we do everything for the flight, such as refueling, entering flight route data into FMC (flight management computer).7. What are your procedures for pre-flight preparation?Well, I cant remember it very clearly. We just follo

      5、w the normal checklist to do it. As far as I can remember, Walk around starts from the left forward cabin door, and check the aircraft external(外部) in clockwise direction. The preparation in the cockpit procedures are as following: instrument tests, signal light tests, warning system tests, weather radar test. In a word, we do all the procedures according to(根据) the SOP. 8. Could you tell me something about normal checklist? What information is included?To my opinion, normal checklist is the sta

      6、ndard procedures for normal operation(运行). It is used in every phases(stages) of the normal flight.Normal checklist includes pre-flight checklist, taxi checklist, before and after takeoff checklist, descent and approach checklist, before landing checklist and so on.9. How do the flight crewmembers cooperate with each other to carry outdoexecute the checklist procedure?Generally speaking, the PNF read and do the checklist procedure while the PF confirmmonitor his action.10. What is the purpose(目的

      7、) of QRH?QRH stands for quick reference handbook. It contains normal checklist and abnormal checklist. The normal checklist is used in normal situation and abnormal checklist is used in non-normal situation, such as engine failure or system malfunction. The main purpose of QRH is to remind(提醒) pilot relevant(相关的) procedures and thus reduce human errors, increase efficiency(效率). It is very convenient for pilots and saves lots of time. I think it helps to reduce pilots workload.11. What circumstan

      8、ce can cause structural damage?There are many circumstance can cause structural damage, such as bird strike, FOD, lightning strike, explosion.12. What part of the aircraft is damaged?13. What preparations should the crew make before emergency evacuation?Communicate with ATC and flight attendants to prepare the evacuation. Request weather information and emergency equipment. The crew also need to consider :l Landing position, that is on the ground or ditching. l Direction for evacuation. l review

      9、 relevant proceduresTraffic volume交通流量新题2 主题:RVSM和SIMULATOR TRAINING1. What type of aircraft do you like to fly?2. What routes do you usually fly?3. Do you prefer certain route? Why?4. Why do you think some routes are too busy?5. Whats your suggestion to increase traffic flow?I think RVSM is a good way to increase traffic flow. And new routes should be opened. Improve(提高、增加) the navigation level and minimize(最小化) the aircraft spacing. 6. What can you tell me about RVSM?RVSM stands for reduced vertical separation minimum. It increases traffic flow by increasing the airspace. It is widely(广泛地) applied(应用) in the world to increase traffic flow.7. Have you received any special RVSM training?Yes, I have. It was 5 years ago. We had RVSM training by lectures(上课) and simulator training. The training introduced(介绍) the basic theory(基本理论) of RVSM an


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