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    • 1、公共英语四级分类模拟题76(总分:38.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Electricity plays an essential part in our life. No one can deny that electric light is necessary for peoples life. However, can you imagine such a world where there is no 1 of electric light? As darkness falls over, children read in the light given by oil lamps and candies. Youths 2 time only by talking instead of watching TV. Everything is surrounded by 3 shadows. 4 , we have a man named Edison. He created bulb that 5 for

      2、 two days before burning out. He also developed successfully a system for 6 electricity from a central powerhouse. It is he that gives us electric light, gramophone, moving picturesall those we take 7 granted. After the invention of electricity, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of invention to their businesses, 8 generating new industrial growth. Development of electricity leads to the 9 creations of new products and materials. In the past century and a half, electricity has stead

      3、ily 10 . At first, it is scientific curiosity, then to a luxurious part of the 11 , and then to being necessary in every ones life. Electricity has been common in the latest fifty years. Simple tasks, such as setting alarm clock to wake up at a 12 time or enjoying a piece of music, are accomplished via electronic means. We live with the benefits of electricity every day. As a result, we always think that whenever we 13 our gadgets into the wall socket, the power will be there. For most modern pe

      4、ople, the loss of power means the complete loss of 14 . Their lifestyle is so dependent upon the grids constancy 15 they do not know how to live without it. How do you cook a meal without electricity if your gas stove has an electric ignition? Please imagine the life without electricity further. What do you do with a freezer full of food in a hot day? How do you find out what is happening in your area with the TV and radio off? These are questions which should be seriously considered. Let us ima

      5、gine the 16 of a short power outage together. Factories close down; phones and computers go dead; food 17 in refrigerators. What a disordered life that would be! All the convenience which electricity has brought to our life should owe to Edison. When Edison died at has home in New Jersey in 1931, the whole United States were switched off to mark his passing, and in 18 of the man whose discoveries had so changed and improved the life of people everywhere. For a moment, all was 19 as the world had

      6、 always been before, until Edison 20 on the light.(分数:20.00)A.powerB.strengthC.forceD.vigor解析:解析 此题考查近义词辨析。 A项意为“动力”,如:We need to provide industry with power it can afford. 文章中power的用法和该例句一样,均表示“电力”;B项意为“力量,力气”,如a man of great strength; C项意为“武力,强制力”,如:The soldiers took the prisoners away by force. D项意为“精力”,如:He was noted for his vigor. 故正确答案为A选项。A.killB.wasteC.expendD.take解析:解析 此题考查短语辨析和对上下文的理解。 kill time意为“消磨时间”,如:He likes killing time by reading novels. waste time意为“浪费时间”,如:Do not waste time i

      7、n this way. expend time意为“花费,使用时间”,如:expend time on a project; take your time意为“不慌不忙,从容进行”,如:There is no rushtake your time根据句子后半部分“by talking instead of watching TV”可见此处想表达的意思是“打发时间”,故正确答案为A选项。A.bouncingB.flickingC.runningD.flying解析:解析 此题考查近义词辨析和对文章内容的理解。 A项意为“弹跳的,活跃的”,如:The dog was bouncing with health and vitality. ;B项意为“左右摇摆”,如:He is staring at the flickering candle-light in the wind. C项意为“奔跑的;连续的;流动的”,如:The tour guide gave a running commentary from the front of the coach. D项意为“飞行中的;会飞的”如:a

      8、flying bird, flying insects. 结合前面内容提到的“如果没有电灯,孩子们晚上只能依靠油灯或者蜡烛读书”,可以推断出此处想表达的意思为“世界被摇曳的影子包围”,故正确答案为B选项。A.ButB.ThereforeC.HoweverD.Therefore解析:解析 此题考查连词的用法。 该段前半部分假设没有电的世界是怎样的,后半部分提到爱迪生对电的发明,由此可以推断出两者之间是转折关系,but位于句首时后面一般不跟逗号,故正确答案为C选项。A.firedB.glowedC.manipulatedD.bestowed解析:解析 此题考查词义辨析和对文章内容的理解。 A项意为“开火;射击”,如:He ordered his men to fire. B项意为“发光”,如:A cigarette glowed in the dark. 根据“bulb”一词和后文burning out可以推断出此处想表达的意思为“可以持续发光两天才熄灭的灯泡”,故B选项符合文意;C项意为“熟练控制或操作”如:Primitive man quickly learned how to man

      9、ipulate tools. D项意为“赠给;授予”,如:Many books were bestowed on her. 这两项均不符合文意。故正确答案为B选项。A.diffusingB.transmittingC.transitingD.delivering解析:解析 此题考查近义词辨析和对文章内容的理解。 A项意为“(使)扩散,(使)弥漫,(使)传播”,如:A drop of milk is diffusing in the water. B项意为“传导,传播”如:Glass could transmit light. 从后文powerhouse可以看出,此处表示从中央发电站传导电,B项符合文意。C项意为“搬运;载运”如:His luggage was lost during transiting. D项意为“交付,送”如:He delivered the goods to them. 这两项均不符合文意。故正确答案为B选项。A.forB.onC.withD.to解析:解析 此题考查固定搭配。 take for granted是固定搭配,表示“因熟悉某人或者某物而觉察不出其真正价值”,如:He never praises his wife. He just takes her for granted. 故正确答案为A选项。A.otherwiseB.neverthelessC.thusD.since解析:解析 此题考查连词的用法。 A项意为“否则”,B项意为“然而”,C项意为“因此”,D项意为“既然”,根据原文来看,前半句提到“applied the findings of science to their businesses”,后半句提到“new industrial growth”,由此可推断工业增长是电力应用导致的,两者之间是因果的关系,故正确答案为C选项。A.numerousB.mo


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