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综合英语教程4-04-Pa rt 3

  • 卖家[上传人]:w****i
  • 文档编号:91095383
  • 上传时间:2019-06-21
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    • 1、Part III,Extended Activities,Unit 4, Book 4,Extended Activities,Dictation Read More Grammar and Vocabulary Translation Writing Read for Interest Cultural Information,Unit 4, Book 4,Return to Menu,The world includes a tremendous variety of living things, from well-developed plants and animals to simpler organisms, such as bacteria. But whether large or small, simple or complex, no organism lives alone. Each depends in some way upon other living and nonliving things in its surroundings. For exampl

      2、e, a deer must have certain plants for food. If the plants in its environment were destroyed, the deer would have to move to another area or starve to death. In turn, plants depend upon such animals as deer for the nourishing substances they need to live. Animal wastes and the decay of dead animals and plants provide many of the substances plants need.,Dictation,Script,Unit 4, Book 4,Read More,Unit 4, Book 4,The Tortoise and the Hare,Parody: an imitation in writing or music in an amusing way, us

      3、ually humorous Fairy tales: (usually) stories for children,Unit 4, Book 4,Pre-reading Activity,You must have heard of the fairy tale The Tortoise and the Hare, in which the hare lost his race. What would the result be like if they had a second race? Who would win?,Unit 4, Book 4,Answer the Questions,What is the conflict at the beginning of the story? What is the solution that the tortoise thinks out in order to solve the conflict? What are the twists in the plot that make the story more interest

      4、ing? What is the climax of the story? What is the moral of the story?,Unit 4, Book 4,What is the conflict at the beginning of the story?,The tortoise often ate fresh vegetables in Mr. Roachs garden without permission. But one day, the hare came too. He came to eat (poach) in this vegetable garden. And it seemed that the tortoise was no match for the hare. So the tortoise thought out a plan to get rid of the hare.,Answers for Reference,Unit 4, Book 4,What is the solution that the tortoise thinks

      5、out in order to solve the conflict?,He had a plan to run a race with the hare. The condition was if the tortoise won, the hare would never eat the vegetable in the garden. This bet seemed on the hares side as he was a well known champion runner. But what he didnt know was this race was a dirty trick played by the tortoise that paid the rat for making a secret engine fixed under his body. In the race, the tortoise would ride the machine so that his success would be guaranteed.,Unit 4, Book 4,What

      6、 are the twists in the plot that make the story more interesting?,In the first place, the rat tried to play on both sides so that he could make more money. He charged heavily on the hare by selling out the tortoises secret. He then charged the hare again by promising to help the hare in the race by spreading spikes on the road.,Unit 4, Book 4,What is the climax of the story?,It was at the moment during the race. When the tortoise went out on his machine, his tires all went flat because of the sp

      7、ikes on the road. By this time, the hare assumed that he would win the race only to find out he was hurt, too, by the spikes on the road. In the end, neither of them could run, and they agreed to a draw.,Unit 4, Book 4,What is the moral of the story?,Businessmen are the most untrustworthy people. They often play on both sides in order to increase their profit.,Write down the meanings of these phrases used in the parody. (Page 77),The sacred land: Youre on the twist! Youre up the spout! take the

      8、tiniest nibbles:,Working with Language,Unit 4, Book 4,the garden where vegetable was grown,You put it wrong because the word is hard to speak out such as speaking a tongue twister. Maybe you should say: “Im betting you, Youd win a race between us two.”,You will definitely fail the race.,eat nothing of (the vegetable),a knowing smile: no concern of mine: at evenfall: a crafty business man: well-nigh: 10. get diddled at the end:,Unit 4, Book 4,a smile that shows one knows the secret,not my busines

      9、s to care about (where you would go to eat),at the beginning of evening,a shrewd, dishonest businessman,almost, nearly,finally (people) are cheated of money or time,In groups, change the parody into a short play. Characters: the hare, the tortoise, the rat, and other several animals in the forest Write the play into the following acts. ACT I: IN THE GARDEN ACT II: IN THE RATS GARAGE ACT III: ON THE RACE GROUND,Drama,Unit 4, Book 4,Grammar: Inversion,Vocabulary: Work with Words,Grammar & vocabulary,Unit 4, Book 4,Grammar & Vocabulary,Unit 4, Book 4,Rewrite each sentence so that it begins with the underlined word. Make changes if necessary. (Page 77),Grammar Work: Using Inversion for Emphasis,I seldom sleep past midnight. He hardly ever agrees with her. I will never forget the wonderful people I have met here. The mail scarcely ever arrives before noon.,Seldom do I fall asleep after midnight.,Hardly ever does he agree with her.,Never will I forget the wonderful people I h

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