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    • 1、,English on Mechanical Engineering Lesson 6 Injection Molding Machine,Text,An injection molding machine is a machine for converting, processing and forming of raw plastic material of powder, pellets into a part of desired shape and configuration. The process of injection molding consists of heating plastic material until it melts, then forcing this molten plastic into a mold where it cools and solidifies. Fig. 1 shows a straight hydraulic injection molding machine.,Text,Clamping unit Clamping un

      2、it is the part of an injection molding machine in which the mold is mounted , and which provides the motion and force to open and close the mold and to hold the mold closed with force during injection. This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation. Moving plate is the member of the clamping unit, which is moved toward a stationary member. The moving section of the mold is bolted to this moving plate. Moving plate usually includes the e

      3、jector holes and mold mounting pattern of blot holes or “T” slots. Stationary plate is the fixed member of the clamping unit on which the stationary section of the mold is bolted.,Stationary plate usually includes a mold mounting pattern of bolt holes or “T” slots. Tie rods are members of the clamping force actuating mechanism that serve as the tension members of the clamp when it is holding the mold closed. They also serve as a guide member for the movable plate. Ejector is a provision in the c

      4、lamping unit that actuates a mechanism within the mold to eject the molded part (s) from the mold. The ejection actuating force may be applied hydraulically or pneumatically by a cylinder (s) attached to the moving plate, or mechanically by the opening stroke of the moving plate. ,Text,Injection unit Injection unit converts a plastic material from a solid phase to homogeneous semi-liquid phase by raising its temperature. This unit maintains the material at a present temperature and forces it thr

      5、ough the injection unit nozzle into a mold. The plunger is a combination of the injection and plasticizing device in which a heating chamber is mounted between the plunger and the mold. This chamber heats the plastic material by conduction .The plunger, on each stroke; pushes unmelted plastic material into the chamber, which in turn forces plastic melt at the front of the chamber out through the nozzle.,injection molding machine 注射成型机床 convert v. 转换,变换,改造 process v. 处理,n. 工艺 form v. 成型,组织,建立,造型

      6、pellet n. 小球,颗粒,粉末 configuration n. 形状,构造,结构 a straight hydraulic injection molding machine 直线式液压注射成型机床 clamping unit 合模装置 injection unit 注射装置 plunger unit 柱塞装置 moving plate n. 动模板 bolt n. 螺栓,插销,螺杆 ejector hole n. 顶出杆孔,Words and Expressions:,pattern n. 模板,阳模 stationary plate n. 定模板 “T” slot n. T型槽 locating n. 定位 provision n. 装置,预备,保证,供给 tie rod 拉杆 tension n. 拉力,张力,外力 knockout v. 脱模,敲出,n.拆卸器,顶出器 pneumatically ad. 靠压缩空气地 pneumatic a. 气动的,风动的,气体力学的 solid phase 固态 homogeneous a. 均匀的,单一的,同族的 homogene

      7、ous light 单色(均匀)光 Semi-liquid phase 半液态 heating chamber 加热室 heat conduction 热传导,= thermal conduction,Notes An injection molding machine is a machine for converting, processing, and forming of raw plastic material of powder, pellets into a part of desired sape and configuration 注射成型机是将粉末状或颗粒状的塑料原料转换、加工和成型为所希望的形状和结构的塑料制品的机器。 convert.into.:转变成。 process.into.:处理成。 form.into.:形成。 This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation 该装置还提供成型工艺有效运行所

      8、必须的其它特性。 to provide.for:提供,供给。, Tie rods are members of the clamping force actuating mechanism that serve as the tension members of the clamp when it is holding the mold closedThey also serve as a guide member for the movable plate 拉杆是合模力驱动机构中的一个构件,当夹具保持动模闭合时,拉杆起夹具的拉力构件的作用。对于运动模板,它们也起到导向构件的作用。 that serve as the tension members of the clamp when it is holding the mold closed:定语从句,修饰tie rods;其中when it is holding the mold closed是时间状语从句,Exercises 1. Match the right explanation for each phrase. a. ra

      9、w plastic material the fixed member of the clamping unit b. melted plastic powder, pellets or regrind plastic c. forming plastic serve as the tension members of the clamp d. stationary unit knockout the plastic article by opening stroke of the moving plate e. provision for location pushes unmelted plastic material into the chamber and forces plastic melt out through the nozzle. f. ejector homogeneous semiliquid phase g. tie rods provide the correct position for mold on the plate and aligning the sprue bushing of the mold. h. plunger molding, cooling and solidifying plastic,2. Write True or False beside the following statements about the text. a. An injection molding machine is a machine for the converting, processing and forming of raw plastic material into powder, pellets or regrind. b. The process of injection molding is heating a


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