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  • 文档编号:90852559
  • 上传时间:2019-06-19
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    • 1、作文点名制度英语篇一:学校规章制度英语作文带翻译英语培训学校规章制度篇二:英语作文指导-图书馆的规章制度英语作文指导:请你根据下面表格内容,写一写你校图书馆的一些规章制度,同时阐述一下你的看法。有用的句式:The students are allowed to We are not allowed to I agree with the rule .The rule can stopfrom The rule can make 参考词汇:节省save 损坏damage 制造噪音make a noise 归还return范文参考:There is a big modern library in our school . Id like to introduce some of the rules to you . The students are allowed to use the xxputer to searchinformation about the books . Its a good way to save time . Also we are allowed to ret

      2、urn books in two weeks , so we have enough time to enjoy reading them .However , we are not allowed to speak loudly there . This rule can stop students from making a noise .We are also not allowed to have snacks and drinks .The rule can makethe library clean and tidy . And we are not allowed to damage the books . If a book is damaged , it may not be read anymore . So I really agree with the rule .篇三:美国政治制度的英语作文The United State political systemAs far as I am concerned, I believe that the Constitu

      3、tional federal republish of The United State is democratic. The United State federal system pursues the principe of “Checks and Balances”. The American constitution required that the state authority consisted of legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch , which was parallel to others and restricted others. The Congress consists of the House and the Senate. Each state has two senators despite the population, which ensures that the small states have an equal power in one of the houses

      4、of Congress. The House of Representatives are elected according to the proportion of the population states. The main duty of the Congress is to make laws. Only when the House and the Senate vote and pass the bill and then send it to the president for his signature, can it bexxe a law. The chief executive of the United State is the president. He is head of government, xxmanderin chief of the armed forces and chief of state. The president is elected by the citizens and he has to be responsible for

      5、 them. The president can veto the law that the Congressproposes. However,Congress can enact the law despite the presidents views only if two thirds of the members of both houses vote in favour of it. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court. The judges are appointed by the president. The judges can have lifelong tenure if they do not xxmit a crime.In my opinion, I think that both the presidential election and the enactment of law in the United State are democratic. Thomas Jefferson eve

      6、r said“As far as I understand it, the supreme power of the most reliable person in charge can only be the people themselves” in 1820. The American system of government represents the citizens benefit and promotes the economic development rapidly.However, the American system has also existed disadvantages. I think the racial prejudice is a serious problem in American society. A 18yearold black youth named Michael Brown was shot by a white policeman and finally died in Missouri, America on August

      7、9th 20XX. which caused largescale demonstrations and developed the violent incident such as beating,smashing and looting in many places. When the grand jury judgedthat the white policeman can not be accused on November 24th , the protests spread quickly more than 170 cities in America. This issue caused wild public concern not only at home but also all over the world. Unfortunately, the racial problem has not been solved yet.Different from the America, China carried out the system of peoples con

      8、gress, which fits our countrys situation. In political parties, America has twoparty system but China insists an singleparty system. I think that Chinese system has high efficiency in a short time but has poor longterm stability, because of lacking power supervision. Instead, American system has low efficiency in shortterm but has high efficiency for a long time. Therefore, we can not say the Chinese system is superior to American system, because they both fit their own countrys situation and ha

      9、ve positive impact on the economical development. However,the officials looting has bexxe a more and more serious problem in our country. The officialsduties are serving to the people and doing something beneficial to the public. But they failed in their responsibility and looted,which may cause the public feel disappointed to the government. Although the government has taken effective measures to suppress the corruption,officials looting remains a serious problem in our country. So,I think that our government should perfect the power supervision system constantly and prevent the officials from looting. Only by doing this, our country may bexxe better and better.


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