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    • 1、conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and

      2、policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developm

      3、ents, learn other peoples development approach, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous. We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In

      4、order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most

      5、 hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other peoples ideas, mechanically, using someone elses old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist,

      6、 good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especially in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mechanically, to to extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of

      7、policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and第一章1.1 基本内容1.1.1 工程概况1.1.2 参建各方主体有关人员1.1.3 特征作业人员名册1.1.4 施工现场及毗邻区域内有关资料的交接记录表1.1.5 分包单位登记表1.1.6 分包单位资质审查表1.1.7 重大危险源公示牌(备案清单)1.1.8 重大危险源动态管理台账(公告牌)1.1.9 总包与分包单位安全协议1.1.10 相关附件资料1.1.10-1 资质证书副本、企业安全生产许可证复印件1.1.10-2 中标通知书复印件1.1.10-3 安全监督备案手续1.1.10-4 施工许可证复印件1.1.10-5 项目经理注册证书复印件(变更需提供手续)1.1.10-6 项目经理、安全员安全考核合格证复印件1.1.10-7 项目经理、安全员参加年度继续教育培训合格证书复印件1.1.10-8 施工现场平面布置图1.1.10-9 施工现现场安全警示标志平面布置图1.

      8、1.10-10施工进度计划表1.1.10-11安全文明施工措施费支付计划及使用情况1.2 项目部安全生产组织机构及目标管理1.2.1 公司委派专职安全员证明材料1.2.2 项目安全生产文明施工管理网络1.2.2-1 项目安全生产管理网络1.2.2-2 项目文明(绿色)施工管理网络1.2.2-3 项目消防安全管理网络1.2.2-4 事故应急救援组织网络图1.2.2-5 建筑工人业余学校组织网络1.2.3 安全生产、文明施工目标责任书1.2.4 安全质量标准化责任目标分解图1.2.5 安全管理目标责任落实考核办法1.3 应急救援预案与事故调查处理1.3.1 施工现场事故应急救援预案编写要求1.3.2 施工现场事故应急救援组织人员名册1.3.3 施工现场事故应急救援设施设备仪器登记表1.3.4 事故应急救援演习记录表1.3.5 事故登记表1.3.6 项目发生安全生产事故统计表1.3.7 工程建设重大质量安全事故快报表单1.4 劳动防护用品1.4.1 安全防护用品(具)购置使用记录1.4.2 安全防护用品(具)验收单1.4.3 安全防护用品(具)生产许可证、合格证、安全认证标志1.4.4 安全

      9、防护用品(具)送检检验报告1.4.1 个人劳动防护用品(具)发放记录第2章 岗位责任制、管理制度、操作规程 各岗位责任制、管理制度、操作规程由企业制定,申报标化工地时按下列明细内容附上。2.1 施工管理人员安全生产岗位责任制2.1.1 项目经理安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.2 项目计时人员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.3 施工员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.4 安全员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.5 材料员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.6 机械员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.7 质检员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.8 预算员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.9 资料员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.10 班组长安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.11 门卫安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.12 卫生员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.13 炊事员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.1.14 其他人员安全生产岗位责任制(略)2.2 施工安全生产责任管理制度2.2.1 安全生产资金保障制度(略)2.2.2 项目负责人现场带班制度(略)2.2.3 专项施工方案编审制度(略)2.2.4 安全生产技术交底制度(略)2.2.5 安全生产资金保障制度(略)2.2.6 安全生产教育培训 制度(略)2.2.7 班组安全活动制度(略)2.2.8 安全生产责任制考核制度(略)2.2.9 危险源辨识与管理制度(略)2.2.10 应急救援预案制度(略)2.2.11 机械设备安全管理制度(略)2.2.12 临建设施安全管理制度(略)2.2.13 职业健康与劳动保护制度(略)2.2.1


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