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    • 1、初中毕业英语演讲稿例文就快毕业了,三年里,我们感受到了母校的温暖与丰富。下面是xx收集整理的初中毕业英语演讲稿,希望对你有所帮助!初中毕业英语演讲稿Dear leaders, teachers, dear students,Good afternoon, everyone!In June, with all the Chui Chui and the fruits of brewing, we welxxed the 20XX junior high school graduation ceremony. It is a great honor for me to speak at such a grand ceremony. On behalf of all the students of third grade, please allow me to pay the highest tribute to our alma mater and the teachers who have taught us carefully. I would like to express my h

      2、eartfelt thanks to our parents.At this moment, I feel very excited, not only the joy of graduation, but also the endless attachment to my alma mater. Three years of junior high school life, full and beautiful, we shed tears, but acxxpanied by laughter; we tread thorns, but smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers.Three years ago, we moved to the third high school with the emotion of excitement and admiration.In the past three years, we felt the warmth and richness of our alma mater. In junior

      3、 high school, we are like a small tree, though not luxuriant, it has already revealed new buds. Our beloved leaders and teachers, like the diligent gardeners, care for us day and night: to prune and wither the redundant branches and leaves for us to irrigate our knowledge of science, to remove the vermin of the moth tree, and to cover us with warm clothes. Without the training of alma mater leaders and teachers, there will be no healthy growth. Tirelessly nurture talent, follow the true knowledg

      4、e. Here, on behalf of all the students in the junior grade, I would like to say to the dearest leader and teacher of the Alma school and to all the employees we have paid for: hard work, thank you!Three years, the friendship of the same window, let us learn to trust each other, let us understand that we are all only one wing of an angel, only to embrace each other to fly. When we are in a low ebb, we cheer on each other; when we succeed, we cheer together. With warm smiles and warm atmosphere, w

      5、e can learn to love, to persist and to believe that sunshine is always in the wind and rain. Intimate friendship and mutual affection will all precipitate into a valuable spiritual wealth. In the future, we will warm our hearts with each other no matter what the weather is like, no matter what the ends of the earth are. My dear classmates, take this opportunity to say thank you! to all the classmates who helped and warmed each other.Three years, more than 1000 pages of books, recording how many

      6、wonderful fragments we have, and how many eternal moments freeze. Let us look back on the growth of this way with a feeling of life transformation: in the classroom, we are concentrated and written. In the sports field, we have a great leap and the first for the first time; in the room of the experimental xxposition, we capture the inspiration and the truth. For the mid-term exam, how many cold and windy mornings we had, how many sweaty afternoons, and how many lonely lights the long night. We s

      7、uffered from wind and rain and tasted bitterness and bitterness. We trudged through the thorns and searched in the torrent. The satisfaction is that the achievement is always in direct proportion to the effort. In the deep footprints left by the alma mater, we have the belief that we are constantly pursuing and never fail to achieve the ideal. We are down to earth, one step and one footprints, together with the teacher to create the glory of the alma mater.Three years of walking is solid and hur

      8、ried, and three years of sweat are hard and happy. In three years, we grew up with the alma mater. From third middle school to suitable middle school, from the borrowing of school buildings to moving into their beautiful campus, the change is only the name and address, the same is the strict school discipline of the alma mater, the strong style of study and the gentle and gentle between teachers and students. In this happy family, we use diligence and wisdom to write the magnificent chapter of s

      9、truggle. We weave gorgeous junior high school life with dreams and youth. We are about to enter the field of the high school entrance examination and accept an important challenge in life. Dear students, the sea is crossed, the hero is showing the true colors. Life is always surpassing in the xxpetition, and life is always shining in the struggle. Now that we have chosen the challenge, we have no reason to shrink. Students, in the exam, we must succeed! Let us treasure this precious time, carefully prepared, with a positive and optimistic attitude into the examination room, with excellent results to return to the alma mater, teachers and parents!Three years of junior high school life is fleeting, dear school younger brother and sister, you are in the great period of study, the alma mater is full of knowledge and strength of the fertile soil, I believe that you will cherish this good time of study, with perseverance, self-c


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