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商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
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    • 1、商务英语口译教程,Part Two General Business Relations 一般商务往来,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,This unit includes some general conversations with reference to the schedule arrangement in detail, such as time, date, place, people involved, etc. with the customer. The learner can learn it according to each situation easily and then can easily handle every situation when it happens.,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aim: Through the study of this unit ,the student will learn how to

      2、talk properly and be considerate when making schedule arrangements. 2. Skill aim: Students will be able to make their conversations according to the given situations. Core Skills: 1. Be clear and well-organized 2. Talking in a good and proper manner 3. Being warm and considerate,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,Background Knowledge In business activities, proper schedule arrangement is very necessary for developing business successfully. Because of different cultural backgrounds, value of ti

      3、me varies from country to country. First we should know about working hours and vacations of the visitors country, and then we should make a proper arrangement according to the actual situations and different business purposes. When the clients visit your office, you should greet them with smiles to show your concerns to them; when talking about schedule arrangement with them, you should be passionate and friendly, respecting their opinions and offering them with the best and useful suggestion;

      4、when arranging schedules, try to get the consent of the customers.,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,在商务活动中,恰当地安排商务活动日程对顺利地开展业务十分必要。由于文化背景不同,各国的时间观念也不尽相同。我们首先了解访问者国家工作时间及假日情况,然后根据客人的实际情况和不同的商务目的做出恰当的安排。 安排客人来办公室时,应该微笑接待,表示对客人的关心;谈论日程安排时,应热情、友好,充分尊重客人的意见,为客人提供最佳的、有用的建议;安排行程时,尽量征得客人的同意。,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,Section One Situational Dialogue Directions: Students must be able to recite these dialogues fluently and understand them. Mr. Wilson is visiting Guangzhou Textiles Corporati

      5、on and talking with Mr. Lin Bing,the section chief of the Public Relations Department of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation about his schedule during his stay in Guangzhou. Dialogue One In Public Relations Department (1) (Susan, the secretary of the Public Relations Department of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation, is introducing Mr. Lin to Mr. Wilson.),Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,S: Good morning, Mr. Wilson. Have you had a good rest? W: Yes, thank you. S: Mr. Wilson, may I introduce you to Mr.

      6、 Lin, our section chief? Mr. Lin, Mr. Wilson is the general manager of the International Trading Corporation of Canada. W: Its a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lin. L: Glad to meet you too, Mr. Wilson. How is the service here? W: Quite good. And I like the food here. L: Ive come to make some arrangements to make sure your stay in Guangzhou is a pleasant one. If it is convenient for you right now, lets talk about the schedule of your visit.,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,W: Ok. L: I think we can

      7、 draw up a tentative plan together. Tomorrow Ill show you around our factory at 8:30 a.m. What do you say to it? W: Im for it. L: Would you mind a day of sightseeing? W: Thanks. Maybe later. Lets get business over first. L: I had thought a sightseeing trip between talks would be a welcome diversion. Business can be combined with pleasure. W: Well, I appreciate it if you arrange it. Which place did you have in mind? L: What about Baiyun Mountain and Liurong Temple?,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrang

      8、ement,W: That would be nice. When? L: The day after tomorrow. W: Shall we have enough time for our talks? L: Well have talks at half past two tomorrow afternoon and well continue our talks at nine a.m. on the fourth day. W: Sounds good. L: So long as we know each others requirements and we dont get bogged down on details, Im sure well be able to finish our talks on the fourth day. S: I hope so. Lets do our best to make everything smooth sailing.,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,Dialogue Two

      9、In Public Relations Department (2) (Mr. Wilson and Mr. Lin are talking schedule arrangements.) L: There is something Id like to mention. W: Yes? L: Id like to host a dinner in your honor at seven tonight. W: Thanks. My evenings will be quite full then? L: Oh, no. Ill leave some evenings free, that is, if its all right with you. W: Oh, sure. Thats what I wanted to suggest. In the evening, Ill have to think about what we discussed during the day. L: Right. Is there anything special youd like to do?,Part Two,Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement,W: There is. I would like to talk to some of the technicians, if it is possible. L: That can be easily arranged. That can be done when you visit the factory. After that youll know our factory and products better. W: Yes, itll be easier for us to get down to facts. By the way, can you recommend a good restaurant? Id like to give a farewell dinner to express my gratitude to you. L: Thank you.

      《商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement 》由会员E****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement 》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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