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文秘英语 高职语言文化类Unit Four 课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:E****
  • 文档编号:89116081
  • 上传时间:2019-05-18
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit Four Public Relations,Unit Goals,Words and Expressions,Comprehension of the Text,Exercises,Practical Writing,Unit Goals In this unit, you will learn how to : arrange the banquet seats, deal with public relations, prepare business gifts, write a meeting agenda,Words and Expressions ongoing no a. 不间断的,进行的 maintain mentein vt. 保持,维持 efficient fnt a. 有效率的 exhibition ksbn n. 陈列,展览 devastating devstet a. 毁灭性的,灾难性的 reverse rvs vt.& vi. (使)反转,relevant rlvnt a. 有关的 professionally prfnl ad. 专业地,内行地 b

      2、rochure bror n. 小册子,手册 refer rf vt. 送交 incompetent nkmptnt a. 无能力的 pamphlet pmflt n. 小册子 assistance sstns n. 帮助,援助,target group 服务对象 be equipped with 配备,装备 press conference 新闻发布会,记者招待会 build a good public relations 建立良好的公共关系,front office 前厅办公室 be aware of 注意 there and then 当场,立即 assist sb. in 帮助某人 differ from 与不同,Comprehension of the Text Read the text carefully, and choose the best answer for each of the following.,People who use your services will expect you to be _. helpful friendly efficient

      3、 and professional all of the above,2. As a secretary, you should have the following abilities EXCEPT _. excellent communication skills a good reputation organizing abilities applying the business etiquette properly,3. The visitors will form the first impression based on _. the secretarys ability the location of your organization the front office of your organization the person they are going to meet,4. What should a secretary do if the visitors dont come for appointments with other staff? Give t

      4、hem a cup of coffee to relax. Give them information brochures. Tell them to come another day. Let them alone.,5. If the person being visited is not available, you may _. A. can ask the visitor to wait and offer them something to drink and read B. write the visitors details on a piece of paper which is visible enough for the reader to see C. assure the visitor that the message will get to the right person D. All of the above.,Notes to the Text 1. It is important that the public thinks about you i

      5、n a positive way because all organizations need to be trusted and supported by their target group and members. 重要的是让公众以积极的方式考量你们,因为所有的公司都要得到他们服务对象和全体成员的信任和支持。,本句中it是形式主语,句型“it is important that”中that引导的是主语从句。类似的句型还有it is necessary that,it is difficult that等。请看下例:,It is necessary that everyone in the meeting should be there on time. 所有与会成员都要准时到达,这点很有必要。,2. A good secretary concerning foreign affairs must be equipped with such knowledge and he also should have excellent communication skills, both

      6、inside and outside an organization. 本句中的concerning是介词,意为“与有关”, secretary concerning foreign affairs 意为“涉外秘书”。请看下例: He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。,3. It is much easier to build a good public relations culture in your organization, than it is to reverse a bad image once it exists. 在公司内建立起良好的公共关系文化比改变已经形成了的坏印象要容易得多。 本句中的句式“it is + 形容词比较级 + to do sth., than it is to do sth.”是很常用的比较句式,用以比较两种行为。通常可以省略than,后面的it is。请看下例: It is more difficult to find tra

      7、ined men than (it is) to get financial support for scientific research. 找到训练有素的员工比为科学研究获得资金支持更难。,4. This is the area that every person who visits you will come to first before seen by the relevant person. 本句中that引导定语从句,从句中who引导另一个定语从句修饰先行词person,非谓语动词seen作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句“before he/she is seen by the relevant person.”,he/she is可以省略。请看下例:,When asked (When he was asked) what had happened, he lowered his head. 当他被提问的时候,他低下了头。,5. You may find that the issue that the visitor has come about does not nee

      8、d the person they have mentioned. 本句中the issue后面that the visitor has come about是定语从句。全句意为“你会发现到访者到访的这一问题并不需要由他们提到的那个人来解决。”请看下例: The person that you were talking to was an American. 你刚才同他讲话的那个人是美国人。,6. Always have next to you your organizational brochures, pamphlets and simple documents that will assist you in giving out the right information to the relevant people. 本句中have next to you sth. 意为“把放在手边”,也可以用have sth. next to you。 请看下例: You should have the dictionary next to you. 你应该把字典放在手边。,Exercise

      9、s Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Ill show you to his office. Please follow me. 2. I know hes busy at the moment but Ill ask when hell be available.,3. If you dont care to wait, I can arrange an appointment for you later today. 4. Mr Ma, we will invite you to dinner to celebrate the signing of the agreement. 5. I wish you a very pleasant journey home.,Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 好的涉外秘书不仅要有这样的知识,也要有出色的沟通技巧。 2. 如果你的公共关系能力差,那会对你所在组织的声誉产生毁灭性的影响。 3. 前厅办公室的工作根据组织所提供的服务性质的不同而各有不同。,4. 务必要让每个到访者都感觉受到欢迎,要在他们进入接待区时就立刻打招呼。 5. 保证将到访者的信息传达给正确的人。,Writing Meeting Agenda A meeting agenda is list of topics or meeting activities that has to be addressed during a meeting. The topics in an agenda are listed in the order they are supposed to be taken up and should be associated with a time slot to ensure that each meeting activit

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