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    • 1、TOTAL:30,1、relating to or caused by something (adj.) 2、something you cannot see or remember clearly(n.) 3、easily made ill ; easily yielding to illness (adj.) 4、to change the appearance , sound , or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear (v.) 5、an amount of something that you do or experience at one time especially something unpleasant (n.),6、the part of your mind that tells you whether you are doing is morally right or wrong. (n.) 7、the act of deliberately making someone believe som

      2、ething that is not true. (n.) 8、very great courage (n.) 9、the quality of remaining faithful to your friends ,principles , country etc. (n.) 10、extremely (adv.),11、feeling of great sadness , guilt , etc. after an unpleasant experience (n.) 12、the regular way in which something happens , develops , or is arranged (n.) 13、to practice in preparation for a public performance ; to practice something you are going to say or do (v.) 14、(a relationship with) someone you know , but who is not a close frie

      3、nd (n.) 15、the act of administering something , especially a law , test , or medicine (n.),16、to break down into pieces violently or noisily (v.) 17、to feeling you have when think something is funny . (n.) 18、a sudden failure in the way something works ,so that it cant continue (n.) 19、to make someone feel less worried , unhappy, or upset. (v.) 20、making people feel certain that something is true. (adj.),21、something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions (n.) 22、a

      4、fault or a lack of something that means that means that something or someone is not perfect (n.) 23、unhappy or not satisfied with the situation you are in (adj.) 24、to make someone feel very annoyed and disappointed about something unacceptable (v.) 25、to start , to establish (v.),26、too unusual or strange to be explained or understood . (adj.) 27、to rouse to impatience or anger ;annoy (v.) 28、to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden burst. (v.) 29、a strong desire for something. (n.) 30、to

      5、 officially warn someone about a problem so that they are ready to deal with it . (v.),1、attendant 2、blur 3、delicate 4、distort 5、does 6、Conscience 7、Deception 8、heroism 9、loyalty 10、exceptionally 11、scar 12、pattern 13、rehearse 14、acquaintance 15、administration 16、smash 17、amusement 18、collapse 19、Comfort 20、Compelling 21、consequence 22、defect 23、discontented 24、disgust 25、found 26、inexplicable 27、irritate 28、Sob 29、Yearning 30、alert,1,2,3,8,4,5,7,10,9,6,1、relating to the energy produced by split

      6、ting atoms or the weapons that use this energy.(adj.) 2、to cut a pattern or letter on the surface of something .(v.) 3、to force someone to leave (v.) 4、one of the people who live in a particular place (n.) 5、not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention (adj.),1、Atomic,回首页,2、carve,3、expel,4、inhabitant,1、an animal hunted or caught for food (n.) 2、a unit for measuring the amount of energy that food will produce (n.) 3、something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of

      7、a problem or mystery (n.) 4、very miserable (adj.) 5、someone who is from a high social class in the UK, and has a title such an Lord . (n.),1、prey 2、calorie 3、clue 4、wretched 5、peer,回首页,1、to see and notice (v.) 2、unusual and surprising and the therefore deserving praise (adj.) 3、to swallow air suddenly because you are surprise or nervous. (v.) 4、the process of putting the parts of something together. (n.) 5、kindness or sympathy that you show towards other people (n.),1、perceive 2、remarkable 3、Gul

      8、p 4、Assembly 5、charity,回首页,1、the state(of a face )having many deep lines on it . (n.) 2、very bad ,and deserving to be criticised or hated (adj.) 3、to recognise something or discover exactly what it is , what its nature or origin is , etc. (v) 4、to cheat (v.) 5、the desire to harm someone because you hate them (n.),1、cragginess 2、detestable 3、identify 4、deceive 5、malice,回首页,1、a member of group of baby animals that mother gives birth to at same time (n.) 2、to gently rub or press your nose against s

      9、omeone to show you like them (v.) 3、to look carefully at someone or something to make an opinion about them (v.) 4、to take the place of (v.) 5、to stop yourself from showing your feeling (v.),1、 Littermate 2、nuzzle 3、appraise 4、substitute 5、suppress,回首页,1、feeling unable to stand steadily (adj.) 2、to burst ,or to make something burst ,into small pieces .(v.) 3、related to the process of knowing , understand ,and learning something (adj.) 4、to try hard to please someone , especially because you want something from them (v.) 5、to continue to exist (v.),1、dizzy 2、explode 3、cognitive 4、court 5、persist,回首页,1、a person who makes or sells sweets ,ice cream ,cakes ,etc. (n.) 2、a false believe about yourself or the situation you are in . (n.) 3、of a time before recorded history (adj.) 4、making the new discoveries , using new methods etc. (adj.) 5、polite behaviour which most people consider normal (n.),1、confectioner 2、delusion 3、prehistoric


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