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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Job Interview,Unit 3,Is there any opportunity?,More and More People,招,聘,会,现,场,The Last Position,Get the Job You Want,The Job Fair,How to find a good job?,Ways to find a job,Recruitment Ads,Job Fair,Recruitment Website,Microresume,Job-hunting Reality Show,What do you think is the most important thing before an interview?,PREPARE attentively is the key!,How to make a good preparation for a successful interview?,I. Research the Company,Research the company thoroughly Tailor your skills to companys

      2、needs (review job description) Development of the company Services or products Competitors within the industry Growth pattern Reputation New products or projects Culture and values,II. Have a Great Resume!,The resume is usually received by the employer before the interview, but it never hurts to bring some extra copies. (Practical writing on Page 57),RESUME,III. Practice Interview Questions!,Why do you want to work for this company? What positive attributes特性 do you feel you can bring to this co

      3、mpany? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you prefer working individually or in a team atmosphere and why?,Tell Me About Yourself,Include: Geographic origins Reason for choosing major Educational background 2 or 3 strengths related to position Specific expertise and accomplishments How you can contribute to company Identify your career goals Speak clearly and honestly,IV. Dont Forget to be there Early!,Get directions to the interview ahead of time. Adapt to your surroundings. If travelin

      4、g a long distance to the interview, make traveling plans ahead of time.,V. Make a good first impression,Natural, clean looking face/makeup Nicely styled hair Suitable clothes Clean your fingernails Shoes shined No Gum, Candy, or cigarettes at the Job Interview! Avoid strong perfumes,Other Tips for the Interview, Smile regularly Remember “Please” and “Thank you” (Good manner of speaking) Stand up to meet people Keep good eye contact Be confident and enthusiastic If you feel nervous try breathing

      5、techniques. Use Mr. or Ms. unless asked to use first name Dont answer with a simple “yes” or “no”.,Dont Give Up,It takes time and persistence to reach your goal Consider every interview a learning experience,What is the employer looking for?,Role Play: if you were an interviewer, what sort of job applicants would you prefer?,Creative Hard-working Honest Loyal Well- experienced,group discussion,All our preparations have been done from the interviewees point of view, now lets study Text A to get h

      6、e interviewers perspective. The writer gives four suggestions about job application.,Unit 3 Text A,Text Analysis,Reflection,Lead-in,Assignment,Guidance,Teaching Arrangement,Businessman Columnist Speaker New York Time Best Seller Mackay Envelope Corporation,About the author,Overview:Get the Job You Want,Theme: Qualities to getting hired Genre (Text type): Prose (散文) News Article (新闻) Speech Script (演讲稿) Exposition (说明文) Narration (记叙文),Famous Speakers,Barack Obama,Steve Jobs,Adora Svitak,Part 1:

      7、Introduction (Para. 1-6): An_ _failed his job interview.,ill-prepared,Structure,college graduate,【3】Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelop Corporation to find out more about us? No. Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No.,He hadnt called anyone at Mackay Envelop Corporation to find out more about us. He hadnt called our suppliers or customers.,Compare & Contrast,What is the difference between the following two paragraphs?,Plain Flat,Convincing Eloquent,Find out more in Para. 4,5,17,rheto

      8、ric question (设问),Pay attention to the rhetoric question,Part 1: Introduction (Para. 1-6): An _ _failed his job interview.,Part 2: Main Body (Para. 7-27): _ to getting hired.,ill-prepared,Four keys,college graduates,Four keys to getting hired,1. Prepare to win.,2. Never stop learning.,3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.,4. Find a way to make a difference.,Michael Jordan,A 90-year-old tennis player,the Vietnam veteran in New York Marathon,A New York cabdriver,2) Each Advice and Ex

      9、ample,American professional basketball player, considered by many to be the greatest player in basketball history. The 6 ft 6 in (198 cm) shooting guard first became known as an explosive individual scorer, but as he matured as a player he adopted a more team-oriented approach to the game. Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships (19911993, 19961998). His widespread appeal to fans has helped keep basketball one of the worlds most popular spectator sports.,1. Prepare to win.,2. Never stop learning.,start with a quotation,begin with a personal opinion,begin with a question,start with a surprising fact,3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.,4. Find a way to make a difference.,Matching,Part 1: Introduction(Para. 1-6): An_ _failed his job interview.,Part 2: Main Body (Para. 7-27): _


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