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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、ADB Resident Mission in the PRC 亚行驻中国代表处,Bid Evaluation and Award of Contract 评标与授予合同,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Public Opening of Bids 公开开标,A principal feature of the ICB, LIB and NCB methods ICB,LIB 和NCB 的一个基本特征 Intended to give bidders assurance that all bids are treated fairly and impartially 向投标人保证公正和公平 Opened publicly by EA at time and place indicated in the bidding documents, or posted online for e-bidding 执行机构在招标文件中规定的时间和地点公开开标, 或者如使用电子采购,可以在网上投递 Representatives of bidders normally attend and

      2、are asked to sign a register indicating their name and the firm they represent 投标人的代表应参加并代表公司签字 Information to be Read Out: name of the bidder, total bid price, discounts offered, amount of bid security and any other information 开标时读出的资料:投标人名称,投标总价,折扣,投标保函金额和其他信息,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Public Opening of Bids the Record 开标记录,Determination of the Lowest Evaluated Substantially Responsive Bid 决定具有最低评标价格且实质性响应的投标,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Purpose 目的,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Time Frame 时间要求 The eval

      3、uation of bids and the award of contract should be completed before the expiration of the bid validity period stipulated in the bid documents 评标和授予合同应在标书规定的投标有效期内完成 Confidentiality of Procedures 保密性 After opening of bids no information to non-authorized persons on: 开标后不能将如下信息透露给无关人员: Substance of bid 投标的实质内容 Preliminary examination results and status 初步的评审结果和评审状态 Evaluation results and status 投标结果和状态 Recommendation for award 授标建议,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Clarification and modification of

      4、 bids 标书的澄清与修改 Only clarifications not changing the substance or the price of the bid may be requested or accepted by the Borrower (Single-Stage) 借款人只可以要求或接受不改动该标的实质或价格的澄清 Arithmetical Errors: No cause for bid rejection, and can be corrected 算数错误:不会造成拒标的可纠正 Discrepancy between Unit Price and Total Price 单价与总价的差异 Unit Price will prevail 单价有效 Discrepancy between Total Bid Amount and Sum of Total Prices 投标总价和各总价的合计的差异 Sum of Total Prices will prevail 各总价的合计有效 Words vs figures 文字表达与数字表达 Words prevai

      5、l 文字表达有效,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Compliance with Bid Documents 遵守招标文件 Bids should be rejected if they: 拒标,如果: Do not substantially conform to Specifications 未实质性遵守规格的要求 Contain inadmissible reservations to bid documents 包含不能允许的对招标文件的保留意见/限制 Do not substantially respond to requirements 未实质性响应招标文件的要求 Prompt Notification of ADB 迅速通知亚行 EA should inform ADB early of unusual or difficult problems: 执行机构应将非正常情况或困难问题尽早通知亚行,比如: Small number of bids received 只收到很少数量的投标书 High proportion of non-resp

      6、onsive bids 非响应性标书比例太高 All bid prices substantially higher than cost estimates 所有投标人的标价都相当大地高于估算,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Extension of Bid Validity 投标有效期的延长 Considered in exceptional cases 只在特别情况下考虑 When considered, all bidders should be asked 考虑延长时,所有的投标人都要被要求 Bidders willing to extend bid validity 投标人愿意延长投标有效期 cannot modify substance of bid 不可改变投标的实质 must extend validity of bid security 必须延长投标保函有效期 No negotiation with Bidders, except 不可与投标人谈判,除非: with the Lowest Evaluated Bidder whose

      7、price still substantially exceeds cost estimate, 具最低评标价的投标人的价格仍然相当大地超过了估算 considered only as last resort instead of rebidding, and after obtaining ADB approval 在获得亚行的批准之后, 仅仅作为代替重新招标的最后的手段,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Rejection of All Bids when 拒绝所有投标: Not substantially responsive 均无实质性响应 Evidence of lack of competition exists 具有缺乏竞争性的证据 All prices substantially exceed cost estimate 所有投标价格均相当大地超过了估算 Rebidding with new invitations, as consulted with ADB, when all bids rejected 拒绝所有投标时,在咨询亚行后进

      8、行重新招标: Examine reasons for failure to attract adequate number of responsive bids 检查未能吸引足够数量响应性投标的原因 Revise Specifications, Scope of Supply, or bidding conditions as necessary 修改技术规范/规格,供货范围或必要的投标条件 Re-advertise, or request new bids from those who submitted bids earlier or from all invited 重新刊登广告,或邀请先前递交标书的投标人重新投标,或邀请所有曾被邀请过的投标人重新投标,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Basics 基本介绍,Commercial Aspects: Exercise flexibility in evaluating commercial aspects such as: 商务因素:检查评估商务因素的适应性,如: Delivery Schedule 供货计划 Terms

      9、of Payment 支付条款 Mode of Payments 支付方式 Duties and Taxes in Base Price for Comparison 评估中基本价格的关税问题 for Goods from outside 进口货物 (到岸价) Include cost of insurance and freight (CIF or CIP) 包括保险与运费 Exclude custom duties or other taxes levied on goods 不包括海关税或其他税项 for Goods from inside 国内货物(出厂价) Include ex-factory price (EXW) Exclude any sales or similar taxes levied on finished goods 不包括对成品货物征收的任何销售税或类似税项,7. Bid Evaluation 评标 Evaluation Sequence 评标程序,Step 3 : Prepare Table of Bid Prices 第三步:准备投标报价表,Table of Bid Prices,Step 4 : Examine Responsiveness 第四步:响应性检查,Purpose 目的 Elimination of b


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