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    • 1、英语应用文写作,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,(Sentences) (Paragraphs) (Essay),(Basic Writing Skills),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.1.1.英语基本句型 (Basic Elements of a Sentence),英语句子的主要构成成份有: S = Subject 主语 V = Verb 动词 O = Object 宾语 C = Complement 补语 A = Adverbial 状语,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,英语的七种基本句型: SV: 主谓 SVO: 主谓宾 SVC: 主谓补 SVA: 主谓状 SVOO: 主谓(间接)宾(直接)宾 SVOC: 主谓宾补 SVOA: 主谓宾状,此外还有比较常用的There be 句型, 表示“存在,有”,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,Your dinner seems ready. ( ) I must send my parents a Christmas card. ( ) That class interested me. ( ) My school is on the next stre

      2、et. ( ) Many students find that book very helpful. ( ) You may put your umbrella under the table. ( ) She was smiling. ( ) We have made her the head of our group. ( ),同步练习 Now read the following sentences and tell which clause type they belong to.,SVC,SVOO,SVO,SVA,SVOC,SVOA,SV,SVOC,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.1.3.有效句子(Effective Sentences),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,完整的句子 (Completeness) 清晰的句子 (Clarity) 简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 5. 灵活多变的句子 (Variety),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.写完整的句子 (Completeness) 一个完整的句子既包括结构上的完整,也包括意义上

      3、的完整。 (1) 结构上的完整,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,Wrong: Friendly people, another thing I like about college.,Correct: Friendly people, thats another thing I like about college.,Wrong: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quickly. Because they know how to listen.,Correct: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quickly because they know how to listen.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,None of the following sentences are complete. Make necessary corrections to make them complete.,1. I dislike dogs because v

      4、ery smelly (气味难闻).,2. The dogs always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit.,-I dislike dogs because they are very smelly.,-The dogs are always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit them.,3. Ways of naming new babies different around the world.,-Ways of naming new babies are different around the world.,同步练习,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,4. In Guangzhou is hotter than in Beijing.,5. Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, go to get a stick if you throw it.,-In Guangzhou, it is hotter than in

      5、 Beijing.,-Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, they go to get a stick if you throw it.,-Its too cold in this room.,6. Is too cold in this room.,7. Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet.,8. A book that you like.,- That is a book that you like.,-Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet, we dont keep one.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,2.写清晰的句子 (Clarity) 写作要注意句子的清晰度。以下几种情况妨碍文章的清晰,影响读者的理解。 (1) 缺乏必要的细节。 简洁尽管重要,但必要细节的缺乏也会使读者产生误解甚至不知所云。例如: a. He loves sports much more than his sist

      6、er. b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. c. The city has about one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,a句既可理解为“他比妹妹更喜欢运动”,也可以理解为“他喜爱运动胜过喜爱他妹妹”。为了使意义清晰明了,应该在该句的后半部补上相应的谓语: 修改: He loves sports much more than his sister does. 或:He loves sports much more than he loves his sister.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. b句中的a person和you 指代不明。 应改为:When a person gets married, he takes on new responsibilities.(泛指) 或:When you get married, you take on ne

      7、w responsibilities. (特指) c. The city has about one million. c句中,“one million”究竟指什么,缺乏必要的细节说明,应改为: 修改: The city has a population of one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,(2) 缺乏连贯性。 一个完整的意思被不必要地切割成几个句子,这样 一连串的短句由于未能体现出相互间的关系,读起来费 解,妨碍思维。 为了使句子连贯,应注意不要将联系密切的词分开; 应围绕一个中心意思,多用修饰语(如分词短语、介词短 语、从句等)。例如: Some people can not distinguish between colors .they are said to be color-blinded. 此句将其中一句改成定语从句 应该为:Some people who can not distinguish between colors are said to be color-blinded.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. He found the kitc

      8、hen window open. He put a ladder against the window. He climbed in. 此句子可改为: Finding the kitchen window open, he put a ladder against it and climbed in.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 语态和主语的随意转换。 He was running very hard in the race and his ankle was broken. 应改为: He was running very hard in the race and broke his ankle.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. The teacher left the classroom after the lecture was finished. 应改为: The teacher left the classroom after he finished the lecture. 或: Having finished the lecture, the teacher left t

      9、he classroom.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,c. She reviewed the lessons and all the exercises assigned by the teacher were done. 应改为: She reviewed the lessons and did all the exercises assigned by the teacher.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 人称和数的随意转换。 a. If one has talents, we will be likely to succeed. 应改为: If one has talents, one will be likely to succeed. 或: If we have talents, we will be likely to succeed.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. If a person is selfish, they will have few friends. 应改为: b. If a person is selfish, he will have few friends.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 代词指代不明。 The pollution in this area is serious; they should do something about it. 应改为: The pollution in this area is serious; the government should do something about it.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,同步练习: Correct the following sentences if necessary,There are always a lot of good news


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