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高中英语新课标外研版必修1教案(Module 3 5th period)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88049850
  • 上传时间:2019-04-17
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  • 文档大小:50.50KB
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    • 1、The Fifth PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period were going to learn Reading and Speaking.Well learn peoples childhood memories. Go over the past tense and time expressions referred to past.Teaching Aims1. Learn Reading and Speaking (Page 26).3. To learn past tense.4. Develop the students ability by speaking and reading.Teaching Important Points1. To learn the Grammar.(The past tense time expressions)(recently /during the day/one night/at a midnight/in 1925)2. Read about peoples chi

      2、ldhood memories.Teaching Difficult PointTo use the past tense time expressions.Teaching Aids1. a computer2. a projector3. a blackboard4. some colourful chalkTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Greeting and Lead-inT: Good morning!Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Do you remember your first visit to the zoo? Did you see wild animals? What wild animals did you see?Then ask the students to change roles. To say something about their childhood.Step 2 Reading and SpeakingT: This class, lets talk something about peopl

      3、es childhood. Read the passage individually. And then decide which are happy and which are unhappy.S: I can remember my first visit to the zoo.I saw a lion and an eagle. The lion was very lazy and slept all the time. He was very boring. The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me. I started to cry.T: So you were unhappy, right?S: Yes, Im very sad.T: Anyone else?S: I remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle. I wasnt good at it. I said, “I dont want to do this!”

      4、But my father was very patient and very soon he taught me how to do it. Now I ride my bike every day and Im much faster than my father!T: How happy you were!S: Yes. I was very glad.T: Do you remember your first day at kindergarten very clearly?S: Yes. There were so many children! I only knew one of them, a boy who lived in the apartment next door. I was very nervous. But we started playing with some toys and I soon stopped feeling nervous.T: So how interesting!S: Yes. I was so happy.T: Can you s

      5、wim?S: Yes. I remember learning to swimit was very wonderful! When I was very youngabout three years old, I loved swimming pools and I always wanted to swim. My cousin showed me how to swim. Everyone said it was Olympic standard!T: Oh, how brave! How excited you were!And I will never forget my first visit to the cinema. When I was about four years old. The screen seemed so big! We watched a cartoon about a hug beat. It was very wonderful. How happy I felt! OK! Next, lets practise in pairs!Step 3

      6、 Practice1. Tell the other students about the first time they did one of the activities.2. Put the students into groups of four to talk about their first experiences.3. When the students related their first experiences, try to avoid correcting the students too much. Teacher makes a note of mistakes and correct them later with the whole class. Write the incorrect sentences the teacher heard on the board and ask the students to correct the mistakes.Step 4 Grammar 21. Get the students to find the t

      7、ime expressions that appear in “My First Ride on a Train”.2. Ask the students to try to remember, without looking back, what events they referred to in “My First Ride on a Train”.3. Which of them can refer to past or present actions? Read the text again and check their answers: Recently: Alice went on her first long-distance train ride.During the day: She sat and looked out of the window.One night at about midnight: She watched the night sky for an hour.A long time ago: Australians needed a way

      8、to travel to the middle of the country.A hundred and fifty years ago: They bought some camels from Afghanistan.Until the 1920S: The camels carried food and other supplies across the desert.In 1925: The government passed a law allowing people to shoot camels if they became a problem.Recently: past onlyDuring the day: past and presentOne night: past onlyAt (about) midnight: past and present.A long time ago: past onlyUntil the 1920S: past onlyIn 1925: past only4. Then ask students to write down two

      9、 sentences for during the day and at midnight.During the day, the weather is very hot in summer.At midnight, it becomes colder and colder.Step 5 PracticeT: Turn to Page 27.Complete the sentences with similar time expressions.1. First ask students to answer the questions individually.2. Call back the answers from the class.Suggested answers: (1)A long time ago(2)During the day, one night(3)In 1925(4)Recently(5)A long time agoStep 6 Summary and HomeworkIn this class, weve learnt something about peoples childhood memories. Also learn how to use the past tense time expressions. Todays homework is to finish the exercises in the paper.Step 7

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