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    • 1、2015-2016学年吉林省长春市八年级(上)期末英语试卷一、单项选择,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个正确选项(本题共15分,每小题1分)1(1分)Whatif they have the party tomorrow?()AhappensBis happenedCwill happenDhappen2(1分)I think that half the classwith you()Ato agreeBagreeCagreeingDagrees3(1分)If Marylate tomorrow,the teacher wont let her in()AisBwill beCbeDwas4(1分)I dont know if hetomorrow()Ago climbingBwill go climbingCgoes climbingDwent climbing5(1分)Work hard, youll pass the exam()AandBorCbutDif6(1分)great weather today!()AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a7(1分)Today is

      2、 Childrens DayThe children look ()AlaughBsadCboredDhappy8(1分)May I have a talk with you,sir?Ive gotimportant to tell you()AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything9(1分)Is Rick there?No,hefor Beijing three days ago()AleftBleavesCleavingDleave10(1分)Tom enjoysTV at night()AwatchesBwatchCwatchingDwatched11(1分)He helped memy lost book()AfoundBfindCfindingD/12(1分)I want to read that book again; its too()ArelaxBboringCwonderfulDbored13(1分)We had great funin the water()AplayBto playCplaysDplaying14(1分)Yest

      3、erday afternoon,weto the park()AwentBgoCgoesDto go15(1分)Its cold,so we decidedat home()AstayBto stayCstayingDStayed二、完形填空(本题共15分,每空1.5分)16(15分)May,Joe and Roy are talking about(16)they want to do when they grow(17)May says,I want (18)a writerIm going to write a lot of booksIm going to be a famous(19),says JoeIm going to play basketball in summer(20)football in autumnOh,yes,says MayI also want to become a famous tennis starThat(21)good(22)I think I am going to be a doctor and a carpenter(木匠)Im go

      4、ing to(23)a cabin(木屋) myself,and I can live in it in winter,says RoyI am going to live in a lighthouse(灯塔)by the sea,says JoeThen I can go(24)every dayI want to own a castle(城堡),May says in the endTennis stars always(25)a lot of money16AwhenBthatCwhatDhow17AinBupConDtall18AbeBisCareDto be19ArunnerBreporterCathleteDdoctor20AbutBforCorDand21AsoundsBsounds likeCis going to soundDis going to sound like22ASoBAndCButDBecause23AbuildBbuyCtakeDpaint24AskatingBreadingCshoppingDfishing25AspendBbuyCmakeDpa

      5、y三、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题10分)26(10分)Two men were sitting together in a planeThey were on a long journeyOne of the men was a businessmanThe other was a farmerThey sat without talking for a while,then the farmer said,Lets do something to pass the timeWhat do you want to do?the businessman askedWe can ask each other riddles,the farmer saidOKLets make rules first,the businessman saidIf you dont know the answer to a riddle,you pay me100And if I dont know the answer,Ill pay you100Thats not fair (公平)You are a

      6、 businessman with much knowledgeYou know more things than I doI am just a farmer,the farmer saidThats true,the businessman saidWhat do you want us to do?If you dont know the answer to a riddle,you pay me100And if I dont know the answer,Ill pay you50,the farmer saidThe businessman thought about this,then he said,OKThats fairWho will go first?I will,the farmer saidHere is my riddleWhat has three legs when it walks,but only two legs when it flies?The businessman thought for a long time and said,Mm,

      7、thats a good oneIm afraid I dont know the answerHe gave the farmer100,then he said,Tell me the answerI dont know,the farmer said,then he gave the businessman5026The story happenedAon a farmBin a shopCbefore a long plane journeyDbetween two passengers27What does the wordriddlemean in this story?ASomething to win moneyBSomething to help to make rulesCA difficult question to find the answer toDA kind of game in doing business28Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost?AHe made muc

      8、h more money than the farmerBHe thought he knew more than the farmerCHe was interested in making riddlesDHe was better at playing riddle games29The farmerAdidnt enjoy himself on his long journeyBdidnt want to pay even one dollarCspent all his money on the plane ticketDwon fifty dollars by playing the riddle game30Which of the following is NOT true?AThe two men made rules for their riddle gameBThe farmer was more clever than the businessmanCThe two men made their riddle game more interesting by playing it for moneyDThe businessman knew the answer to this riddle31(10分)Now machines are widely used all over the worldWhy are machines so important and necessary(必要的)for us?Because they can help us to do things better and fasterA washing machine helps us to wash clothes fastA printing machine helps us to print a lot of books,news


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