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    • 1、2016年秋季期九年级英语科10月份月考试题参考答案一、1-4 DACB 5-10 ACBBCA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 CABBC 21-25 CACBB26. 20 27. busy 28. thin 29. exams 30. health二、31-35 DACBD 36-40 CDBAB 41-45 ACBAD三、46-50 CBADA 51-55 CBDDA四、56-60 ACBDC 61-65 CABAD 66-70 ACBAD五、71. born 72. secret 73. Christmas 74. correct 75. public 76. physics 77. steal 78. garden 79. corner 80. ant六、81. lost 82. his 83. singing 84. climber 85. others七、86. He meets his daughter at her school gate on time.87. She goes to the park with her dad and plays with t

      2、he other kids.88. Yes, he does. / Yes.89. His son died in a traffic accident.90. We should spend more time with someone we love every day.八、Dear Tom,The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year. Its popular not only in China, but it is also celebrated in many other Asian countries. People believe that the full moon is a symbol of reunion, and they often give best wishes to each other at this special tim

      3、e. On this day people usually go back home to get together, enjoying a meal with their family. At night, they admire the full moon and share delicious mooncakes with their family.Yours,Li Hua听力材料(一)1. Anna used to have long straight hair.2. Jim often studies English by reading English newspapers.3. Could you please tell me where to get a dictionary?4. Christmas is popular in China now.(二)5. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?6. Did you work in the bookstore last year?7. Who helps

      4、 you to improve your pronunciation?8. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?9. Im going to Beijing for a holiday tomorrow.10. Could you give me a telephone call when you get there?(三) 11. W: Did you learn the English song, Bob?M: Yes, I learned it last week.Q: When did Bob learn the English song?12. W: How do you remember the English words, Tom?M: By making word cards.Q: How does Tom remember the English words?13. W: Look at the photo. People are having fun celebrating the Water F

      5、estival.M: Did you take it in Thailand or India?W: I took it in Thailand.Q: Where did the woman take the photo?14. W: Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?M: Sure. Bus No. 23 will take you there.Q: Which bus can take the woman to the bookstore?15. W: Why did you look so nervous just now, Peter?M: It was my first time to give a speech in public.Q: How did Peter feel when she first gave a speech in public?16 -17 M: Whats your plan for the Chinese Spring Festival, Li Mai?

      6、W: Well, I usually go to Beijing. But this year Im going to Hangzhou with my parents.M: When are you leaving?W: My parents are both busy. So well leave for Hangzhou on January 31st. M: How will you go there?W: My mother is afraid of taking a plane, so we are going there by train.M: Have a good trip.18 -20 W: Does your teacher speak only English in class, Tom?M: Yes. We never speak Chinese in class! Miss Brown speaks to us only in English.W: I think shes right. Does she speak English very slowly?

      7、M: Not always. Sometimes we dont understand her. Then she has to repeat what she has said.W: It must be interesting to study English.M: Yes, it is. Jack, the youngest student in the class, learns the fastest.W: Is English pronunciation easy or difficult?M: Sometimes its difficult. I cant pronounce some of the words.(四)I love my school. Its a small one with only six classes. We have no sports field. After class we usually play on the grass. Our math teacher, Mr. Green, is a great teacher. We call

      8、 him Uncle Green, because he is like our uncle. He always says to us,“Have fun playing”. And we learn a lot in his class from playing games. It is very interesting. The other teachers are great, too. Our English teacher, Ms. Allen, uses songs and stories to help us learn new words. Our P.E. teacher, Mr. King, loves to climb trees. Here is a photo of us. You can see Mr. King sitting under the tree. We are like a family. (五)A survey shows that about 20 percent of students have the bad habit of not having breakfast. That is because they study too late at night and they want to sleep longer in the morning. Sometimes their parents are too busy to look after them. They just give them some money to buy breakfast. Some girls dont have breakfast because they want to keep thin. As a result, they feel tired in class and dont do well in their exams. Breakfast can provide us with 30 percent of the energy we need and it can help us think better. It is really good for our health.


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