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研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)lesson 9

  • 卖家[上传人]:suns****4568
  • 文档编号:84791971
  • 上传时间:2019-03-04
  • 文档格式:PPT
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    • 1、,Advanced Reading Revised Edition,策 划:鞠方安 商希建 顾 问:李光立 主 编:刘兰芝 董敬一 副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 杨真真 任林静 制作人:毛晓霞 段艳丽,Lesson Nine,Spell of the Rising Moon,Catalogue,Background Information,Peter Steinhart is a famous contemporary naturalist and a writer in the United States. He was an editor and columnist at Audubon奥杜邦, and his work has appeared in Harpers 哈珀斯the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and other newspapers and magazines. One of his famous publication is The Company of Wolves published by New

      2、 York : Random House in 1996.,Moonlight Sonata,Beethovens piano sonata (奏鸣曲)in C major, opus 53 (C大调第53号) was dedicated to the patron(赞助人)Count Ferdinand von Waldstein. Beethoven originally wrote the piece in traditional 18th century sonata form, with three clearly demarcated movements. He then rewrote the second movement in its present unconventional form, with a haunting(萦绕于心的),slowly building melodic passage,that pauses only briefly before the third movement begins.,Moonlight Sonata,Warm-up Q

      3、uestions,1. How do you describe the moonrise? 2. We Chinese often associate the full moon with family reunion. What do we do when we celebrate the festi- vals associated with the moon such as the Lantern Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival? And why?,3. Can you think of some famous Chinese poems about the moon?,Warm-up Questions,床前明月光, 疑是地上霜, 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。,Before my bed There is bright moonlight So that it seems Like frost on the ground. Lifting my head I watch the bright moon, Lowering my head

      4、I dream that Im home.,静夜思,Main Idea,Mankind has been fascinated by the moon since pre- historic times. In this article the author reflects on the many and varied ways that the Moon can appear and how it affects us. This story has many “word pictures”, visual impressions created in the mind of the reader by the authors use of words. Relax and let yourself share the view and feeling and meaning. Steinhart begins this journey on a hill away from the noise and confusion,Main Idea,of the city. He sho

      5、ws us that moons have moods. Moon gazing has been a part of life from prehistoric times. Todays life style shuts most people off from moon risings. In an experience in the mountains when his car stalled he was in awe over the rising of a full moon. He gave us a detailed description of its color changes and its changing influences on the surrounding scenery. Th- en he wrote of gaining a more patient sense of time and,Main Idea,finding a kind of stillness within himself. In this quiet time he refl

      6、ected on meaning. Life seemed softer and kinder. Then, when he tried his car it started and he left with peace in his heart. He returned often just to relax. Being there allowed his mind to wonder from crickets in the grass to the music of Beethoven. He was freed from the stresses and confusion of the city. Poets bring up deeper questions about life. Moon rises helped him feel as he could not by day.,1. spell n ( the title) a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually

      7、 a short period 我在部队服役很短一段时间后又去教书了。 After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching. 她在医院住了很短一段时间后,很快又回来上班了。 After a short spell in hospital she was soon back at work.,Language Points,Language Points,2) a situation in which events are controlled by a magical power 她是被一个女巫施了魔法后死的。 She died after a witch cast a spell on her. 舞蹈家好像迷住了观众。 The dancer seemed to cast spell over her audience.,Language Points,2. murmur n ( line 1, para. 2 ) 1) a soft low sound made by people speaking quietly or a

      8、 long way away 屋里传来一阵轻轻的谈话声。 There was a murmur of conversation in the room. 这群人发出一阵杂乱的移动脚步的声音和低声 表示同意的声音。 There was a general shuffle and murmur of approval.,Language Points,2) the soft low sound made by water, the wind etc 我能听到大海的呢喃声。 I could hear the murmur of the sea. 在我们的房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。 In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.,Language Points,3) do sth without a murmur : to do sth without comp- lainning, especially when this is surprising 他们毫无怨言地交了附加税。 They paid the extra t

      9、axes without a murmur.,Language Points,3. hush n (line 1, para. 2) 1) silence, esp. when people are expecting sth to happen 旁观者们突然静了下来。 A hush fell over the onlookers. 请让我们安静一会儿! Can we have a bit of hush, please! 2) vt to cause to be silent and/or calm 那位母亲叫吵闹的孩子安静下来。 The mother hushed her noisy child.,Language Points,4. cricket n (line 2, para. 2) 1) a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by ru- bbing its wings together,Language Points,2) a game between two teams of 11 players in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running between two sets of three sticks,Language Points,5. owl n ( line 2, para. 2 ) a bird with large eyes that hunts at night,Language Points,6. drama n u c ( line 2, para. 2 ) an exciting event or set of events, or the quality of being exciting 丝毫没有释放人质时的那种激动和如释重负的感 觉。 There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release. 为何不放几支蜡烛增添情调呢? Why not use candels for

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