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    • 1、 非谓语动词类考点一:动词不定式1._ her career, Lucy will leave her present job and take a new one.A. To further B. FurtherC. Having further D. Furthered【解析】A句意:为了促进她的事业,露西将会辞去目前的工作而找份新的工作。根据句意可知, her career是句子的目的状语,需要使用不定式。2.As a journalist you should first decide what events _ before you make some interviews.A. to report B. reportedC. to be reported D. reporting【解析】A句意:作为一名记者,在你制作访谈之前首先应当决定好要报道什么样的事件。句子主语是you (a journalist),与report之间是主谓关系,且表示“将来的事情”,故使用不定式的主动式。3.Our government will try to beautify the city an

      2、d with trees and flowers _ everywhere, our city will take on a new look.A. planted B. plantingC. to be planted D. having planted【解析】C句意:我们的政府将会努力美化城市;伴随着花草树木将在各处栽种,我们的城市将呈现新的面貌。根据句意可知,trees and flowers与plant是动宾关系,并且是“将来的事情”,故使用不定式的被动式。4.How pleased Mr. Robinson was _ the teacher tell him about his son at school!A. hear B. to hearC. hearing D. heard【解析】B句意:罗宾逊先生听到这位老师告诉他儿子在学校的情况后是多么的高兴啊!本句是一个感叹句,其陈述句式是:Mr. Robinson was pleased to hear the teacher tell him about his son at school. Mr. Robinson与hea

      3、r之间是主谓关系。5.The project _ by the end of 2015 will greatly expand the citys telephone network.A. accomplished B. being accomplishedC. to be accomplished D. having accomplished 【解析】C句意:将于2015年完成的这项工程将会大大地扩展城市的电话网络。accomplish与The project之间是动宾关系,并且是“将来的事情”,故使用不定式的被动式。考点二:动名词1.We didnt find the Blacks _ the lecture.No one had told them about _ a lecture the following day.A. attend;there to be B. attending;there beingC. attended;there be D. attending;there was【解析】B句意:我们没有发现布莱克一家参加演讲。没人告诉他们第二天有一场演讲。the

      4、Blacks与attend之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词作其宾补;tell sb. about sth.中的about是个介词,后接动名词作宾语,故选择B项。2.What made you so delighted at Christmas?_.A. As there was an unusual celebrationB. My uncles coming back from abroadC. I received many more presents than othersD. Because my parents promised me a new car【解析】B句意:什么事使得你在圣诞节的时候那么高兴?我的叔叔要从国外回来了。题干问句中提问的是句子主语What,故答句应该是能作主语的动名词形式,而B项是带所有格形式的动名词,符合要求。3.What in the world put you in a really bad mood?_ in the traffic for hours.A. Stuck B. Being stuckC. To be stuck D. Stickin

      5、g【解析】B句意:究竟是什么事情让你心情这么糟?堵车堵了几个小时。考查动名词的被动形式作主语。可以看做Being stuck in the traffic for hours put me in a really bad mood. 根据be stuck in陷/卡在里,其动名词短语的被动形式为being stuck,选B。A选项不作主语,C选项表示将来,D选项为主动,均不合题意。考点三:分词1._ all the doors were locked, Mr. Smith left for London on holiday.A. Checking B. CheckedC. To check D. Having checked【解析】D句意:确定所有门都锁好之后,史密斯先生就去伦敦度假了。check和Mr. Smith是逻辑上的主谓关系且check这个动作在left之前,故用现在分词的完成式在句中作状语。2._ the shopping list are some Christmas gifts for her children.A. Adding to B. To add toC.

      6、Added to D. Having added【解析】C句意:被增加到购物单上的是买给她的孩子们的一些圣诞礼物。考查过去分词短语作表语。可以看做是Some Christmas gifts for her children are added to the shopping list.因为“增加”和“礼物”是被动关系,所以选C。3._ of danger in the street at night,she had to go home with a friend _ her.A. Warned;followedB. Warning;followingC. Having warned;followingD. Having been warned;following【解析】D句意:被警告晚上街上并不安全后,她不得不让一个朋友陪着回家。主句she had to go home中已经有谓语动词go存在,warn和follow应用相应的非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语she与warn之间是被动关系,故排除B、C两个选项,而逻辑主语a friend与follow之间为主动关系,即“朋友跟随她”,应选择f

      7、ollowing,所以答案为D。前者强调动作的先后性和被动意义,后者强调主动性和伴随性。4.The answer _ the teacher, she asked the little boy to try a second time.A. disappointedB. disappointingC. being disappointedD. having been disappointed【解析】B句意:小男孩的回答令老师很失望,老师让他再试一次。逻辑主语与谓语动词之间是主谓关系,故用主动语态,在句子中作状语,构成独立主格结构。如:Weather permitting (If weather permits), they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。考点四:非谓语动词难点1.Have you moved into your new house?Not yet. Ive no time to get it _.A. furnishing B. furnishedC. furnis

      8、h D. to furnish【解析】B句意:你搬进新家了吗?没呢。我没时间置办家具。get sth. done表示“使(某事)发生,没完成(某事)”,故选furnished。2.Train tickets sold online or by telephone have topped 2 million daily, _ that around onethird of passengers dont have to wait for several hours to get a ticket.A. meaning B. meansC. to mean D. Meant【解析】A句意:通过网络和电话订购的火车票每天高达200万张,这就意味着大约1/3的乘客不用排几个小时的队就能买到票。meaning在句中是现在分词短语作状语,表主动。3.There are small groups of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find _.A. puzzling B. puzzledC. being p

      9、uzzled D. to puzzle【解析】A句意:有几组单词甚至令一些以英语为母语的人以及英国作家们都感到困惑。本题采用定语从句形式考查非谓语动词作宾补。先行词为words,代入定语从句后为:Even some native speakers and writers of English find the words puzzling(令人困惑的). puzzled感到困惑的。4._ full preparations,the doctor decided to postpone the operation.A. Not making B. Not madeC. Not to make D. Not having made【解析】D句意:(因为)还没有做好充分的准备工作,这位医生决定推迟这项手术。the doctor与“没做好准备”之间是主谓关系,且“没做好准备”在decided之前,故使用现在分词的完成式。5.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _ on benches, chairs or boxes.A. having seated B. seatingC. seated D. having been seated【解析】C句意:甩卖通常在屋外进行,那时观众们坐在长凳、椅子或箱子上。with后的宾语audience与seat(vt


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