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牛津译林版选修八unit 1《the written world》ppt课件2

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  • 文档编号:70707677
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
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    • 1、牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Project,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,1,The poetry of Robert Burns,reputation,Burns had a reputation for being funny and charming.,(line 2),What do you think reputation is? Any examples?,Language Points,Mr. Smith _ being amusing/funny.,史密斯先生因为他的风趣而出名。,reputation,Burns had a reputation for being funny and charming.,be of good/high reputation,has a reputation for,Language Points,(line 2),debt,Unfortunately, he came from a poor family with many debts,Debts means _,Language Points,(line 3),You s

      2、aved my life; I am forever _ your debt. A. at B. in C. if D. from,debt,Unfortunately, he came from a poor family with many debts ,be in/out of debt get out of debt be in ones debt,Language Points,(line 3),transform,After his first book of poetry was published, he was transformed and became nationwide overnight.,What does transform mean according to the text?,Language Points,(line 7-8),transform,After his first book of poetry was published, he was transformed and became nationwide overnight.,2. 这

      3、个曾经的小渔村只用了20年就已经变成了一个现代化城市。,1. 大量的雨水可能把这个地区由沙漠转换成绿地。,transform-transformation,Language Points,(line 7-8),The word transmit means send out (a signal , program, etc) electronically by radio waves, along a telegraph wire, etc 常用句式: transmit sth. (from)(to) 意为“从向传输,传 播 (信号,节目等)” 常用于被动语态,The world Cup final is being _ live to over fifty countries. 2. The clubs goalkeeper isnt happy here, and has asked for a _ . 3. She used to be shy but a year abroad has completely _ her. 4. Iron _ heat.,transmits,tr

      4、ansformed,transfer,transmitted,Fill in the blanks with transfer, transform, transmit.,overnight,After his first book of poetry was published, he was transformed and became nationwide overnight.,Language Points,(line 7-8),overnight,After his first book of poetry was published, he was transformed and became nationwide overnight.,1. 夜间的旅行,Adjective & Adverbial,2. 他一下子成了名人。,3. 我们不接受突如其来的成功。,Language Points,(line 7-8),shorten,A hard life and a weak constitution shortened Robert Burns life.,The best w

      5、ay to transform a adjective into a verb is to add an _.,Language Points,(line 11),monument,This monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877.,monument is not movement!,Language Points,(line 14-15),monument,This monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877.,1. The monument _ the Peoples Heroes was set up in Beijing. A. towards B. to C. with D. for,2. 这道习题的答案体现了理论的正确性。,monument to ,Language Points,(line 14-15),exhibit,This monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877.,How d

      6、o you explain exhibit in English?,Language Points,(line 14-15),Language Points,exhibit,This monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877.,1. Many unearthed cultural relics were _ at the museum. 2. Did you see the art _ in the downtown area?,exhibit-exhibition,(line 14-15),Burns belonged to a movement of poets called the Romantic poets.,Belong to cant be used in a passive voice.,Language Points,(line 19),belong to,belong to,Burns belonged to a movement of poets called the Romantic poets.,

      7、China is a country _ the third world. A. belonged to B. belongs to C. belong to D. belonging to,No passive voice for belong to,Language Points,(line 19),tend to,The poetry of this period is not only about love, although Romantic themes tend to be more emotional.,Language Points,(line 22),不及物动词tend可表示“向某个方向延伸, 向发展”。其后常跟介词to,towards等, 或表示方向的副词,如upwards, eastward等。 e.g. Interest rates are tending downwards. tend还可表示“容易,有某种倾向”。其 后常跟动词不定式,构成tend to do sth.结构。 e.g. People tend to get fat when they gro

      8、w older.,即时练习 用tend及汉语提示完成下列句子 1. It _ (往往雨量多) in summer here. 2. My brother _(容易 出错) when he is tired. 3. The bicycle _ (倾斜) the left.,tends to rain a lot,tends to make mistakes,tends to / towards,Language Points,tend to,The poetry of this period is not only about love, although Romantic themes tend to be more emotional.,1. 我在冬天常睡得较早。 I _ during the winter.,2. 这里夏天较为多雨。(rain/rainy),tend to be+ adjective,tend to do something,(line 22),compare,The word like is used to compare the idea of love to

      9、a red rose.,Language Points,(line 39),compare,The word like is used to compare the idea of love to a red rose.,compare-comparison,Language Points,(line 39),1. _ with the Sun, the Earth is really a small thing. 2. The tallest buildings in London are small in _ with those in New York.,根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释, 写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。 1. The young servant is waiting upon his m_ to have dinner. 2. Its a_ for a thin little boy to eat so much. 3. His face brightened at the s_ of her.,aster,bnormal,ight,4. We took p_ on the homeless boy and took him into our house. 5. He addressed the e_ before mailing the letter. 6. She sang an e_ song about love and death. 7. Anyth

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