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    • 1、得骥中小学一对一在职名师辅导新初一交流群:554935823 得骥教育 好老师 好方法 好成绩 首字母综合填空篇首字母综合填空篇 Passage1 Ma Huateng and His QQ Do you have a QQ number ?number Many people like to chat o_(1)using QQ.Do you know who i_(2)QQ? It was Ma Huateng Ma Huateng was b_(3)in 1971. When he was very young ,showed a great i_(4) in astoronomy( 天 文 学 ). However, he chose to learn computer when he entered Sh enzhen University in 1989 . In his eyers ,computer science was close to everyday life compared to (相比) astronomy .He worked hard and beca

      2、me the b_(5) student in his class . After graduation (毕业),he worked as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen for five years .Then he stared his own company in 1998.I t was d_(6) at the beginning and he had to work hard every day.After he invented QQ ,his business g_(7) better and better .It is said that now there are at least three hundred m_(8)people using QQ.It is a wonder (奇 迹) ,isnt it ? Passage2 There are camels f_(1) Africa and Asia .This is an African camel .It live in the d_(2)a

      3、nd eatsgrass .It doesnt often drink. There are e_(3) form Africa and India .This is an Asian elephant.It l_(4) in India .In Asia ,some elephants work in the forest .Elephants like water . The kangaroo comes from A_(5). It s Ausralian .The kangaroo lives in the grassland .It eatsg_(6) and leaves .It doesnt eat meat .The monkey comes from South America .Its South American .The monkey lives in the j_(7) and eats fruit . There are snakes in Asia ,A merica ,Africa, Australia and Europe .This snake co

      4、mes from Amrica.It eats m_(8). It doesnt like water . This is a European w_(9) .It lives in the forest .It eats meat.It doesnt eat v_(10). Passage 3 In many ways Lisa Barrett is an ordinary girl .She g_(1) to school every day .She e_(2) litening to music and likes dancing .She eats hamburgers and pizza and she t_(3) to her friends on the telephone for hours . But Lisa is not an ordinary girl .She is the State Junior Figure Skating Champion ,and she is only fourteen years o_(4). Lisa trains at th

      5、e ice rink four times a week .She walks to the ice rink .Its just two blocks from her h_(5).Shes really luvky .After traning ,she usually watches TV or she p_(6) computer games with her younger brother. On weekdays ,she always g_(7) up at seven oclock ,but on Snturdays and Sundays ,she does not .She is at home with her f_(8).On Sundays ,her dad always makes her favorite breakfast-French toast! Passagee 4 Hi ! Im Ross and I_(1) in washington ,D.C ,the c_(2) of the U.S .But you dont know what D.C

      6、. stands for ! It m_(3) District of Columbia ,named after Christopher Columbus . I like Washington b_(4) theres so much to do .I love going to museums and historical monuments .Last week ,I v_(5) the Aerospace museum .You can see rockets that went into 得骥中小学一对一在职名师辅导新初一交流群:554935823 得骥教育 好老师 好方法 好成绩 space ! My f_(6) school subjects are computer science and math .I have a lot homework ,but when its done ,I enjoy reading science fiction and w_(7) TV. On weekwnds ,I s_(8) time with my family .We of

      7、ten have a picnic in one of the large city parkes.I also p_(9) footballl with my friends ,or we just to down to the mall and hang out . My dream is to go to UCLA and s_(10)aeronaytics (航空学)。Then I want to join the US space program ! Passage 5 This moment ,in d_(1) places of the world people are doing different things. In London its five oclock and people are l_(2)work and are going home .Theyre waiting for buses and running for trains .Some people are d_(3)their cars .Some are having afternoon t

      8、ea at home or walking to pubs and h_(4)a drink. In Moscow its eighroclock and people arent having afternoon tea .They are having dinner at home or in r_(5). Some are going to the opera or w_(6)a ballet .Some are watching television or playing games at home . In Beijing its one ocolck .People arent having dinner .They are s_(7). In Los Angeles its nine oclock .Peole arent getting up ,w_(8) or getting dressed .Theyre working.Children are s_(9) their lessons. In New York its midday(12:00).People ar

      9、ent working .They are having lunch .They are e_(10) hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or Coke.Theyre seeing friends,calling home or shopping. Passage 6 A young passenger was looking e_(1) for his ticket ,because the conductor was c_(2) to cheek the ticket .He was looking for ti in every part of his coat and the trousers,what s_(3) the other passengers most was that they f_(4) he had the ticket in his m_(5)。The conductor q_(6) tookthe ticket out of his mouth ,checked it and gave it b_(7) to him .One of them said to him at last,”Im sure you f_(8) foolish then ,sitting there looking everywhere for your ticket when it was r_(9) in your


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