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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务加拿大 paper 写作-TheyIn oatess novel “they“, the body image under the violence and abuse is used to show the discipline and control of individual by American social power operation mechanism, as well as the body representation of female consciousness under multiple oppression. The “they“ in the shackles of fate did not succumb to the “panoramic“ discipline mechanism, but tried to reconstruct the bodys subjectivity in resistance. We can interpret

      2、 the historical construction and cultural cognition contained in the body through the novel text and discourse, and interpret the social representation, production and metaphor of the body.In the history of western thought, the study and exposition of the body has gone through the dualistic dualism of Plato and Descartes, the integrative theory of Nietzsche, and foucaults combination of the body study with the study of sociology and anthropology to complete the “body turn“ of all walks of life i

      3、n western society. Foucault in “madness and civilization“, “the order of things“, “the imprisonment and punishment“ and in the history of “sex“ and other works, this paper discusses the relationship between body and power, the body is no longer a flesh and blood in medical research, but all kinds of power, mechanism to realize objective media, political, social, cultural, the purpose of the human body “directly involved in some kind of politics; The power relationship controls it directly, inter

      4、venes in it, marks it, trains it, tortures it, forces it to perform certain tasks, perform certain rituals, and send certain signals. The importance of the body is reflected in the various social control mechanisms, micro-powers and disciplinary institutions that regulate and control people through the bodys action on them “. Foucaults research has promoted the metaphorization of the concept of the body, broken the traditional academic boundaries of the body, so that the body is no longer just a

      5、n objective object of medical research, but a carrier that can be written and narrated, observing, recording and analyzing human history, society, politics and culture. In the study of the body, the turn of language and psychological analysis is reflected, the body becomes speech action or speech, and the body of “discovery“ or “construction“ is replaced by the body of “performance“.Joyce carol oates because its transform variety of writing techniques and the performance of the personality is di

      6、stinct perspective was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature, the prolific writer condensed the turmoil of all aspects of American society in his works, the clever use of stream of consciousness, psychological analysis and internal monologue realism to show modern anxiety and helplessness in the cruel reality, a pursuit of ideal belief, morality, by violence, violence, death, heavy hammer broken, violent conflicts between the characters and the reality of writing natural and suddenl

      7、y there, at the same time bring readers a kind of “across a minefield of emotion“ reading experience, Readers “are often shocked by the multiple explosions.“摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务“They,“ a classic representation of oatess violent work, was reviewed as “a sepulchral gothic room full of blood, fire, insanity, chaos, greed, corruption and various deaths“. “They“ in “their“ body suffered from violence, disease, blood rain forest, no room, this kind of attack and tort

      8、ure and “they“ is closely related to the social environment, all kinds of power mechanism is the result of the discipline of the body, the tragic fate of the “they“ in “their“ power relations and social interaction between the hegemony of the micro mechanism of power function. The interpretation of “they“ from the perspective of body politics, “they“ is a gunbattle of “they“ being disciplined, self-disciplined and anti-disciplined in the turbulent social background.“They“ is a novel filled with

      9、violence, absurdity and disease in every corner, and the violent scenes with bloody smells and sudden plot twists give readers an unusual reading experience. The novel begins with the seemingly peaceful description of Loretta who falls in love, but is undermined by Lorettas uneasiness. “her heart leaps up“, and then her lover Bernie who takes home is shot by her brother. The numerous descriptions of dead bodies and blood in the novel confirm the uneasiness of the readers and Loretta. More bizarre scene in Loretta slouches at will the police after Howard as a savior to take home, Howard captured Loretta in front of a dead body, in exchange for juwan Howard help Loretta out, this fantastic, dirty, blood rain forest story start all fantasy back to the grim reality, power and body race kicked off. As foucault said, power is pervasive and ubiquitous in daily life. All interpersonal relationships ar


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