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英文paper写作--Media convergence

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  • 文档编号:58453310
  • 上传时间:2018-10-29
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:32KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务英文 paper 写作-Media convergenceUnder the general trend of the continuous development of new media, the development of traditional media must be further improved to take the road of media integration. By analyzing the current media convergence, it is found that although the media convergence at the present stage is becoming more and more intense, most of them have gone towards formalism. The real media convergence has not been realized and the

      2、effect has not been well reflected. Based on the current situation, this paper analyzes and summarizes the problems in the current media convergence, and conducts comprehensive research on specific measures to avoid formalism in media convergence, which can provide reference for the development of media convergence and improve the efficiency and quality of media convergence.It can be seen from the analysis of the current concrete practice that even though the traditional media is declining under

      3、 the constant impact of new media, the status of traditional media cannot be completely replaced by new media, so its utilization is still valuable.To do to traditional media available value maximization, the fusion is the necessary way to realize the old and new media, and will present a detailed analysis of view, although the old and new media in the continuous development of fusion, but its many towards the formalism, which not only affect the concrete effect of the media fusion, and caused t

      4、he large waste of resource materials, in order to get rid of this kind of adverse effect, media fusion research must be further avoid formalism.Media convergence has been the buzzword of media at all levels in recent years. From the central government to the local, all levels of newspapers, radio and television system within the media, all pay great attention to media integration. In the industry, it is also seen as the only way for traditional media to transform and upgrade and seize the right

      5、of speech in the era of we-media.However, media convergence is not a simple one plus one or one plus N. When more and more media build the magnificent command center, the way of media convergence seems to step into a road of confusion.Performance enhancement and assessment. According to the new collecting and editing system and mechanism, set up a new performance appraisal system to guarantee.The central kitchen established by local media at all levels based on this concept has not played an ima

      6、ginary role in the actual operation process. Some of the medias central kitchen command centers exist only for visitors. The specific operation of 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务media convergence is also a mere formality, new bottles of old wine, taste unchanged.Relatively speaking, the convergence of print media is a little stronger than radio and television. The reason is that the print media, relying on the Internet mobile terminal, has got rid of the timeliness shortc

      7、oming of the newspaper in the next day, and is gradually enhancing the visual service, making the video service no longer equal to the exclusive product of the broadcast media.I shot video and audio works, put them on the Internet, or I had a video live broadcast through my App or WeChat public account, and then what? How many reads, or clicks? From the perspective of media survival and development, are these products realized value? For most media, this is still unknown.There are many people in

      8、 the industry joke, the media convergence of the horn blowing now, the real money may only sell equipment and training. In short, avoiding the formalized way of media convergence and truly transforming the mode of communication according to the needs of audiences may be the right way of media transformation.Media people should remind themselves that nowadays radio, television and newspapers are no longer the main channel of information dissemination. This means that the channel advantage or plat

      9、form advantage that we once relied on for survival has gone.The public interest in a message does not depend on whether it is published by the so-called “mainstream media“. In particular, after years of successful efforts to remove the barriers to information dissemination that we had previously classified as administrative districts, our walls have been removed. Every free person is likely to go beyond traditional media and become a collector of information and a publisher. Therefore, the path of media convergence is a battle for the right of speech and the survival of the media.Building a command center, developing an App, these are just manifestations of integration. The real integration lies in the transformation of information acquisition and release process.In the case of television, when the declining probability of opening year by year becomes an irreversible reality, the news has become old new

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