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    • 1、Unit 9 Technology,Language Pints for Reading,Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagerswho live life “on the go” and use cellphones. on the go 忙碌; 活跃 Shes been on the go all day. Healthy, happy people are usually on the go. Im feeling completely tired out; Ive been _ ever since eight oclock this morning.A. on the go B. rushed on the feetC. on board D. at the work,A,2. She takes out her red cellphone and presses the talk key. press vt. 1. 按,压,挤 2. 压碎,压破;榨出 3. 熨平(衣服) 4. 催促;催逼;强迫;(极力)劝说 vi. 1. 挤向前,奋

      2、力前进 2. 紧迫 n. 1. 报刊;新闻界;记者们;通讯社2.(常大写)出版社 Press this button to start the engine. He was pressing his jacket. He pressed her to come with him. There will be a press conference at 8 this evening.,3. I should be home in about ten minutes. should 应该, 但此处是一种推断、猜测, She should be here at any minute. Dinner should be ready by now. Its 7 now. Mum should be back at any moment. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _ report it to the police?A. should B. may C. will D. can I _ pay Tracy a vi

      3、sit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.A. should B. might C. would D. could,A,A,4. Cellphones make it possible for us to talk make 作使役动词,常用于下列情况:domake sb./ sth. doneadj. / n. What has made you think Im a farmer? What he did at school made Father angry. We made him monitor of our class., make sb. do 结构变成被动语态时,须用带 to 的动词不定式。He was made to work day and night by the boss. make it +adj. + (for sb. ) to doCellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.,5. Mode

      4、rn cellphones are more than phones.more than 不止是、不只是; no more than 仅仅、只有not more than 不到、至多 Mr. Li is _ a professor; he is also a famous scientist. As I had _ five dollars with me, I couldnt afford it. He had to work at the age of _ twelve.,more than,no more than,not more than,6. New functions are being added to the phones. add A to B 将A加入B之中If the tea is too strong, add some hot water to it. add to: 增加(扩大其量)This adds to our difficulties.The house has been added to from time to time. add up to:

      5、The figures add up to 365. add sth. up: add up ten figures add sth. together:将某事物结合起来,7. The latest cellphones have features latest 是 late 的最高级,表示“最新的、最迟的”。如:He was the latest comer.His suit was cut in the latest style. last 表示“上一次、最后的、” lately 意为“最近”,相当于 recently,一般用于否定句或疑问句,常与现在完成时或一般现在时连用。如:I havent seen her lately.,late “迟、晚”,可用作形容词和副词。如:These apples ripen in late autumn.He often gets up late. later 是 late 的比较级。还可用作“以后的、后来的”,相当于 afterwards,常与动词的一般过去时或一般将来时连用,还可用于“一段时间+later”结构。如:The boy is o

      6、ften later for school than the others.Half an hour later, she woke up and began to cry.,用 late / later / lately / latest 填空 What do you think of his _ play? Three days _, he came back. What have you been doing _? We shall have to hurry, or we shall be _ for the bus. He came here in _ June.,考题点击: - How do you like his _ play? - I like it much better than his _ one.A. latest last B. lately lastlyC. early lately D. early lastly,A,latest,later,lately,late,late,8. that will remind you about appointme

      7、nts remind vt. 意为“提醒、使想起、使记忆起”。常用于以下句型中: 1) remind sb. to do sth 提醒某人I reminded him to go home before dark. 我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。 2) remind sb. that 提醒某人I reminded her that we didnt get any petrol left. 我提醒她我们没有汽油了。Please remind me that I must call him up before noon. 请提醒我中午前给他打一个电话。,3) remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起The picture reminds me of my school days.Thank you for reminding me of the meeting I have to attend. 另外,remind sb. of sth. 还可作“使某人想到与 相似”She reminds me very much of her mother. 她长得很像她母亲。I am tryin

      8、g to think who he reminds me of. 我在想他像什么人。,考题点击: May I _ that a plan should be made for the study before the entrance examination?A. remind you of B. remind you withC. remind to you D. remind you,D,2. The letter from my friend _ our school days.A. reminded me of B. remembered me ofC. reminded me that D. reminded of,A,9. I dont dare to use the phone in school. dare v. aux. 敢; 竟敢 (主要用于疑问, 否定或条件句), 过去式为dared, 否定为 dare notHe dare not tell his father about this exam.Dare you go out at night alone?vt.

      9、 敢; 胆敢;否定为 do not dare to doHe didnt dare to speak his mind.注意:I dare say 为美国英语中的常用语。I dare say he is right.,10. we have a need to stay in touch with keep / stay / get in touch with; be in / out of touch with; lose touch with Lets keep in touch. Do get in touch soon. We can put you in touch with our branch office. Weve been out of touch with him for many years. Ive lost touch with all my old friends.,11. no matter where we are or what helps her do whatever she wants 注意以下二点: no matter what / who / which / how大都可用wh-加ever 来代替 no matter 结构只能引导让步状语从句,而wh-加 ever 结构既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。 a. Take whatever measures you consider best. b. Do whatever you like. c. Keep calm, whatever happens. (= no matter what),


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