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    • 1、 Tense Revision The simple present tense 一般现在时 The simple past tense 一般过去时 The simple future tense 一般将来时By Huang XiaoyueMarch 5thLei Fengs DayName: Lei Feng Birthplace:Birth: Date of death:Job:Messages: He in 1950.At the age of 18,he as . He was often praised for his . He joined the army on January 8th ,1960.Information about Lei FengHunan ProvinceDec.18Aug.15, 1962soldierwent to school worked jobListen and choose the best answers:worker,1940a factory goodLei Feng (be) born in a poor family in C

      2、hangsha, Hunan province. When he (be) very young, his family (live) a very hard life .After being orphaned(成为孤儿) at the age of 7, he was cared for by the local government and (enter) a primary school three years later. It is said he (arrive) early every day to clean the classroom before lessons. He (study) for six years at school ,and after that he(become) a farmer,then a factory worker.waswaslivedenteredarrivedstudiedFill in the blanks and learn more about Lei Feng:becameAt the age of 20,he (jo

      3、in) the army. In the same year,he (join) the Party. He (love) the Party and the people,and constantly (do) good for others.He (wash) his comrades clothes, (give) them free haircuts as well as (give) away money to people in need.As a result,he (become)a model soldier.After his death,Chairman Mao (call) on the people to “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”.joined joinedloveddidbecamecalledwashedgave gave一般过去时 谓语动词用过去式Lets review” Vp (动词过去式) ”join lovewash livestudy dropcopy stopam/is go play are givedest

      4、roy do seejoinedwashedlovedlivedstudiedcopieddroppedstoppedplayed destroyedwaswentweregavedidsaw .Lets talk: The good deeds(事迹)that you did or that happened around you.I think he/ she / they/. .yesterday.Yesterday morning.last week.last year.three days ago.in 2011.Fan Mei and Qianqian helped the teacher to carry the deskhelpedsaved washed clothescooked a meal.did very well.was/were helpful.Lets learn the good deeds of Xiao Shi Fill in the blanks and tell:Xiao Shi (be) a person like Lei Feng. She

      5、 (work) hard all the time . So she (do) very well in all her subjects .She (not do) any bad things. At home she usually (help) her mother with the housework. We often (find) that she and her friends (help) the old at weekends . At school if you (have) any problems, she always (give) you as muchhelp as possible. isworksdoesnt dodoeshelpsfind helphavegivesLets learn the good deeds of Xiao ShiFill in the blanks and tell:She always (encourage) us to believe in ourselves . She (have) many friends at

      6、school.And We all (like) staying with her . Because of her, many of us (begin) to work hard, and we (be) ready to help others more. She (be) our model.encourageshas likebegin areis一般现在时 谓语动词用 或VV+salways,usually,often,sometimes, every day.Lets review “ v+s(单三人称)”workencouragestudyplaygobehaveworksencouragesstudiesplaysgoesishasLets learn from Lei Feng, what will you /are you going to do in the situations?Free talk:If you see a pupil fall down on the ground and hurt herself badly. What will you/

      7、are you going to do ?Zhang Chao , a new student in your school, is a little shy , and afraid to make friends with anyone , so he is very lonely. If you are his classmate, What will you/ are you going to do ?Situation 1:Situation 2:willam/is/are going to S + V.一般将来时Read the stories of Lei Feng and answer the questions:1 . What do you think of Lei Feng?( Key words:do lots of good deeds, a good model .)I think he.2.What are you going to / will you do after reading the stories?(Key words: learn from

      8、, help others more, do more good deeds.)I am going to / will .Famous sayings from Lei Feng:Life is limited(有限的), but serving the people is boundless(无限 的) .Treat comrades(同志) like warm spring and enemies(敌人) like cold winter. Which one is your favourite?Copy it and learn it by heart.雷锋的事迹传遍了大江南北,他的精神值得我们大家学习。作为一名中学 生,该如何向雷锋同志学习? 请写下你的感受。要点提示:1.说说雷锋是个怎样的人。2. 学了雷锋事迹后,你的感想是什么,你准备怎么做?提示词:do lots of good deeds,kind and selfless, a good model , learn from, help others more注意事项:词数80-100左右。开头已给出。Today we read the stories of Lei Feng . I am moved by his deeds. Lei Feng spirit lives on.Lei Feng spirit lives on.


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