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    • 1、实用英语2期末考试考试题型和出题范围 出题范围: Unit 2、 Unit 3、Unit 4、Unit 5、Unit 6 考试时间:100 分钟 一、Matching. (每小题 1 分,共10分) 选自每单元课后生词表后的词组部分。 (例如学生用书P45的Phrases and Expressions) 二、Vocabulary and Structure (每小题 1 分,共10分) 词汇与语法选择题,难度与高等学校英语应用能力考试A级考试相似。 三、Reading Comprehension(共 35 分) 10-15分取自2006年6月A级真题原题,其他与高等学校英语应用能力考试 A级考试相似。 四、Bank Filling (每小题 1 分,共10分) 选自每单元课后练习C部分。 五、Translation(每小题 2分,共 20分) 选自每单元课后练习D部分。 六、Writing(共 15 分) 一篇,选自Unit 1、Unit 2、Unit 3和Unit 5作文部分的samples和 assignments。 Expressions and Phrases Unit 2

      2、1. make up 组成 2. stand strong with 大力支持 3.be worth doing 值得做某事 4.throw ones full support behind sb 在某人身后全力支持 5.Slip backwards 倒退 6.dwell on 老是想着 Unit 3 1. hold up 举起,竖起 2. index finger 食指 3 right after 就在之后 4. company with 和(某人某物)呆在一起 5. in contrast 相反 6. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做(某事) Unit 4 1. regardless of 不管不顾 2. take-it-or-leave-it 要么接受要么放弃 3.work with 共事 4. be willing to 愿意 5. shelf life 货架期 保存期 6. deal with 交易 应付 应对 Unit 5 1. remind of 提醒;使记得 2. connect with 连接;联络;将连起来 3. not all 不是全部的;不是

      3、所有的 4. be good for 对有益,对有好处 Unit 6 1.build up 增进;逐步建立,使增大 2.go through 通过;经历 3.pass away 去世,逝世 4.be destined to 注定要 5.sooner or later 迟早 6.even if 即使,虽然课后练习 PART C、DUnit 21. Mr Ricky visited us in _ of his wife and children. 2. It was _ for our country to hold the 2008 Summer Olympic Game successfully. 3. What the professor said _ the audience greatly at the ceremony. 4. A real man should behave bravely at a _ moment. 5. The captain suddenly _ the match with unknown reasons. practice2-4C. Fill i

      4、n each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. remark company invest elect believe gratitude suspend endorse inspire critical companyremarkableinspiredcriticalsuspendedpractice2-56. We must have a _ and goal in our life. 7. Mr Hunter was _ the chairman of the board last year. 8. I cannot express my _ for your generosity in words. 9. The electronic toy market is worth _ at present for it is very rewarding. 10.I fully _ what Mr Johnson has said

      5、about school management. beliefelectedgratitudeinvestingendorsepractice2-6D. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English, using the phrases or expressions given in the brackets. 1. 他最近跟几个朋友到国外转了一圈儿。(company) 2. 政府大力支持外企到内地投资。(stand strong with) 3. 陈教授说你的建议值得考虑。(be worth doing) 4. 不要对过去的失败耿耿于怀。(dwell on) 5. 我坚信我的梦想最终能够实现。(belief) He traveled abroad in company of several friends recently. Our government stands strong with foreign investment to inland areas. Professor Chen said that

      6、 your proposal was worth taking into account. Dont let your mind dwell on the past failure. Its my belief that my dream will come true one day. UNIT 31. When the _ is held upwards in certain parts of the world, it usually means “everythings OK”. 2. She _ her disagreement. 3. I cant _ your bad manners any longer. 4. They want a house, _ we would rather live in a flat. 5. Its _ to interrupt. practice1-4C. Fill in each of the following 10 blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Chan

      7、ge the form if necessary. insecurity signify whereas tolerate indicate thumb pause continent embarrassment rude thumbsignifiedtoleratewhereasrudepractice1-56. A signpost _ the right road for us to follow. 7. Africa is a _. 8. He made a _ and then went on reading. 9. His father, he has said, not without admiration, believed that instilling _ in his son would help him to achieve. 10.She flushed with _. indicatescontinentpauseinsecurityembarrassmentpractice1-6D. Translate the following sentences fr

      8、om Chinese into English, using the phrases or expressions given in the brackets. 1. 我们和当地人有很多交往接触。(contact) 2. 这个英国人举起了枪。(hold up) 3. 他吃完饭后马上进了书房。(right after) 4. 他表明他要向左转。(indicate) 5. 我们习惯于一起工作。(be used to doing sth.) We contact a lot with local people. The Englishman held up the gun. He came in the study, right after finishing the supper. He indicated he would like to turn left. We are used to working together. UNIT 41. If you can _your price a little, Ill meet you half-way. 2. _the peoples needs and you could earn anything you want. 3. Need is also a powerful _ to success. 4. I told her that there was a shortage of these goods and she had to make a decision _.5. Carol has shown a genius. practice2-5C. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. crea


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