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    • 1、英译汉技巧之一否定句 式、句式的翻译翻译技巧论 She is not a dancer./She is no dancer. It is not an easy task./It is no easy task. It is not a joke. /It is no joke. 一、完全否定 There is no denying the facts. None of the answers are right. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed. He has nothing to do with the matter. This material is no more elastic than that one. 二、部分否定 All that glitters is not gold. Each side of the street is not clean. Both of the buildings are not big. Every word is not known. I do not want everyt

      2、hing. He is not always at home on Sundays. I do not wholly agree with you. This kind of trees cannot be seen everywhere. We do not often do morning exercises now. The water is not hot enough. You have not entirely forgotten me. I could hardly recognize you. He scarcely knew the accident. He rarely speaks to others these days. Meetings are seldom held recently. Few of the films are interesting. There is little ink in my pen. He is not the manager and chief engineer. She couldnt take off the time

      3、to see the doctor and to do the experiment. 不能/并非 既-又 His chief trouble was that he did not know any editors or writers. He did not care about time or money. 既不 也不 三、形式否定 Cannottoo无论怎样都不过分 We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much. We cannot be too careful in doing experiments. The importance of scientific researchers cannot be overvalued. 科研的重要性无论 怎样估计都不过分。 It is a(an)+adj. +N. +negative clause再也 会 Is is a wise man that never makes mistakes. 再聪明的人也会犯错误。 It is a good horse that nev

      4、er stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles. Nota little; no little, not.slightly 很,很 多 He took no little pains over it. 在这件事上 他花费了很多工夫。 They didnt praise him slightly. She was not a little surprised. She spent not a little on her clothing. As likely as not 大概,很可能none the less,依旧 and what not诸如此类 He will forget all about it as likely as not.他 很可能忘得干干净净。 He is old, none the less he works like a young man. Tooto, not other than除了就不 We do not like him other than he is now. 我们 就喜欢他现在的样子。 I canno

      5、t read the long letter other than curiosity. 四、含蓄否定 1、too +adj. +infinite clause. 太以至于 不 The patient is too weak to be operated on. He was too tired to go any further. 2、it is that/who 无论怎样,都 不免 It is foolish bird that fouls its own nest. 再 笨的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝。 It is a good divine that follows his own instructions.能说者未必能行。 It is a silly fish that is caught twice. But that = if not She could carry out her intention but that we adhered to principles. But that he was prevented, he would have accomplished

      6、his design. But that sometimes can be replaced by except for I ask nothing from you but that you should study hard. She knew nothing about his journey but that he was likely to be away for three weeks. More than.+含有can 的从句 That is more than I can do. The beauty of Hangzhou is more than I can describe. The last, the least, the limit最不可能的,最 不合适的 He is the last man to accept the a bribe. This is the last place where I expected to have met you. He is the last person for the job. Young people are the

      7、 least conservative. I am willing to take work home with me when I have time. But when he asked me to work late at the office every night of last week, that really was the limit. 五、否定转移 I have not come to you for money. I told you I didnt say that for amusement. He never traveled by air. One does not live to eat, but eats to live. We are not here to interfere, nor are we here to be anyones whipping boy. I have not come to China to forth on what divides us but to build on what binds us. I dont th

      8、ink you have paid for it yet. We dont believe he will agree with you. It doesnt seem that we can get our money back. It isnt likely that oil prices will fall this year. I didnt assume that he knew me. At no time can we give up learning. Scientists do not find out what things are so much as where they can be found. 与其说 科学家们想弄清事物的实质是什么,不 如说想弄清能找到这些事物的场所。 The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. He is not more fond of playing chess than you are. None gave him more hints, in answering

      9、 questions or asked him simple ones than the economics professor, a thin, kind-hearted man named Bassum. She did not marry you because you were a big shot. 六、双重否定 There is no student but wishes to learn English. 没有学生不想学好英语。 It never rains but it pours. I wonder if he is not an honest man. I promised that never a day should pass that I did not visit him. He spoke nothing to no purpose. Fight no battle unprepared. He is too wicked not to meet a bad end some day. This was too great an honor not to excite the envy of his rivals. The Road to Success Andrew Carneige It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessm


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