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  • 文档编号:45692329
  • 上传时间:2018-06-18
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    • 1、White PaperThe Digital Arab World Understanding and embracing regional changes in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionJanuary 2018World Economic Forum 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, including Photocopying and recording, or by any information Storage and retrieval system.REF 131217This white paper has been published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution to a project, insight area or interaction. The findings,

      2、 interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are a result of a collaborative process facilitated and endorsed by the World Economic Forum, but whose results do not necessarily represent the views of the World Economic Forum, nor the entirety of its Members, Partners or other stakeholders.3Understanding and embracing regional changes in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionContents6 Future of Platforms and Systems How to navigate the Fourth Industrial Revolution like an Arab souk8 Future of Techn

      3、ology, Values and Policy Reaping benefits while minimizing risks9 Future of Human Enhancement What is the future of human enhancement in the Arab world? 10 Future of Innovation and Entrepreneurship How Arab entrepreneurship can solve regional challenges12 Future of Advanced Materials How non-metallics are creating transformative opportunities in the oil and gas industry15 Future of Space Technologies How space technology will affect the Arab world16 Future of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

      4、 Robotics and AI: Enabling an Arab Spring17 Future of Neurotechnologies and Brain Science Impact of neurotechnologies and brain science on the future of the Arab world18 Future of Civic Technology and Human Rights Securing the future of civic tech in the Arab world18 Future of Cybersecurity Ensuring cybersecurity in a digital Arab world20 Future of Behavioral Economics How behavioural insights are changing the stakeholder landscape in the Arab world22 Future of Biotechnology Preventative medicin

      5、e in the Middle East must be a collaborative effort24 Future of Computing How is the future of computing likely to impact the Arab world?26 Future of Transport The digital underpinning of the transportation revolution27 Acknowledgements28 Endnotes4The Digital Arab World5Understanding and embracing regional changes in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionForewordEmerging technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and the Internet Things, will leave no geographic region, bu

      6、siness sector, or society untouched. These technologies are transforming how we, as citizens and leaders, create, exchange and distribute value in society. As World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab explains in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are already witnessing disruption in almost every industry and country. The increasing convergence and affordability of digital, biological and physical technologies will, therefore, affect how the Arab world produces,

      7、 consumes, trades and moves, and it may challenge how we relate to one another and even what it means to be human. It is becoming increasingly vital for regional leaders to steer a steady course through potential reforms to maximize opportunities and promote citizen participation in innovation and technology development. To shed light on this digital transformation, we invited several leading regional and international thought leaders to think about collaborative solutions to further the digital

      8、 agenda in the Arab World and unlock regional opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This white paper is an initial step to identify a regional agenda for countries and leaders in the Arab world for how governments, businesses and societies can work together to design and govern new technologies. The Regional Business Council has named this broad framework for action the Digital Arab World initiative. The council will continue to explore how the region can work together to

      9、benefit from the changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We look forward to continuing the conversation with you. Mirek Dusek Head of Regional Strategies - Middle East and North Africa, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic ForumSheikha Bodour Al Qasimi Chairperson, Sharjah Investment and Development Authority - Shurooq, United Arab Emirates; Chair, World Economic Forum Middle East and North Africa Regional Business Council6The Digital Arab WorldFuture of Platforms and SystemsHow to navigate the Fourth Industrial Revolution like an Arab soukBy Habib Haddad, President and Managing Director, E14 Fund, USATo navigate the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Middle East should learn from its souks (local Arab markets). One of my favourite things to do in an Arab city is to take a stroll through its old souk and embrace the sounds of haggling merchants, the rich aroma of spices and the colourful stor


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