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    • 1、专题二 学会使用并列句与复合句进行写作,根据历年高考英语评卷情况看,在高考英语写作中,考生更多使用的是结构单一、长度相当的简单句。这样,句子与句子之间缺乏连贯性和逻辑性,文章自然就显得平淡乏味。 其实,一篇好的文章应含有多种句式,即简单句、并列句和复合句。它们虽各自具有不同的特点(见下表),但灵活使用,巧妙组合,就会使文章句式多变,逻辑连贯,表达流畅,具有一种表达形式多样化的美感。,简单句、并列句与复合句的特点,要学会使用并列句与复合句进行写作,应从如下两个方面着手。,一、掌握各类并列连词的使用 并列句一般由两个或两个以上不分主次、相互独立的简单句构成。并列句通过并列连词、并列副词或分号三种方式连接起来。依据并列句前后分句的逻辑关系,并列句可表示递进关系、转折关系、选择关系、因果关系、时间关系、对比关系等。这些关系都是通过并列连词来表现的。以下为各类并列句的常用并列连词。,例如: 1. Work hard or youll get fired by your boss. 2. Youd better put on your coat, for its rather cold outsi

      2、de. 3. Try it one more time and youll make it. 4. Your way of cooking is neither convenient nor safe. 5. Joey could not speak Italian, nor could her brother. 6. Id like to go with you but I cant, for I have to work this plan out tonight.,二、掌握各类复合句的写作 复合句由一个主句和若干个从句构成,主句和从句都具有完整的主谓结构,主句是主体,从句是主句的一个句子成分,不能独立存在。从句对主句进行修饰,起补充说明作用。根据从句所起的词性作用,可分为三类:名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句),定语从句和状语从句。各类从句连接词的使用是要掌握的重点。例如: 1. Jessica is spoken highly of. Her essay was well written. Jessica whose essay was well writt

      3、en is spoken highly of(定语从句) 2. The flat is on Bell Street. It is in a building and it is not far from my sons school. The flat is in a building on Bell Street, which is not far from my sons school. (定语从句) 总之,我们在学习和使用并列句时,应熟练掌握常用的由并列连词构成的句式并避免汉语化表达引起的错误。在学习和使用主从复合句时,应注意复合句中各部分的连接手段, 从句与主句的时态呼应及复合句的综合语意。,1. 根据句子意思,使用正确的连词填空。 _ the Internet is bridging the distance between total strangers, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. The main reason for the population gr

      4、owth isnt so much a rise in the birth rate _ a fall in death as a result of improvement of medical care. Ants are the most common tiny creatures on Earth. _ tiny, their combined weight is greater than that of all humans. I think youve got to the point where a change is needed. _, youll fail. _ youve mentioned it, I do remember. The company has a meeting every week, _ there is nothing to discuss. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _ I picked up the phone.,Key:1. While as Thoug

      5、h Otherwise Now that unless the moment/as soon as/the instant/immediately,2. 以下是使用连词时出现的错误,请改正。 One morning it was raining heavily. However, I was late for school, and the teacher didnt criticize me for that. _ In the end, we drove to a service station and waited there unless the road was clear for at least two cars to go. _ The owner of the wallet was very thankful to Xiaohua that he took out a 100-yuan note to reward her though was refused. _ As the night air was hot, we slept deeply because w

      6、e were so tired after the long journey down the valley. _ Although regular exercise is very important, but its never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. _,2. HoweverSo/Therefore; andbut unlessuntil/till veryso; thoughbut As the night air was hotHot as the night air was或Though the night air was hot 去掉but或去掉Although并将regular首字母R大写,3. 请把以下简单句变为并列句或复合句。 It was the third time that he had won the race. It surprised us all. 并列句:_ 复合句: _ Please find ways to praise your children often. Youll fi

      7、nd that they will open their hearts to you. 并列句: _ 倒装句: _,Key:3. 并列句:It was the third time that he had won the race and it surprised us all. /It was the third time that he had won the race and we were all surprised at that. 复合句:It was the third time that he had won the race, which surprised us all. /We were all surprised at the fact that he had won the race for the third time. 并列句:Find ways to praise your children often and you will find they will open their hearts to you. 倒装句:Not until you find

      8、 ways to praise your children will you find that they will open their hearts to you.,China recently tightened the control over its waters near Diaoyu Islands. This will prevent other countries from attacking Chinese fishing boats in the East China Sea. 定语从句:_ 状语从句:_ 简单句:_,Key:定语从句:China recently tightened the control over its waters near Diaoyu Islands, which will prevent other countries from attacking Chinese fishing boats in the East China Sea. 状语从句:China recently tightened the control over its waters near Diaoyu Islands so that we will prevent other countries from attacking Chinese fishing boats in the East China Sea. 简单句:China recently tightened the control over its waters near Diaoyu Islands to/in order to/so as to prevent other countries from attacking Chinese fishing boats in the East China Sea. 或China recently tightened the control over its waters near Diaoyu Islands to prevent Chinese fishing boats from being attacked by other countries in the East China Sea.,


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