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英文原著--the raven(乌鸦)

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  • 上传时间:2018-06-06
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    • 1、英文原著英文原著-The-The Raven(Raven(乌鸦乌鸦) )THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN 1 THE RAVEN Edgar Al l an Poe THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN 2 Once upon a mi dni ght dreary, whi l e I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quai nt and curi ous vol ume of forgotten l ore- Whi l e I nodded, nearl y nappi ng, suddenl y there came a tappi ng, As of some one gentl y rappi ng, rappi ng at my chamber door. “Ti s some vi si ter,“ I muttered, “tappi ng at my chamber door-Onl y thi s and nothi ng more

      2、.“ Ah, di sti nctl y I remember i t was i n the bl eak December, And each separate dyi ng ember wrought i ts ghost upon the fl oor. Eagerl y I wi shed the morrow;-vai nl y I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow-sorrow for the l ost Lenore- For the rare and radi ant mai den whom the angel s name Lenore-Namel ess here for evermore. And the si l ken sad uncertai n rustl i ng of each purpl e curtai n Thri l l ed me-fi l l ed me wi th fantasti c terrors never fel t before; So that no

      3、w, to sti l l the beati ng of my heart, I stood repeati ng “Ti s some vi si ter entreati ng entrance at my chamber door- Some l ate vi si ter entreati ng entrance at my chamber door;Thi s i t i s and nothi ng more.“ Presentl y my soul grew stronger; hesi tati ng then no l onger, “Si r,“ sai d I , “or Madam, trul y your forgi veness I i mpl ore; But the fact i s I was nappi ng, and so gentl y you came rappi ng, And so fai ntl y you came tappi ng, tappi ng at my chamber door, That I scarce was sur

      4、e I heard you“-here I opened wi de the door-Darkness there and nothi ng more. Deep i nto that darkness peeri ng, l ong I stood there wonderi ng, feari ng, Doubti ng, dreami ng dreams no mortal s ever dared to dream before; But the si l ence was unbroken, and the sti l l ness gave no token, And the onl y word there spoken was the whi spered word, “Lenore?“ Thi s I whi spered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!“-Merel y thi s and nothi ng more. Back i nto the chamber turni ng, al l my so

      5、ul wi thi n me burni ng, Soon agai n I heard a tappi ng somethi ng l ouder than before. “Surel y,“ sai d I , “surel y that i s somethi ng at my wi ndow l atti ce; Let me see, then, what thereat i s and thi s mystery expl ore- Let my heart be sti l l a moment and thi s mystery expl ore;-Ti s the wi nd and nothi ng more. Open here I fl ung the shutter, when, wi th many a fl i rt and fl utter, I n there stepped a statel y Raven of the sai ntl y days of yore. Not the l east obei sance made he; not a

      6、 mi nute stopped or stayed he, But, wi th mi en of THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN 3 l ord or l ady, perched above my chamber door- Perched upon a bust of Pal l as j ust above my chamber door-Perched, and sat, and nothi ng more. Then the ebony bi rd begui l i ng my sad fancy i nto smi l i ng, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance i t wore, “Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,“ I sai d, “art sure no craven, Ghastl y gri m and anci ent Raven wanderi ng from the Ni ghtl

      7、y shore- Tel l me what thy l ordl y name i s on the Ni ghts Pl utoni an shore!“Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.“ Much I marvel l ed thi s ungai nl y fowl to hear di scourse so pl ai nl y, Though i ts answer l i ttl e meani ng-l i ttl e rel evancy bore; For we cannot hel p agreei ng that no l i vi ng human bei ng Ever yet was bl essed wi th seei ng bi rd above hi s chamber door- Bi rd or beast upon the scul ptured bust above hi s chamber door,Wi th such name as “Nevermore.“ But the Raven, si tti ng l

      8、 onel y on that pl aci d bust, spoke onl y That one word, as i f i ts soul i n that one word he di d outpour Nothi ng farther then he uttered; not a feather then he fl uttered- Ti l l I scarcel y more than muttered: “Other fri ends have fl own before- On the morrow he wi l l l eave me, as my Hopes have fl own before.“Then the bi rd sai d “Nevermore.“ Startl ed at the sti l l ness broken by repl y so aptl y spoken, “Doubtl ess,“ sai d I , “what i t utters i s i ts onl y stock and store, Caught fr

      9、om some unhappy master whom unmerci ful Di saster Fol l owed fast and fol l owed faster ti l l hi s songs one burden bore- Ti l l the di rges of hi s Hope that mel anchol y burden boreOf Never-nevermore.“ But the Raven sti l l begui l i ng al l my sad soul i nto smi l i ng, Strai ght I wheel ed a cushi oned seat i n front of bi rd and bust and door; Then, upon the vel vet si nki ng, I betook mysel f to l i nki ng Fancy unto fancy, thi nki ng what thi s omi nous bi rd of yore- What thi s gri m, ungai nl y, ghastl y, gaunt, and omi nous bi rd of yoreMeant i n croaki ng “Nevermore.“ Thi s I sat engaged i n guessi ng, but no syl l abl e expressi ng To the fowl whose fi ery eyes now burned i nto my bosoms core; Thi s and more I sat di vi ni ng, wi th my head at ease recl i ni ng On the cushi ons vel vet l i ni ng that the l amp-l i ght gl oated oer, But whose vel vet vi ol et l i ni ng wi th the l amp- l i ght gl oati ng oerShe shal l press, ah, nevermore

      《英文原著--the raven(乌鸦)》由会员子分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文原著--the raven(乌鸦)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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