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    • 1、新视野英语一新视野英语一 unit5unit5acquire vt. 获得;学到 immune a. 1.免疫的 2.免除的 deficiency n. 不足,缺乏;缺点,缺陷 syndrome n. (具有共同性的性质,事件,症状等的)集合 diagnose vt. 诊断; 判断 infect vt. 1.感染 2.影响 virus n. 病毒 rural a. 农村的 constitute vt. 组成 segment n. 部分 alarm n. 惊慌;警报 vt. 1.使惊慌,使担心 2.使惊恐,使担心 federal a. 联邦的,联邦制的 implement vt. 实施,执行 organization (英 organisation) n. 1.组织 2.组织,安排 emerge vi. 出现 network n. 网络 combat vt. 斗争 n. 斗争 resource n. 资源 creative a. 创造性的; 有创造力的 creatively ad. 创造性地; 有创造力地 client n. 1.当事人 2.顾客 video n. 录像,录像机 publ

      2、ication n. 1.公布,发表;出版,发行 2.出版物 educate v. 教育 educational a. 教育的 educator n. 教育工作者;教育家 recently ad. 最近 southeast n. 东南 literacy n. 文化;识字 low-literacy n. 低文化水平 literature n. 1.文学 2.资料 solve vt. 解决,解答 create vt. 创造 illustrate vt. 说明 relate vt. 1.讲述 2.将. . 联系起来 establish vt. 建立, 创办 buster n. 克星 risk n. 危险,风险 vt. 冒着. . 的危险 adult n. 成年(人或动物) pressure n. 压力 define vt. 下定义,描述 redefine vt. 重新考虑 background n. 出身背景, 经历; 背景资料 plague vt. 缠绕,烦扰 n. 瘟疫,鼠疫; 灾难,祸患 establishment n. 1.机构,企业 2.建立,确立;确定 emphasize (英

      3、emphasise) vt. 强调 regardless a. 无论如何 solution n. 解决,解答 crisis n. 危机 represent vt. 1.表示, 表明 2.作为. .的代表(或代理) epidemic n. 流行病;传染病的蔓延 threaten v. 扬言;威胁 racial a. 种族的 efficiency n. 效率 inefficiency n. 效率低下,无效 Phrases and Expressionsbe infected with 感染(疾病) in place of 代替 suffer from 受. .之苦,患(某种疾病) pass out 分发; 晕倒 as a result 因此,结果 at risk 有危险,有风险 regardless of 不顾,不管 the solution to .的解答; 解决(解答) .的办法 threaten to do sth. 扬言要. distract . from 使分心 sign up 报名参加; 签约参加工作(或组织) commence v. 开始 thrust v. 推,冲 apar

      4、t ad. 1.分开地 2.除了.之外 initial a. 起初的,开始的 initially ad. 开始地,起先 intense a. 强烈的 bleed vi. 流血 haste n. 匆忙 approach vt. 靠近,接近 n. 1.靠近,接近 2.途径 3.方式,方法 trial n. 1.1. (pl.)【体】预赛,选拔赛 2.实验,检验 3.审判 significant a. 重要的 endanger vt. 危及,使遭受危险 spill v. 溅出,溢出 adopt vt. 1.收养 2.采取, 采用 adoption n. 1.收养 2.运用,使用,采用 gym (gymnasium) n. 体操, 体育训练;体育馆 explore vt. 1.探索,探讨 2.探讨,仔细研究 mug vt. 抢劫 prior a. 先前的;预先的 platform n. 1.讲台,舞台 2.跳板 spring-board (springboard) n. (游泳池)跳水板 mostly ad. 主要地 unfortunately ad. 不幸的是;遗憾地 coach n. 教练

      5、 vt. 训练; 指导, 辅导 assist vt. 帮助,协助 leader n. 处于领先地位的人或事物,领袖,领导 triumph n. 胜利,成功 vi. 获胜, 成功;击败 gay n. (尤指男)同性恋者 partner n. 伴侣;伙伴 confuse vt. 弄错,使困惑;混淆 vapor n. 蒸气 vaporize vi. 变成蒸气 compete vi. 竞争,比赛 scare vt. 吓坏,使惊恐 repetition n. 重复 confident a. 自信的,相信的 score-board n. (体育比赛)记分牌 leap vi. 跳跃 quit vt. 放弃,停止 vi. 离职,辞职 professional a. 职业的 professionally ad. 职业地; 专业地 Phrases and Expressionsin haste 匆忙 prior to 在.之前 make it 成功地做某事 start with 从.开始 assist (sb. with) sth. 帮助做某事 The Battle Against AIDSAcquire

      6、d Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed in the United States in the late 1970s. Since then, AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans half in the past few years alone. Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die. Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and Latinos. Women and youth in rural Southern communities now constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS. Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and stat

      7、e governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged. One organization, the South Carolina AIDS Education Network, formed in 1985 to combat the growing number of AIDS cases. Like many local organizations, this organization suffers from a lack of money, forcing it to use its resources creatively. To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs operate out of a beauty

      8、shop. The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry. She also keeps books and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for their appointments. Its amazing how many people she has educated on the job. Recently, the network began helping hair stylists throughout the Southeast set up similar programs in their shops. They are also valuable resources in spreading info

      9、rmation to their schools, community groups, and churches. The organization has developed several techniques useful to other groups doing similar work. While no one way of winning the war against AIDS exists, the network shares these lessons learned in its battle against AIDS: Speak to your community in a way they can hear. Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it. To solve this problem, ask people in the community who can draw well to create low-literacy AIDS education publications. These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of “sad faces“ and “happy faces“ to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS. They also show people who look like those we need to educate


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