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【良品课件】冀教版 英语单元测试:九年级下Unit5 Culture Shapes Us

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:34135338
  • 上传时间:2018-02-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:48.50KB
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    • 1、冀教版九年级下Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us 单元测试卷一 词汇部分( 10 分)A.根据所给提示填空1.Your idea _(听起来)like fun. 2.You_(最好 ) not drink,Its bad for your health. 3.Lets go to the Water World,_ _(好吗)?4.My bike was broken so I had to go to shool _(步行).5.He left _ _ _( 匆忙). B.用所给词的正确形式填空(10 分)6.It takes Danny 2 hours _(finish) the work. 7.Please say it in English as_(quick) as you can. 8.The light is one of the most important _(inveent).9.The book must be _(help) to you. 10.Everyone has to think of an invention and _(present

      2、)to the class.21 世纪教育网. 二 单项选择(30 分)( )1. Can you fly a kite? No, I . A. mustnt B. neednt C.cant D.couldnt( )2. Its not good to be late school. A.for B.on C.about D.to ( )3. You can this book as much time as you like.A.get B.take C.borrow D.keep( )4. Which of these two English books will you borrow? Ill borrow of them. Because they are very interesting. A.either B.all C.neither D.both( )5. I think youd better a by train. Its safer and cheaper,A. travel B. traveling C. to travel D. travelled( )6.

      3、 Could you help me with my English from now on? A.Bad luck! B.Thanks. C.Not at all. D.With pleasure. ( )7.Must I finish my homework now? No, you .You may have a rest first.A.mustnt B.cant C.may not D.neednt( )8. Ask the boys not to make any I cant fall asleep.A.voice B.sound C.noise D.singing( )9.Suddenly Edward came in and said he had to tell the class.A. anything importantB. important everything C. something importantD. important something( )10. Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow? A. It doesnt ma

      4、tter; B. Thats nothing. C. Good idea! D. Youd welcome.来源:21世纪教育网( )11. Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station? Oh sorry, but I don t know. You go and ask that policeman.A.may B.must C.would D.should( )12. Study hard, youre sure to have a good result in the exam!A.but B.and C.for D.or( )13. Whats wrong your arm? I had it broken when I fell off my bike.A.to B.about C.on D.with( )14.Will you come to the net bars (网吧) with me?Sorry. My mother always tells me there.A.not g

      5、B.not to go C.go D.to go( ) 15. Its quite hot today. I think youd better your coat.A.put on B.to put on C.take off D.to take off( )16 Would you please speak more so that everyone here can hear you? No problem.21 世纪教育网A.quietly B.loudly C.quickly D.slowly( )17 My aunt enjoys buying clothes. She much money on her clothes every year.A.takes B. costs C. spends D. pays( )18.Our teachers are getting on well us. We all like them. A. for B. with C. in D. about( )19. There will be an English film the eve

      6、ning of September 1st.A. in B. on C.at D. to( )20. I try this shirt on, please? Certainly, please.A. Do B. May C. Must D. Need.完形填空(10 分)Joe Brown had a shop where he 1 meat.One day a woman 2 into the shop at five to one. “I m sorry.I m late,”she said.“I 3 some more meat for my dinner tonight.”Joe had only one 4 of meat in his shop.He took it 5 the fridge and said,“This is $6.50.”“That piece is too 6 ,”the woman said.“Haven t you got anything bigger?”Joe 7 into the room behind his shop,put the m

      7、eat into the fridge,took it out again and closed the door 8 a lot of noise.Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said,“This piece of meat is bigger and 9 expensive.It s $8.75.”“Good,”the woman said with a smile.“Give me 10 of them,please.”( )1.A.sell B.buy C.bought D.sold( )2.A.came B.stood C.went D.put( )3.A.wanted B.need C.wants D.needs( )4.A.bowl B.is C.piece D.pound来源:21 世纪教育网( )5.A.in B.out of C.into D.out( )6.A.big B.bigger C.small D.smaller( )7.A.went B.goes C.go D.runs( )8.A

      8、.in B.of C.with D.by( )9.A.most B.much C.many D.more( )10.A.all B.every C.both D.eachIV.阅读理解 (30 分) ATed worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was good at it. Whenever he was free, he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small, cheap hotel.“I ve never fished in the sea before,”he thought.“It wi

      9、ll be rather different from fishing in our river.”21 世纪教育网On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy. He gave them to the hotel, and they cooked them for all the guests, and they enjoyed them very much. After that he did this every day. But when Ted got his bill(账单) at the end of the week, he saw on it.“For oil to fry fish (7 days): 3.50.”( )1.Ted worked as a_ and he was good at_.A.worker; fishing B. cook; cookingC.tourist;boating D. seaman; swimming( )2.There were _fish in the river behind his factory.A. few B. a few C. litt

      《【良品课件】冀教版 英语单元测试:九年级下Unit5 Culture Shapes Us》由会员Jerm****014分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【良品课件】冀教版 英语单元测试:九年级下Unit5 Culture Shapes Us》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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