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Stimulating the Rural Students’ Interest In Oral English激发农村学生的英语口语兴趣

  • 卖家[上传人]:绿风
  • 文档编号:24498468
  • 上传时间:2017-12-05
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    • 1、1封面Cover PageHebei Radio & TV UniversityPractical Project Design河北电大开放教育本科英语专业毕业论文教学实践设计鉴定表Title: Stimulating the Rural Students Interest in Oral English题目: 激发农村学生的英语口语兴趣Major: English (education oriented)英语专业(教育方向)2标题页 Title Page致谢AcknowledgmentProject Title:Stimulating the Rural Students Interest In Oral EnglishInvestigatorMu Ya nanCang zhou Radio & TV UniversitySubmitted on Sept 2012In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project Design3摘要AbstractAcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to my supervi

      2、sor Professor Ma without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.4目录格式-(正文)Basic Structure for ContentsAbstract The present study presen

      3、ts a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem that most of my students in the rural areas are weak in speaking English. It is hypothesized that learners interest in oral practice will be greatly increased by better oral work design. This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of classroom teaching with the specially designed oral exercise activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method cause analysis. Questionnaire survey and Socrati

      4、c dialogues.Key words: oral English, interests, rural students 5IntroductionsI have been teaching for three years. In my teaching Ive found there are some problems . especially the problem that some of my students in rural areas are not interested in speaking English. Ive told them time and again the importance of oral English and urged them to take an active part in oral work. However, their interest in speaking English does not seem to be stimulated. Ill finish my study in Cang ZhouRadioTV Uni

      5、versity .I hope I can solve the problems that have troubled me for some Page1Main headings of the project reportIntroductions 1. Identifying a problem2. Problem analysis2.2 Project objective2.3 Project hypothesis2.4 Project rational3. Project design4. Project implementation 4.1 Project implementation4.2 Data Analysis5. Project evaluation6. Final report7. BibliographyAppendix A The questionnaire for problem analysis.Appendix B Students handoutsAppendix C The post trian questionnaire6time through

      6、the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice .which I learned from Cang Zhou RadioTV University.指导过程报告1Process Report-1Student:Mu Ya nanStage 1: Identifying a problemTutors Comments: (problems and suggestions)7Tutor _ Date _ Score _ContentLanguage is a communication tool. And the purpose for learning English in China has changed in recent years due to the Open Door Policy. In the past, everyday communication was not the main goal because one didnt need to listen

      7、and speak in English. but now spesking is very important. The students should not only express themselves, they can also communicate in different cases according to the culture. But in my teaching, some of my students who have high grades in English are not good at oral English. Some can not express themselves in English. 指导过程报告2Process Report-2Student Mu Ya nanStage 2: Problem analysisTutors Comments: (problems and suggestions)8Tutor _ Date _ Score _ContentIn my opinion, there were four main re

      8、asons that accounted for students lack of interest in oral class. Firstly, some students were afraid of being laughed by others because of their poor pronunciation and performance. Secondly, some students wanted to say, but they didnt know how to get start and what to say. Thirdly, some students particularly those who did not do well in the traditional grammar-oriented written exam lacked self-confidence in oral work. They thought that the oral class was only the showing- time for the “top-stude

      9、nts”. Fourthly, some students didnt think the oral practice is useful to their grammar-oriented exam, so they were not interested in it at all.The Problems had been troubling me for a long time and now I was determined to work towards the solution to the problem. I started off by making an analysis of the problems. In this period, I use the following methods:the analytic method, cause analysis, socratic dialogues and questionnaire survey2.2 Project objectiveThe project objective is to enhance learners interest in oral practice.2.3 Project hypothesisIt is hypothesized that learners interest in oral practice can be enhanced by well-designed oral work.2.4 Project rationaleThe following rationales are mentioned: communicative approach in teaching speaking, PPP model, c

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