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  • 卖家[上传人]:绿风
  • 文档编号:24498233
  • 上传时间:2017-12-05
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    • 1、西安邮电大学毕 业 设 计(论 文)外文文献翻译学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 国贸 XX 班 学生姓名: XXX 导师姓名: XXX 职称: XX 起止时间:2016 年 03 月 07 日 至 2016 年 03 月 10 日 英文原文Shifting patterns of economic growth and rethinking developmentAbstractThis paper provides an historical overview of both the evolution of the economic performance of the developing world and the evolution of economic thought on development policy. The twentieth century was broadly characterized by divergence between high-income countries and the developing world

      2、, with only a limited number (less than 10% of the economies in the world) managing to progress out of lower or middle-income status to high-income status. The last decade witnessed a sharp reversal from a pattern of divergence to convergence particularly for a set of large middle-income countries. The latter phenomenon was also driven by increasing economic ties among developing countries and, on the intellectual scale, increased knowledge generation and sharing among the developing countries.

      3、Re-thinking development policy implies confronting these realities: twentieth century economic divergence, the experience of the handful of success stories, and the recent rise of the multi-polar growth world. This paper provides descriptive data and a literature survey to document these trends.KeywordsEconomic growth ,development,convergence,structural transformation1. IntroductionThe industrial revolution marked a dramatic turning point in the economic progress of nations. Technological innova

      4、tion created new tools that created the potential for a dramatic increase in productivity and living standards. During the nineteenth century, a number of technological leaders and early adapters leapt ahead of the rest of the world, while others lagged behind.One might have expected that the twentieth century would have been a period in which technology spread across the world allowing countries to catch up with advanced economies. This might have been achieved through trade and capital flows b

      5、ased upon continued progress in transportation and communication technology. In fact, the predominant neo-classical paradigm in economic thinking suggested that this would be the case.Instead, the twentieth century was an unfortunate period of continued and accelerated divergence in living standards. In part, this may have been due to an interruption in trade and capital flows during the World Wars and the inter-war Great Depression that marked the first half of the twentieth century. Protection

      6、ism also persisted in many countries following the Second World War. It was only with the Uruguay Round of negotiations in the 1980s, leading to the eventual establishment of the WTO in 1995, that a clear institutionalized path towards trade opening was established. Meanwhile, technological progress in communications and transport but especially communications facilitated the acceleration of global trade and capital flows in the last quarter of the twentieth century.On the other hand, there was

      7、a small group of exceptional cases of catch-up. In addition, since the turn of the century, there has been reinvigorated growth in the developing world, especially in a number of large developing countries, such as Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation. There are numerous other countries that are taking advantage of growing trade and financial links both with developed and developing countries to accelerate economic growth. In brief, the global economy has entered a period

      8、of multi-polar growth with large developing countries leading the way as the new and most dynamic growth poles.The next section provides a history of twentieth century divergence. We then provide an anatomy of the rise of the multi-polar growth world. This is followed by a critique of the history of development thinking and the need for a democratic approach to economic enquiry for development.2. The challenge of economic development: historical antecedents and twentieth century divergenceBefore

      9、 the industrial revolution, there was little growth in the world economy and the income gap between countries was extremely small. For example, even in 1820, the between-country income differences represented less than 15% of income equality across people in the world, whereas the between-country share rose to well over half of global inequality by 1950,and the richest countrys per capita income was only just less than four times higher than the poorest, and the richest countries per capita income is an astonishing 127 times higher than the poorest now . The industrial revolution led to the Great Divergence: world growth was driven by a few Western industrialized countries before the Second World War, and similarly after the Second World War with the exception of Japan, which joined the group of advanced industrialized


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