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An Analysis of Tess from Modern Female Perspective--从现代女性视角看苔丝

  • 卖家[上传人]:绿风
  • 文档编号:24498462
  • 上传时间:2017-12-05
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:35.54KB
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    • 1、An Analysis of Tess from Modern Female Perspective从现代女性视角看苔丝AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor, Wang Kelu, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this paper. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for his time and efforts in reviewing and revising this thesis, for his constructive suggestions and critical judgments on this paper. His earnest attitude to research will influence

      2、 me greatly in my future study.Second, I am also greatly indebted to all the professors and teachers at the Department of English, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past three years. At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time and helping me work out the problems of my thesis. 2ABSTRACTTess of

      3、the DUrbervilles, published in 1891, was one of the most famous works of Thomas Hardy. It has received much criticism from the day it was published and the heroine Tess was generally regarded as a passive victim of fate and circumstances. As far as Im concerned, fate and circumstances were not all the reasons for Tesss tragedy. In the late Victorian Times, Tess was really new female image for she was brave to revolt feudalism and traditional morality and laws. However, analyzed from modern femal

      4、e perspectives, Tesss characters had demerits which also were the cause of her tragedy. This paper tries to analyze the image of Tess from modern female perspective first, and then summarize Hardys feminist thinking.Besides introduction and conclusion, this paper is made up of three parts. Introduction part puts forward the argument of this research. Part one gives a brief introduction to Tess of the DUrbervilles, including the historical background, the writer and the plot of this novel. Part t

      5、wo analyzes the image of Tess from modern female perspective. Part three summarizes Thomas Hardys feminist thinking based on the analysis of Tess. Conclusion part makes conclusion of the whole thesis and gives some personal suggestion to modern women.KEY WORDS: Tess; Thomas Hardy; feminist thinking; modern female perspective3摘 要德伯家的苔丝出版于1891年,是托马斯哈代最有名的小说之一。自出版以来,这本书便受到了广泛地评论。主人公苔丝被视为命运和环境的受害者。在我看来,命运和环境并不全是苔丝悲剧的全部原因。在维多利亚时代,苔丝勇于反抗封建主义,敢于同法律和传统的道德作斗争,可以称得上是一个全新的女性形象。然而,从现代女性的视角分析,苔丝性格上的缺点同样是她悲剧成

      6、因的一部分。这篇文章将先从现代女性视角去分析主人公苔丝的形象,然后以此来总结哈代的女性观。这篇文章除了引言和结语,正文由三个部分组成。引言部分提出本文的论点。第一部分简要介绍德伯家的苔丝创作的历史背景,作者简介以及小说的主要情节内容。第二部分从现代女性的视角出发,详细地分析了苔丝的人物形象和性格。第三部分以第二部分所作的分析为基础,总结托马斯哈代的女性观。结语部分对整篇文章做出总结,并对现代女性给出了相应的个人建议。关键词:苔丝; 托马斯哈代; 女性观;现代女性视角4ContentsI. Introduction.7II. An Introduction to Tess of the DUrbervilles.82.1 Historical Background.82.2 Thomas Hardy.82.3 The Plot of Tess9III. The Understanding of Tess from Modern Female Perspective103.1 Tess- the Idealized Image of Men.113.2 Tess- Regarding Lo

      7、ve as the Most Important Thing in Her Life123.3 Tess- Having Dual Character133.3.1 Being Brave to Revolt Traditional Morality and Hypocritical Religion. 133.3.2 Failing to Extricate Herself from Traditional Morality Thoroughly14IV Hardys Feminist Thinking in Tess of the DUrbervilles. 154.1 Hardys Supreme Sympathy towards Women164.2 Hardys Prejudice against the Female 17V Conclusion18VI Bibliography 195An Analysis of Tess from Modern Female PerspectiveI IntroductionThomas Hardy (18401928), born i

      8、n 1840 near Dorchester, was a one of the greatest English writers in the 19th century, and was honored with “Shakespeare of British novels”. He carried forward and developed the literary traditions of the Victorian age. He vividly described the tragic fate of the heroine Tess in his great novel Tess of the DUrbervilles, which revealed his standpoints of women and society he lived in. Tess of the DUrbervilles, as a masterpiece of Hardy, has been studied by scholars from different aspects since it

      9、s publication. Tess are thought to be pretty, noble-minded, pure, brave in the traditional view, however, if analyzed from modern female perspective, the image of Tess, I think, is not perfect. Thus, this thesis aims to analyze the image of Tess from modern female perspective, and further to explore Thomas Hardys feminist thinking based on the analysis of Tess.Tess was brave to revolt traditional morality and hypocritical religion, nevertheless, she judged herself by using traditional standards as other people did. She was deeply influenced by patriarchal society which made her not extricate herself from traditional society t

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