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Critical Rhetoric and Pedagogy:Reconsidering Student-英语教育毕业论文

  • 卖家[上传人]:绿风
  • 文档编号:24498314
  • 上传时间:2017-12-05
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:25.18KB
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    • 1、Critical Rhetoric and Pedagogy: Reconsidering Student-Centered Dialogue Teaching摘要如果学生们要学会如何大胆、冒险,如何养成对老师的授课产生一种健康的怀疑,如何认识给他们提供一些特殊的方式表达机会及效果,如何才能使他们能自愿地把自己的角色当作挑剔的公民,从而能使班级产生一种民主、活跃的氛围,学生们就需要明白自己的主人翁地位,在班级中所处的主体地位,老师往往起着次要地位而且往往置身于外。在实践中(课堂上)这种关键的修辞寻求是弄清楚课堂上话语的作用。目的是理解社会上知识的完整性,即,什么样的干涉策略被认为能恰当地影响课堂的变化。总的来说,对于教学关键性的方法的根本目的是创造一种氛围,在此环境氛围中学生们能养成一种关键的意识。这种培养关键意识的教学法步骤涉及向学生们展示如何认识和评价这种作用的结构。这种教学法聚焦于培养同学们关键性的意识,也就是说学生们能够明白他们在班级中是活跃的主体使他们能够在不公正的社会政治结构的变化中辨别、创造可能性的条件。并引以为培养学生们关键性意识变得容易方面的基本方法。然而,既然这种关

      2、键以学生为中心的对话教学在相对比较小、中等的班级中是比较容易操作的,可以实施的。但在学生人数比较多的班级中,对此理论提出了挑战。缺乏这种我们经常研讨的教学理论指向的一种需要,即在一个人数比较多的班级中如何培养学生们学习英语关键的意识并使之上升到可行性高度,在这篇论文中,我主要的目的是通过呈现一个调查研究以此证明关键性的学生自我学习英语意识,能够在人数超过百人的班级里得到实现。 AbstractIf students are going to learn how to take risks, to develop a healthy skepticism towards all master narratives, to recognize the power relations that offer them the opportunity to speak in particular ways, and be willing to critically confront their role as critical citizens who can animate a democra

      3、tic culture, they need to see such behavior demonstrated in the social practices and subject positions that teachers live out and not merely propose. In practice, critical rhetoric seeks to unmask or demystify the discourse of power. The aim is to understand the integration of power/knowledge in society-what possibilities or change the integration invites or inhibits, and what intervention strategies might be considered appropriate to effect social change.In general, a principle aim of critical

      4、approaches to pedagogy is the creation of conditions within which students are able to develop a critical consciousness. The pedagogical process of developing critical consciousness involves showing students how to recognize and evaluate structures of power. This pedagogical focus on developing critical consciousness means that students can begin to understand themselves as active agents, enabling them to identify and/or create conditions for the possibility of change in oppressive sociopolitica

      5、l constructs. As part of this pedagogical approach, student- -centered dialogue is cited as essential in facilitating the development of critical consciousness. However, since critical dialogue is most easily facilitated within a relatively small, seminar-like class structure, larger class populations present a considerable challenge. The absence of critical pedagogy literature that discusses this challenge points to a need for theorizing how critical conscious- -ness might be developed with a l

      6、arge number of students. I aim, in this essay, to contribute to that literature by presenting a case study analysis that demonstrates how critical consciousness development can be enabled in a classroom with over 100 students. Critical Rhetoric and Pedagogy: Reconsidering Student-Centered Dialogue TeachingThesis: The paper illustrates on student-centered dialogue from the perspective of an application critical rhetoric in rural areas.OutlineIntroduction. A brief overview of critical pedagogy as

      7、it relates to student-centered dialogue. Mckerrows praxis-oriented aspects of a critical rhetorical.A. Case study overviewB. Analysis. Possible implication for theorizing critical pedagogy when student-centered dialogue is not available option.A. Cultural critiqueB. Participation assignmentC. Closing thoughtsConclusionCritical Rhetoric and Pedagogy: Reconsidering Student-Centered Dialogue TeachingIntroductionIn general, critical pedagogy has been described as an approach to teaching that, throug

      8、h a focus on students interests and identities, attempts to move away from teacher- and text-centered curricula. By drawing subject matter from students own lives, language, and cultures, a critical reading of dominant sociopolitical constructs is included and situated within students experiences to provide a sociohistorical context from which to envision and enact social change. In short, critical pedagogy aims at developing students critical consciousness. Even though the specific means engage

      9、d to do so vary among pedagogues in this area, affording a privileged status to student-centered dialogue is a familiar theme.The advantages of critical dialogue in the classroom have been a focal point in recent educational theory and research and much has been written explicating the transformative potential of including a student-centered dialogic aspect in critical approaches to teaching . These scholars point to the constitutive aspects of dialogue as the primary means for helping students develop an awareness of their agency in affecting change in oppressive circumstances. Performing as critically thinking and speaking subjects in the classroom provides, for students, the basis for performing as citizen-critics outside it, as well. Scholars have addressed how dialogue can offer students an opportunity to rehearse social criticism, how sociocultural and identity issues can be treated d

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