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  • 卖家[上传人]:绿风
  • 文档编号:24498225
  • 上传时间:2017-12-05
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    • 1、 The technical basis of network marketingRichard T. WatsonNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can e

      2、asily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet. Edit the theoretical basis for the network marketing Theoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory. (A) Direct Response Network Marketing

      3、 Theory Internet marketing as an effective direct marketing strategy, network marketing that can be tested and measurable and can be evaluated and controlled. Therefore, the characteristics of the use of network marketing, you can greatly improve the efficiency of marketing and marketing decision-making effectiveness of the implementation. Direct marketing theory is the 20th century, one of the 80s the concept of eye-catching. Direct Marketing Association of the United States for its definition

      4、is: a place to produce any measurable response and (or) use the Stock Exchange reached one or more advertising media marketing system interaction. Directly Marketing the key to the theory that network marketing is that it can be tested, measurable, can be evaluated, which a fundamental solution to evaluate the effect of the traditional difficulties in marketing and marketing for more scientific decision-making possible. (B) the network theory of relationship marketing Relationship Marketing is a

      5、 great importance since 1990 by the marketing theory, which mainly includes two basic points: First of all, in the macro level will be recognized that the scope of marketing a wide range of areas, including customer market, the labor market, the supply market , the internal market, the market stakeholders, as well as the affected market (government, financial markets); at the micro level, recognizing that the relationship between business and customers are constantly changing, the core of market

      6、ing should be a simple one-time past transactions to a focus on maintaining relations up long-term relationships. Socio-economic system, enterprises are a major subsystem, corporate marketing objectives by many external factors to the impact of marketing activities of enterprises is a consumers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, government agencies and social organizations the process of interaction, the correct understanding of the relationship between the individual and the organization is

      7、 the core of marketing is also key to business success or failure. The core of relationship marketing is to keep customers, to provide customers with a high degree of satisfaction with the value of products and services, by strengthening the links with customers to provide effective customer service, to maintain long-term relationship with customers. And long-term customer relations based on the marketing activities to achieve the marketing objectives of companies. The implementation of relation

      8、ship marketing is not to damage the cost of business interests, according to research, for marketing a new customer costs five times the cost of the old customers, so to strengthen relations with customers and build customer loyalty can bring long-term enterprise interests, it is to promote a win-win strategy for businesses and customers. The Internet as an effective two-way channels of communication between businesses and customers can achieve low-cost communication and exchange costs, which co

      9、mpanies build long-term relationships with customers to provide effective protection. This is because, first of all, enterprises can use the Internet to receive customer orders directly, customers can make their own personalized needs. Enterprises in accordance with customer demand for personalized use of flexible production technology to meet the customer needs to maximize customers in the consumer products and services to create more value. Enterprise customers can also understand the market demand, market segments and target markets, minimize marketing costs and increase the reaction rate on the market. Secondly, the use of the Internet companies to provide customers with better services and keep in touch with customers. Internet time and space constraints are not the characteristics of the convenience of our customers to maximize communication with the enterprise, customers can make use o


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