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    • 1、北京市平谷区第五中学2020-2021学年高二英语上学期第一次月考试题(含解析)一、语法填空(15分,10题)A语法填空Despite the fact that peer pressure is most commonly seen as a very negative issue,it can _1_(see) positively in some situations. This can involve pressuring your peers to avoid drugs,be honest,avoid alcohol,respect others,work hard,exercise,be kind, be responsible,and more.Friends and peer_2_(actual)affect the choices you make.Choosing to have good friends can have a very strong effect_3_ you.【答案】1. beseen 2. actually 3. on/upon【解析】本文是

      2、说明文,介绍了同龄人和朋友对我们会产生积极的影响。【1题详解】考查被动语态。句意:尽管同龄人的压力通常被视为是一个非常消极的问题,但在某些情况下,它也可以被视为积极的。主语it指代 peer pressure,和see之间为逻辑上的被动关系,应该用被动语态,前面有情态动词can,后接动词原形;see是不规则变化动词,过去分词为seen。故填 be seen。【2题详解】考查副词。句意:朋友和同龄人实际上会影响你的选择。修饰动词 affect,用副词形式。故填 actually。【3题详解】考查固定短语。句意:选择结交好的朋友会对你产生很大的影响。短语 have an effect on/upon对有影响。故填on/upon。B语法填空In 2016, she won _4_ Hugo Award with her short novel, Folding Beijing, which made her the first female writer in China to bring home this prize. Later on, the author _5_ (turn) to

      3、 education. She set up Tongxing Academy for public welfare education and WePlanets _6_ (develop) childrens creativity after school.【答案】4. the 5. turned 6. to develop【解析】本篇短文是记叙文,讲述了清华大学毕业生郝景芳获得雨果奖后,转向教育,创办公益性的“童行学院”和“童行星球”。【4题详解】考查冠词。句意:2016年,她凭借短篇小说北京折叠获得雨果奖,成为中国首个获此殊荣的女作家。“雨果奖”是专有名词,前面需要加定冠词the,表特指。故填the。【5题详解】考查动词时态。句意:后来,这位作家转向了教育。短文叙述的是过去的事情,时间状语 later on表示过去的时间,因此用一般过去时。故填turned。【6题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她创办了教育公益性的“童行学院”和“童行星球”,以培养孩子们在课余的创造力。根据句意,此处用不定式作目的状语,意思为“为了”。故填 to develop。C语法填空In the USA, w

      4、hen you pass by someone you know, a nod is acceptable, and you usually shake hands with someone you first meet. But in Latin countries, a firm handshake_7_(consider) rude. In my home country, Mauritius, when people meet, they usually kiss each other_8_ the cheeks. This is also common in France,_9_ the act is called faire la bise. However, this is not _10_universal rule.【答案】7. is considered 8. on 9. where 10. a【解析】本文是说明文。短文介绍了在不同的国家第一次见面时不同的风俗习惯。【7题详解】考查语态。句意:但在拉丁国家,有力的握手被认为是粗鲁无礼的。短文叙述的是客观事实,应该用一

      5、般现在时;主语a firm handshake和consider之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应该用被动语态;此处用一般现在时的被动语态; a firm handshake是单数形式,be动词应该用单数。 故填is considered。【8题详解】考查介词。句意:在我的国家毛里求斯,人们见面时通常会亲吻对方的脸颊。根据句意,此处应是介词on;短语kiss sb on the cheeks“在脸颊上亲吻”。故填on。【9题详解】考查定语从句关系词。句意:这在法国也很常见,在那里这种行为被称为faire la bise。分析句子结构,“_ the act is called faire la bise”是定语从句,先行词France在从句中做地点状语,因此用where引导定语从句。故填where。【10题详解】考查冠词。句意:然而,这并不是一个普遍的规则。此处用不定冠词a表示数量,意思为“一个普遍的规则”;universal的发音是以辅音音素开头,因此用不定冠词a。 故填a。二、完形填空(30分,20题)A parents hopes for 2030When 2010 arrived, my

      6、 son was only a year oldtiny._11_,the master of a few basic words, but still mostly the baby wed _12_into the world.Now my baby has grown into an _13_tall, strong,stout, and smart, a(n) _14_ of Akira Kurosawa samurai movies.A _15_from now, in 2030, he will be an adult. I expect the next 10 years to fly by, and be filled with _16_. As 2020 begins. I am thinking about the kind of world my son will_17_ and experience. I _18_ for him, and for all the young people of his age. So I have several _19_fo

      7、r the world my son and his generation will live in:I hope we finally get_20_about climate change. Polar ice is melting. The oceans are _21_ . The question is _22_whether we can stop climate change,but whether we re willing and able to do anything to _23_ it.Im not sure what a warming planet will_24_ for my sons life. I suspect it means he will live in a world where nations and groups _25_ limited resources like clean water and food, which means that the danger of climate change wont come just fr

      8、om rising oceans, but from other humans competing for control over whats _26_The world is always going to be full of _27_about how to solve the challenges we face. I hope,too,that my sons generation learns to _28_justicebut to do so with big heart and humility,recognizing our common humanity(人性)even with people who _29_ us.The world of 2030 wont _30_ itself. We are creating it now, so my final wish is that we build the kind of world we actually want our children to live in.11. A. specialB. gener

      9、ousC. intelligentD. dependent12. A. welcomedB. raisedC. grownD. congratulated13. A. athleteB. adolescentC. artistD. engineer14. A. directorB. authorC. loverD. reader15. A. monthB. centuryC. yearD. decade16. A. questionsB. experienceC. dangerD. change17. A. createB. noticeC. faceD. shake18 A. worryB. sacrificeC. provideD. arrange19. A. plansB. methodsC. hopesD. choices20. A. particularB. seriousC. optimisticD. enthusiastic21. A. dryingB. risingC. growingD. cooling22. A. for sureB. as usualC. no longerD. till now23. A. slowB. recordC. completeD. oppose24. A. meanB. obtainC. shareD. seek25. A. pick upB.


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